Have you taken the Marx pill yet?

Have you taken the Marx pill yet?

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Nope. I firmly believe that evolutionary theory is correct.

I'd let that hammer and sickle sows my seeds anyday. Cummunism!

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and what "pill" would that be?


Marx was a faggot Jew who created an ideology that killed 100 million people.

Thanks, but I'm a heterosexual

I'm so fucking sick of having to constantly hear about retarded utopian Jewish philosophies that never fucking work irl.


Not surprised.

No, cause I'm not a faggot.

those only exist in cia lies

>>Labour theory of value
>>Purely capitalist/materialist outlook, typical for a cosmopolitan larping as a worker.

Go back to KIKEBOOK fag

Fuck off actual discord tranny

sorry, im not gay.

>Implying there are any
Bitch you don't even have bread

dialectical materialism is not a Marx term you dumb zoomer

why do people keep attributing that to him

>communism when niggers exist
Good luck

Where are the parts about being a shiftless degenerate who lives off the charity of his upper-crust, factory owning friends and never even approaching the proletariat class you hold so dear?

Oh wait, he's just like every faggot modern Marxist really. Kill yourself.

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It was poison.

Georges Sorel is superior to Marx in every way.

based. This is why USSR was a utopia compared to Nigger countries no matter how far left or right they were economically.

Yeah. Its fucking disgusting that Jews are allowed to live anywhere in the world.

>EUROPA The Last Battle Part 1


Most real Americans have no Idea what filth they have allowed to infest their nation and time is short.

I agree with Marx's ideology, but he forgot to account for niggers when he created it. In a perfect world, everyone would only take what they need, and give what they can. But there's nothing perfect about this world, there's only chaos

And on Vermont's Senate seat.

All of you need to be shot or better yet, made to live among yourselves and only among yourselves. pic related

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NO, don't care to have a Commie bayonet shoved up my arse.

they always had privately owned business, that is the definition of not-socialist

This installment will really make you Goy go out and hug a Jew/Commie

>EUROPA - The Last Battle [Part 2]


>fatty build
>t-rex arms
>small penis



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Remember kids, because the Yangapedes spam their trash, this just opens the door to believing that suddenly far left ideologies are acceptable now.
>in all fields

your college indoctrinated ignorance is going to cause a lot of human death and misery

The way you commies keep sexualizing this fat old Jew is rather cringe.

go suck a dick you commie fag..

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>Capitalism is the normie that buys expensive clothing every once in a while, goes partying, dines out with girls, active learner
>Communism is the fat neckbeard that keeps disgusting everyone, but rejections are always everyone elses fault, never his own. His version of learning from his mistakes is aquiring a cool katana to hang up in his room and just trying to woo the girls at new places.

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