My professor embarrassed me in front of class for no good reason, how can I subtly fuck with him back? Nothing illegal or harmful
My professor embarrassed me in front of class for no good reason, how can I subtly fuck with him back...
You are getting into an arms race you can't win. If the professor is being an asshat, defend yourself like an adult. This is not messing with a friend.
Fair enough. Do course reviews at the end of the semester do anything?
>Do course reviews at the end of the semester do anything?
Maybe. I don't know how your uni works. Maybe other people have ocmplained about him. Maybe you can find support and do something.
We got a professor in trouble at my uni because she was a bitch, they put an "assistant" with her that would handle the tasks she did wrong and she hated us for that, but we got change because instead of putting pee in her water bottle we actually raised the issue to the proper authorities.
Maybe you have no options, but at least try to be mature before giving up.
I’ve checked his rate my professor, he’s had several complaints about us rudeness and arrogance. I’ll see what I can do with talking to his superiors
shoot up the school
Sounds like he's Cruzin for a bruisin
Fuck off
A nice subtle way would be get an appointment at his office to review an exam. Then as soon as you enter his office you become this kind of asshole that just won't leave, you know, the kind that keeps asking legit question after legit question like an aspergers for like 2 fucking hours. Bring detailed notes and pre thought questions. And keep talking even past the point where he begs you to please leave. Every time he pretends to wrap up the conversation ignore him and say, "yes, yes, now, on question two, it states...". Make it that he physically has to push you out of the office, which by the way is assault. And do it with every exam.
You can eat beans two hours before and fart every now and then while saying "I'm so sorry" if you want to enhance the experience.
Honestly just wait for him to say something vaguely racist, sexist, or even just rude to literally any broad group of people. Anything that can be construed as potentially offensive.
These days you can get a slap on the wrist for saying basically anything
Then just email the department head about it. He'll get a "talking-to" and feel embarrassed and have to always watch what he says from now on
He has a masters in gender studies, so This won’t work. And before anybody jumps to conclusions, no, I didnt spout any Jow Forums bullshit.
OP here. This is funny as fuck and low-risk. Might actually do it
Then did you spout an opinion in class that you couldn't back up with a well-reasoned argument?
>I didn't spout and Jow Forums bullshit
Well, you should've. Gender studies is an embarrassing joke of a class you should leave. It's not humanities, it's not the history of the relationships between men and women, it's feminist indoctrination. Call the professor a retarded faggot riding the waves of a degenerate zeitgeist and peace out.
Why are you even in that class? It's a waste of money and time.
>getting into a conflict with professors
That’s honestly a bad idea. As a rule of thumb, you should always have a good rapport with your professors. You may have to deal with them in the future for things such as trying to bump your 89% to a 90%, another class with that professor, and asking for a letter of recommendation.
No, I just read the wrong article and wasn’t prepared for class. I’ll take the F, but embarrassing me and making a spectacle was comepletely unnecessary.
It’s not a gender studies class, it’s sociology. I only took it because it seemed easy, which it is.
This is my last semester. I fucking hate college life. I’m getting a trade in water operation instead and will build my career there.
I had a professor who didn't even embarass me, but his forced political views got under my skin. I left this lengthy review of him attacking his slobbish nature, personal hygiene, and awkwardness. Felt good desu.
You can't do anything when people abuse their power. You're never going to see any of those people again after graduating and they're prolly a bunch of libtards anyway. Just move on and give him a bad review when the class is done. Also you can warn people.
If you have to ask, and don't even know to give us some context, then you aren't intelligent enough to actually pull anything off and likely deserved to be embarrassed.
Get special eye drops to let you stare at him without blinking for 45 minutes, if applicable. Use the half-smile Mona Lisa gaze or similar. This will take practice and dedication but will also make you pay more attention to the lessons. Rather than take notes by hand just record him, though most are touch typists anyway.
This will only work if you're not a loser sissy of which we know you are.
>guy cant handle a joke, gets triggered
learn not to be so emotionally unstable snowflake
He was very serious
Alright, then exit thread, retard. I’ve given quite enough information about the situation.