We're supposed to be against her, right? Guys??

Attached: warren_facebook.png (590x240, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


In principal yes, but if she wants to destroy a mutual enemy, who are we to stop her.

Attached: 1510021733189.png (500x555, 170K)

>she's right about one thing so that means she's right about everything else...
hate this meme, such a snoozefest

She is controlled opposition. Gets probably the biggest checks from Zuckbook for her campaign.

The failing fake pocahontas wants jannie powers on facebook. Don't give her anything ... I hear she's lying about being Native American.

The enemy of my enemy isn't my friend.

No, she's /OURGIRL/ now

Andross's enemy is my enemy

You can be for one issue and against the person who brings it up. Obviously Facebook and Twitter are a threat to democracy and free speech. Doesn't mean we have to support 0.001% native Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren.

Attached: warren_facebook2.png (589x238, 57K)

I have a simple solution
Gas the kikes, race war nao.

Attached: warren_facebook3.png (590x280, 80K)

Some faggot ask her about media matters then

This is a clear demonstration that FB has too much power and must be broken into competing entities.
FB tried to stop an elected representative from communicating with the public about an important issue.
Who does Zuckerberg think he is?
Power has gone to your head sunshine.
Report for a "bring down to size."

I would probably fuck her

I always liked Warren, she has a kind face.


Just another white roastie

You realise the joke is because Bush is related to Pocahontas, you dipshit

George W. Bush related to Pocahontas. U.S. President George W. Bush is related to Pocahontas – in two ways! The President's 8th great-grandfather Robert Bolling was married twice. His first wife, Jane Rolfe, was Pocahontas' only grandchild

Woah, Elizabeth Warren said something critical of facebook? Holy shit that's sooooo brave I guess we should raise the tax rate to 90%, open the borders completely and take in millions of third world retards, and ban wypipo from owning guns.

Attached: short farts.png (968x781, 1.03M)

Suddenly it's bad for a private company to ban or delete what they don't like or goes against their ToS?
Where were these fucks when Daily Shoah, Stormfront, and Alex Jones were being attacked?

What a vomitus existence you live

Best case scenario - this becomes an issue that both sides try to push to steal votes on. Because this is an actual real issue that could pull people who are paying attention away from their camp.

Hey listen, no one fucking cares about your gay little Bush. I'm just wasting this post to call you a nigger.

You better start caring

Jesus thinks you're an idiot

She probably has some staffer that watches Joe Rogan and told her this is what you say to please a potential base. I'll believe she's genuinely against big tech when she puts in the vote to regulate them.

These are posters with a agenda my friend. OP thinks that xers post will make Warren a little bit more relevant.

Odd thing to say, yet I get what you mean. She kinda does. She used to be a typical old school liberal, which meant that like a stopped clock, she was right twice a day, lol. They must really have some major shit on her that she's running; liberals have pushed her to for decades but she genuinely never seemed interested. She might have made president twenty or thirty years ago.

Shoe's on the other foot, kek
Zuckerberg really has gotten too big for his britches

She's positioning herself as the authoritarian left, where the government polices all content instead of individual companies.

How can you look at Amazon's censorship of pro-white books and believe the company shouldn't be broken up?

Still against her you retard

she isn't going to make it more free, she's just going to make it more controlled by leftshits

>memefag shilling for Warren
lol what a failure. Even the Ching Chong shills look at you with disdain, and they get paid more money. lmao I can't even imagine what a dreadful situation one must be in to spend their time, paid or unpaid, shilling for someone as embarrassingly milquetoast as Chief Warren. You may as well go to /tv/ and tell everyone how much you loved some movie about ugly lesbians who NEVER fuck.

Attached: iceman.gif (400x167, 1.47M)

> all these companies and government has all this power
> give us your guns

I agree with her.
Silicon Valley is going to murder her.
If they don't, I'm still not voting for her. But I support any legislation in this direction.

She only seemed to care when it was her account, not when 6 gorillian right-wingers got shoah'd from social media platforms over the past couple of years.


How does it feel knowing the DNC will never support her because she's white?

You're a party of niggers now.

t. Masshole. She a lying pc of shit thats just another version of HRC. She got booted from the Consumer Protection agency by Trump because she was GIVING the Billions of $$ in Federal fines to the DNC laundering services then filtering the "Taxpayers" money back to their own candidates while getting matching Federal funds under the election laws.

>Warren said mean things to FB
You ever heard of a shakedown?
"That's a nice government protected monoploy you've got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it."
Warren doesn't have a small dollar game or Wall St pals to keep her in the green stuff so she needs the valley boys to cough it up. Warren isn't as radical as she used to be with the Dem candidates sprinting Left into the primaries, but a weighty, populist cudgel like 'break-up the surveillance capitalists' will encourage donations her way that might otherwise head in a woker direction.


Any justification for knee jerk reactions before the full investigation is completed? This is exactly like how they behave with rape accusations.

Reminder Elizabeth Warren wrote this book

Attached: book.jpg (327x499, 40K)