You don't want to eliminate bad behavior, you just want a monopoly on it

Don't pretend that you're actually against all the behaviors that you crack down on and just conveniently happen to discover black people doing. Don't pretend that you care about justice. Every law is only meant to serve as a pretext for punishing blacks. Stop pretending. We know you don't actually believe in equality. Be open about your racism, your bias, your hatred. Do it out in the open too. We all know that all of you are against us no matter what.

Attached: whitehypocrites.jpg (500x322, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably because we know what happens when niggers take over. See: every single fucking country with a majority negro population.

Stop killing each other and the police might back off. Simple as.

>Don't pretend that you're actually against all the behaviors that you crack down on and just conveniently happen to discover White people doing. Don't pretend that you care about justice. Every law is only meant to serve as a pretext for punishing blacks. Stop pretending. We know you don't actually believe in equality. Be open about your racism, your bias, your hatred. Do it out in the open too. We all know that all of you are against us no matter what.


Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there.

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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We are, in our actions you retarded nigger. Maybe if you or your people had the mental capacity to see past what people say or write the countries where you end up being a majority in wouldn't be such shitholes. The very existence of affirmative action is the government admitting you are inferior beings that need an institutional leg up to even compete with us. Now go out and get a job instead of spamming the boards.

>Don't pretend that you're actually against all the behaviors that you crack down on and just conveniently happen to discover black people doing. Don't pretend that you care about justice. Every law is only meant to serve as a pretext for punishing blacks. Stop pretending. We know you don't actually believe in equality. Be open about your racism, your bias, your hatred. Do it out in the open too. We all know that all of you are against us no matter what.'
One big projection because.
a) niggers aren´t moral b) niggers don´t care about fairness or any such thing whatsoever.

The entire argument and premise is wrong. Because it´s white americans country. it´s in a very real sense not your country, it was never meant for you and you were never meant to be there, and certainly was never meant to be citizens, and had over a century to go back to africa and live, with even a distinct country carved out just for blacks in USA, called liberia.

Niggers, instead of fucking off to africa, decide to try to sabotage white americans. The only reason you are minority in USA is because it´s not your fucking country and you are not supposed to be there. However if white americans become minority in USA. They have lost their own country. Big big fucking difference from that than going to japan as another ethnic group, and you become minority in japan because you are not supposed to be there, because it´s the japanese's country.

See if blacks in USA really didn´t want to be a minority? They could go to africa and instantly be a supermajority! They on purpose stay in USA and complain about it not being black enough. Is EXACTLY THE SAME, as going to south korea and complaining it has too many south koreans.

No one wants to live in a country run by blacks. This is why millions of blacks flee from Africa every year. Even other blacks in America still want whites to run things because it just works better that way. Let whites do what they do best. They're great at bureaucracy and organization. Let them keep doing what they do. If I have a choice of a brown majority running things and a white majority running things I'm choosing the white majority every time because every bit of history proves that's the best option.

It's so dense. Every pixel has so much happening

I want niggers exterminated. Is that clear enough for you?

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>favourable loans from gubment programs
>affirmative action
>diversity boards
>negative net tax contributions

Yeah minorities are treated really badly.

Hahahaa fucking niggers am i right.

>see past what people say or write
So just overlook racism, let white people get away with it? How convenient for white people that would be. No, you've got to face the music

Free housing, food, healthcare, etc? Minorities here are fucking royalty

This guy went to my high school, Blair Dowdell. Such a fucking race baiter.

The only reason you are mad about affirmative action is because blacks benefit from it. Look at the recent scandal with the universities that literally let people in because they are rich.

Have you seen the black on white violence and crime stats? We're treated badly as a majority already. It will only get worse as the savages take over and only vote for themselves. Think Rhodesia.

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White people are literally the only people that don't treat minorities like shit. You know this is true, if America was something like 70% chinese and 20% black you would be so fucked in comparison to how it has been all your life.

So the people who contribute jack shit or little and are known to be basically the bottom of the barrel throughout the globe being the majority?

What could go wrong lol?

Every place with negroes or spics in charge is basically a 2nd world shithole at best.

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So every white person is responsible for all the fail in your life so they have to be punished.
You're just a useless racist fucktard who can't take responsibility for himself.
Go kill some kid for their shoes and be proud of the shoes you deserve more than him because you now have them.

We didn't bring ourselves you stupid ass motherfucker. White people brought us here and we did build the country with our hard work. You don't just get to bring people to your country to torture and put to work and then act like it's all good and tell them to leave. This is more our country than anyone's country. Whites don't have a country, you don't have culture, you just steal everything. We know you're all soft cowards and we can destroy you by hand even as a minority. This is our country and white people can't change that.

Why is a shitposter on Jow Forums talking about contribution to the world?

Whites are the only ones not genociding minorities anymore. They know what will happen to them by looking at all other places whites became minorities.

only a dumb group of people will allow themselves to become a minority in their own country.

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Niggers need to be suppressed violently, period!They only imitate humans, and they do it poorly. They are incapable of developing morals and destroy entire countries. Under a boot is where the nigger thrives.

>So just overlook racism, let white people get away with it? How convenient for white people that would be. No, you've got to face the music
You are doing that very thing you are accusing off.
It´s a nonsense word that claims there are no difference between people but there are. Infact we are not different races but different subspecies of same species. So the marxists dubbing it racism is completely retarded. A pekinese and a wolf are not same. But they are both canis.
>let white people get away with it?
Get away with what. It was niggers in USA who refused to go to africa and live, and then complaing for 154 years about being in someone elses country, and things not being about them. The entire civil rights movements is niggers manufactured struggle to try to end segregation so niggers could attack white americans culture values etc. And demanding access to whatever thing. Which they ofcourse use to try to be subversive against american people and values. Which they don´t like. Had nothing to do with simply having the ability to do it. And they shouldn´t even have gotten it. They should have gone to africa, since they obviously hate america as a country, and they hate white americans as a people.

Africans enslaved and sold their ancestors to a tiny tiny portion of white americans, something like 1-3% AT THE TIME, so it´s obviously even less white americans today. Were never meant to be citizens, were never even meant to be in USA. And then they were made citizens. Which any white americans felt like a betrayal. And it´s very clear to see today why. Because they knew that these niggers would act subversive towards USA.
They could literally just have gone to liberia AT ANY TIME, and live in black majority and be fully in charge of everything. Their own country separate from other africans.
No they want to stay and try to screw over in every single way, usa its culture values and even its people. It´s hilarious

oh right, as a prime example: Zimbabwe and currently South Africa

god lord ... at this point i look forward to the chinese taking over humanity - i don't even care anymore as long mankind evolves and nigger/spic savages are kept in check which the ying yang undoubtedly will achieve at current course (heck they will most assuredly even treat the white's that are left with decency)

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no, it's not that most minorities are treated that badly, it's that they act like shit because of their lower intelligence, white people are scared of being oppressed by a retarded majority. ironically, only a stupid nigger like this would think (unironically) the reason is because minorities are treated poorly because they are too stupid to see from the point of view of a more intelligent person that a lower intelligence population in charge is regression, not progression

You are a moron and a shill, browns and blacks are destroying Western Civilization because of their Low IQ- stupidity, behavior, criminality, immorality, racism, jealousy, laziness and overall lack of character. So to be surrounded by even more of that idiotic crap makes us bad? The tweet should of read, Why White people are scared of becoming a minority in the 2040s is because browns and blacks are more animal than human

It's because all these minorities have shitty controls when they are in charge.

Ok then go back to your nigger country and enjoy a life without vaccines, internet to shitpost on Jow Forums with, and food. (even if white countries did nothing but support you out of goodwill)
A country isn't built on picking cotton, either. Dumb baitposter.

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>picking cotton built up the country
Then how come Lincoln liberated you lot from it?

If you're retarded enough to have to buy your way into uni, via mommy or daddy government you don't deserve to go.

Fuck you

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The day is coming when in order for whites to survive blacks and browns will have to be killed

Talk about missing the point, I wasn't bringing it up to vent my anger over retarded minority baby sitting policy, but more so to show that societies admits their inferiority through these policies. If they were truly equal, they wouldn't need it but they clearly do.

(((Racism))) is a fucking scam. Everyone and everything is racist. That makes it meaningless. Blacks are a significant net loss to white society. You should be thankful that we let you live in our countries. But then your "black" so expecting gratitude is a fools gambit.

Attached: Racist.jpg (279x180, 14K)

Das rite

You fuckers didn't build shit!

Huey is a dumb nigger. Whites were always a minority compared to the huge masses of colored chinks, streetshitters and niggers.

>We didn't bring ourselves you stupid ass motherfucker. White people brought us here and we did build the country with our hard work. You don't just get to bring people to your country to torture and put to work and then act like it's all good and tell them to leave.
Reality check. the black americans were househelp and cotton pickers for like 1% of the US population at the time. The others only accepted that the black slaves were there because they were told they weren´t going to be citizens.
>You don't just get to bring people to your country to torture and put to work and then act like it's all good and tell them to leave.
European peasants and others actually worked far harder than those blacks. Infact european immimgrants via indentured servitude worked harder in USA than blacks. Many of them were worked to death building the actual infrastructure and digging canals etc. For next to no pay at all. And doing all the hazard work in exchange for citizenship. Whilst niggers were found too valuable to do work that might kill them. Since they would have to buy more from africa if they did that.
>This is more our country than anyone's country.
No it´s actually less your country than white americans. In no way shape or form was or is USA supposed to be about black people and what black people want for black people. It´s supposed to be a european style country.
>We know you're all soft cowards and we can destroy you by hand even as a minority.
See there is the evilmindedness. There´s reason you don´t want to fuck off to africa is because you want to destroy white americans. This is what pissed me off the most understanding. That you are gigantic fucking frauds that feel sorry for yourself eventhough it´s you who are heinous.
>Whites don't have a country, you don't have culture, you just steal everything.
the various european countries etc. don´t have a culture? It is YOU who have no culture, no history of accomplishments, nothing.

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Niggers already have monopoly on bad behavior.

Minorities aren't treated badly. They are just stupid and commit lots of crimes. I will not be able to live like that.

Niggers are fucking are a violent low-IQ sub species of human. We have every right to protect ourselves from them.

>whites didn't bring you here

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Imagine being black and thinking your people contributed anything to America other than the steadily growing level if anxiety and lack of trust for your fellow neighbor

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go back to africa dude

Do you Even Know what a Racist really is? I will tell you. R,A,C,I,S,T, Realistic Awareness Considering Immutable Statistical Truth

oh man i cant wait. just imagine being able to just check that im white box on a job application and get the job. being able to walk into the welfare office and get free gibs because i can check that im a minority box. to be able to pass college because they lower the bar for me since im a minority. the feeling to be able to get away with drinking & driving, doing drugs, and knocking up several black ladies with absolutely no repercussions. a white man can dream right?

>What an amazing coincidence.

Attached: jewish-privilege-over-asians-europeans-small-for-internet1.jpg (586x386, 81K)

Have you not noticed that the groups of people making white a majority tend to be violent and feral? Have you not noticed that the countries they come from are shitholes?

If you’re a member of one of these races and you are not one of these feral people you must’ll be a minority, too.

This user is doing God's work. I've seen him doing this for months now. Have a you.

>This is our country and white people can't change that.
Literally not your country. However the few niggers that were sold by the africans btw. who enslaved them. To the 1% of white americans that owned blacks as free labour. After paying 1 time price to the africans who had put your ancestors in chains and were selling you to highest bidder.
99% of the americans who didn´t own blacks. Actually gave you liberia. Your own country. You refuse to fuck off, and are to this day trying to disenfranchise their ancestors in their own country. So you are so full of shit that it is hilarious! And you are not used to being confronted with your charlatain ways that much is very clear! You are just used to saying these things and nobody questioning your heinous bullshit.
Niggers like you are bigger ethnic bigots than anyone.
No europeans, not even the ones involved in colonization of parts of africa. Didn´t even steal anything. First off you had nothing to steal they had to built everything. Even widespread introduce the wheel in the late 1800's in africa, because they didn´t have it in large parts of it.
There is nothing that the very few european nations took from africans that aren´t tons of in africa already. There´s nothing that was depleted, because there´s so much of it. And it certainly didn´t hurt africans, because they at no point in their history had fucking used it either to begin with! Just run around on top of it, not even getting it out of the ground.
So i love these fucking pictures where there is picture of african continent and huge hole in ground. Where niggers in USA, the most clueless niggers in the world. Pretend as if africa was just depleted of its ressources. No. Africa has so much ressources you couldn´t even deplete it in a century from now if you stripmined it. And niggers never used it for anything. And europeans are in ressource scarce environment. And then a bunch of dumb niggers are sitting on ridiculous mineral deposites..

>You don't want to eliminate bad behavior, you just want a monopoly on it.
Yes, like every non-cucked human being that ever existed.

>Every law is only meant to serve as a pretext for punishing blacks.
I remember when shitposting was an art. There was an inherent beauty in tricking people to go off on tangents that only show how stupid they really are but it appears modern art has taken hold and now its simply about undercutting one another in some kind of mental limbo of how low can you go.

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no, only a naive one
what the shit kikes are doing to the US is FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE and they will atone with their blood only
>there already has been a little sacrifice of jews in a synagogue by a based /ourguy/ and you stood home unable to do shit, like a good kike

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>suit jacket
>dress shirt
>hideous designer painter/acid-washed/pre-torn jeans
Why? Why fuck up the look like that? Pair of chinos or slacks and he would look respectable.

>Be me
>see how great european civilization is
>lots of food, beautiful architecture, wealth, music, arts, language
>activate niggerwantniggerget.exe
>tell kind white people they are racist if they don't accept you into their culture, even though you are the antithesis of it
>start blasting shitty mumble rap out of huge car, rims never stop spinning, everyone in bed at 12am can here the faint -boom, boom, boom- from down the street
>get into shootout with other nigger
>sell drugs, rape females
>"fucking white people >:("

Attached: Negros.jpg (389x248, 27K)

That pic is fantastic, thanks

try harder faggot

>We didn't bring ourselves you stupid ass motherfucker.
No, that´s true, your ancestors were hunted down and shackled by other africans. and sold to 1% of white americans. You now want to destroy 99% of them. Eventhough they even gave you a unique nation for your troubles called liberia. No, didn´t even go there for 154 fucking years.
But see. You hate america and you don´t really want to be in america. Well you want to take over america that is not your country. And want white people to be destroyed. You are so fucking selfish and self obsessed idiot. That you would rather do this. Rather than go to liberia and have your all black everything. That´s what blacks in USA refused to do for now 154 years. Could easily have gone to africa. Everyone agrees they were brought to USA against their will. But there´s no will stopping them from going to africa or to liberia for those 154 years. No, nothing at all.
It´s really niggers that should have fucked off, because they were never supposed to have been in USA, so the moment they got the opportunity to go back they should´ve! Otherwise stop pretending you are in USA against your will. It´s 154 years ago now since blacks in USA got the option to go leave. And actually some had even before that too. And considering so few white americans even had blacks as unpaid labour. It´s completely unfair to peddle that shit.

Do you want to know who invented black slavery, and also peddled the notion that blacks were natural slaves? OTHER AFRICANS! Yes.. nigger.. They were the ones who pretended these other niggers were natural slaves. Europeans had been enslaved also in the past by other groups. So they had problem with actual slavery. But africans and arabs said look. This is not true about niggers, niggers are natural slaves. Because they are dumb like animals. But inspite of this white americans and the other few europeans involved abolished it. Africans didn´t abolish it, they got pissed off of them stopping it!


Africans got pissed off that black slavery was being attempted to be abolished. Because that was their fucking primary source of income! Black on black slavery continued as late as just a few years ago in places in africa.
This is also the reason why americans carved out liberia for the blacks in USA. Because if they just sent you back plum to the west coast of africa, in repatriation. Niggers would just fucking enslave you again. Or kill you for being different african tribe. So you needed your own country in africa, enter liberia. Very gracious fucking offer for a country you were not even supposed to be in, and 99% of the people weren´t even involved with you. And then they fucking hand over an entire country to you just for you! hahaha.

Niggers in USA are a total farce, and their ridiculous stories to excuse why they never fucked off to africa, are just that. Ridiculous, as is their demonization of white americans. And they know they are full of shit, so they invent the bullshit that america belongs more to them, as an excuse why they 'can't leave. But they can. Instantly go be majority in africa. All black all the time. Their only motivation is to wreck the life and country of all white americans. That´s it. That´s why these faggots didn´t fuck off for 154 years now.

Silly little negroculoid.

You see, the hu-wite man didn't drag Negros here like you think.

African tribal leaders already enslaved there own Africans prior to the white man's landing in Africa.

When they did arrive, the white man would barter with the African tribal leaders for slaves, in exchange for trinkets, food, textiles, weapons, etc.


The hu-wite man.

Attached: white devale.jpg (237x212, 6K)

Yw fren.

>Do you want to know who invented black slavery, and also peddled the notion that blacks were natural slaves? OTHER AFRICANS!
dont rustle you jimmies, Knudle, OP is a juden sowing discord in Jow Forums

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> Why are white people scared about becoming a minority

Because we see the criminality and lawlessness that abounds in societies that aren't majority white. Basically, the places where whites are minorities tend to be shitholes, and we'd prefer our homes not also become shitholes.

The Africans didn't sell us their good people. They sold us their criminals and lazy people. They dumped their problems on us, and we PAID them for it. We got ripped off. I want to send the niggers back to Africa, and get refunds of what we paid for those worthless niggers.

minorities are treated bad everywhere

Reminder that you can't take all non-whites and compare them to all whites. That's the US v Europe bullshit we see all the time here. The white population isn't going to stagnate and one of the minority groups are not going to jump 4-5x in 20 years. That's retarded.

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Police should back off anyway. Then wall up the ghettos.

>Why are white people scared about becoming a minority?
Asia for the Asians. Africa for the Africans. White countries for everyone else.

Came here to post THIS

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How many Whites or Asians spray graffiti on people's homes? Smoke weed on public transportation? Play loud music at 2AM? Hold barbeques where there's a sign forbidding it and leave without cleaning up? The list goes on and on...

Me too. All of them although sadly a lot are OK

Jews transported the slaves user.

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Stop pretending that you have the intelligence required to live among whites Stop blaming whites for Africa being a shithole.
Stop denying your inherent racial inferiority.

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Black people are treated better in America than they are in Africa. Sum one tell this lil nigga. And why you’re at it, tell him that American whites want reparations for freeing the blacks from slavery.

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No one wants you here. Not even other niggers.

>why are white people scared of becoming even more of a global minority?

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it's a subhuman way of dressing.

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No it's because once we become the majority the current minorities will literally discriminate against us and feel zero remorse for it. Whites ended slavery in the Western world, it wasn't ended by blacks, hispanics, Asians, native americans, none of these so called oppressed minorities that would love to make us their bitch because we built the cities they enjoy luxuries in. We have the right to our nations and I will not lay down my self-preservation for these scum and I will go full John Locke on their asses if they try to corrupt the social covenant.

Being black in America is bad. Doesn't matter if you're a majority or a minority. Africa is majority black and it's shit.

that’s just you, you collectivist piece of shit

Came for the meme flag. Everybody knows it’s you kikes who are inflaming racial tension here and it’s just causing the blacks to wake up to the secret relationship between blacks and Jews.

So, your answer to the question is... yes?

White people worldwide are a minority. We are afraid of becoming a minority in our own countrys because if we do then we lost everything. There won't be white people anymore.