Am I the only one who thinks it’s extremely fucked up that sex is so casual in modern times? Sex is supposed to mean something special, not something you do with someone on your second date. It loses its meaning. Just my 2 cents. Am I crazy?
Am I the only one who thinks it’s extremely fucked up that sex is so casual in modern times...
I feel like society is just perfectly accepting of this notion of casual sex and I’m not sure why
It's extremely fucked up. We've been in a behavioral sink ever since the baby boom after WWII. It's been down from there and it's only going to get worse.
Pretty much everything has lost any meaning, the nature of modern society is to strip and break down anything into something to be sold or be forgotten about. The idea of a family for instance or having one.
You aren't, but sexual openness is profitable in virtually every way opposed to monogamy.
Just find someone who thinks the way you do. They're out there.
Do you think we’ll ever revert back to days when sex wasn’t so easy to be given out?
Monogamy feels so intimate though, casual sex just doesn’t have that factor for me. Who would ever to live with a lack of intimacy?
After the next cataclysm we'll revert to the days when copper was considered the strongest material known to man, but you won't be alive to see it.
Sad ;(
To be honest Op you’re right, the world has lost its value by value I mean traditional when both partner agreed to each other through devotion. nowadays it meaningless everyone just want to have fun, doing stupid shit just to remember in your late age, not being caring about the consequences etc.
Yeah I really think sex in excess is just not healthy. Maybe I’m weird and maybe I’m not having enough sex (only 2 partners total in the last year), but I cannot see the emotional appeal of casually sleeping around. I like to really get to know someone sexually. It’s part of the fun.
Monogamy is the light of my life my dude. My girlfriend and I are far from perfect, but what she gives me is absolutely perfect.
I don't know what to tell you though mane. It's in that line of 'save money, build a reasonable foundation, and insure your bets against failure.' Society doesn't like this line of thinking, because it doesn't involve throwing money around in great sticky wads covered in your masturbatory givings. We all know how much society loves when you throw your money away.
Just wanted to pop in here to say this is a really interesting thread and am enjoying the discussion
Sorry I’m super stoned right now can you rephrase this “save money, build a reasonable foundation, and insure your bets against failure” because I cannot wrap my head around the statement hahaha
Mostly just relating hypergamy to the kind of excessive spending lifestyle, and monogamy to a save-and-invest lifestyle.
Modern society doesn't like people who save well and invest for their future because it means they end up paying out to that person, and benefiting the person means losing profits which means bad news bears for The Man.
That's the way I see it anyway
O gotcha, yeah that’s a great analogy
I’m more of an investment guy because Waiting to see my love for someone blossom is the reason I’m alive
Sex has always been open. Men had many wives, raped as they pleased, or had sex with underage girls. Sex has always been casual and a cornerstone of adult human society, you're just upset that sex now happens on the woman's terms, not on the man's.
You're the one that's fucked up.
I'm sorry you were brainwashed to think sex is "something special."
>Sex is supposed to mean something special
[citation needed]
>Just my 2 cents
Then don't go claiming what things are and aren't supposed to be. Especially don't rise to judgement levels of "extremely fucked up" over your personal beliefs, however deep your convictions are. Dial it down to just being incomprehensible to you.
>supposed to
Says who?
Nope, statistics think so too. The only reason why media doesn't reflect this is because boomers are running the shows.
You just need to be careful who you date OP, there are still people who are into monogamy.
I was lucky enough to find an amazing, kind man who is not some pathetic porn addict who begs for threesomes. I have a lot of friends who have been cheated on though and I met way too many people who think that making out with someone at the club is "not cheating" even if they're in a relationship. You can usually spot the promiscous type, so be aware when you ask someone out.
It is a personal issue and you see this in a lot of ways. E.g. some people foster lifelong friendships and other people let them come and go depending on who's naturally around in their life and what kind of company they're looking for at the age/life period they're at. Some people think family is the most important thing in life and others think you don't owe anyone "friendship" based on being blood related and they still need to be worthy of your love by treating you well enough. Some people think romance relationships are the most emotional fulfilled you can get in life and others are naturally more oriented towards work, friendship or something like spirituality.
All of this is fine. There are people who fuck a lot of people for the right reasons (enjoying it, not looking for emotional bonds) and there are people who do it for the wrong reasons (insecurity, not knowing how else to connect, not being able to say no). There are people who go through friends fast for the right reasons (no desire for lasting bonds, getting a lot of energy from meeting many different people and getting to know them) or for the wrong reasons (being afraid of allowing someone to come close).
And for most people, it's not 100% healthy or 100% toxic, they feel both healthier and less healthy pulls in reaching a certain stance. E.g. they value commitment and put a high importance on losing your virginity, BUT they are also afraid of being intimate for the first time. This is completely normal and pretty much the human condition.
You are fine the way you are and it's good that you know where you stand. But don't talk for other people and say the way they experience or deal with things is more shallow or whatever else. Regardless of being right or wrong it's obnoxious and incredibly disrespectful towards them. You don't know what it's like to be them and you can't talk for them. How would you feel if someone told you that because they have one friend and you have three, their one friendship is more precious than yours combined? Or because they grew up with siblings and you didn't, you can't empathize as well? That's right, you'd tell them to fuck right off. So keep your comments to yourself, do right by yourself and let others do right by themselves in their own way.
And for what it's worth, we live in very open times and tinder etc are infamous. But I don't know what exactly you mean with modern times, but people are not having sex especially early or often in the millennial age, the opposite actually. Sure compared to the fifties this is far from a conservative era. Compared to the seventies (in a progressive area), it absolutely is.
This is the truth. People have always wanted sex, even our ancestors. It’s dumb to place this “purity” on sex when it is what u make of it. There is no universally accepted value of sex.
You aren't alone on this, OP. I find modern consumerist hedonistic culture abhorrent and to make matters worse I'm gay
Well for what it's worth I hope you find yourself a nice girl to settle down with and raise beautiful happy children together
You're not crazy user. I agree as well. My personal experience is me having sex with my girlfriends before we even have a relationship. I totally regret doing them. I'm not sure if in contributed for my past relationships not going well or is it because I just fell for sluts. Before you get married then you have sex.
>I hope you find yourself a nice girl to settle down with and raise beautiful happy children together
Will we ever find one? Sadly they are very hard to find nowadays. I once joined a bible study at a church and asked a cute nice girl out. Good thing she agreed however when I checked her Facebook she's currently dating someone.
>Will we ever find one? Sadly they are very hard to find nowadays.
They really are not. Most of my friends are either looking for a monogamous relationship or in one. None of them has ever slept around.
no, you're not, but I fear that, for now, we might be a minority
guess it's because currently, momentary happiness is worth more than anything else to most people
The truth is that casual sex is just the modern expression of an old phenomenon. Back when it was more discouraged engaging prostitutes was far more common. A couple hundred years ago in London apparently something like 20% of the women living there worked as prostitutes in some capacity.
You aren't "crazy" in the literal definition, you just have an idealistic attitude. There is no right or wrong in this topic, just a matter of how individuals like to spend their time.
ftfy: serial monogamist
People fuck, always have. Get over it.