This is literally no joke. You see alot of trolls here, but I can assure you I am not

This is literally no joke. You see alot of trolls here, but I can assure you I am not.

>guy been looking weird at me
>started smiling sometimes when he saw me
>i then wanted to know what is going on
>went up to him, he smiled even more now
>I was like "I saw you looking at me alot, and I just wanted to ask whats wro-"
>He then said "have to go now, bye" and ran away
>I was so confused
>The next day he went up to me with a letter and stood there awkwardly, but I just straight went cold to him and ignored him.
>He was so sad all the time and I felt so sorry
>I had nightmares about him killing himself or some shit.
>Went paranoid about it and tried to find his social media
>I HAD to apologize, these nightmares didnt stop, I wrote a message where I apologized to him for ignoring him
>I got left on read, no response
>The next work day he was smiling all the way to me, literally he was giggling all the time next to me.
>this giggling went on for about 3 weeks, but I didnt know what to do, I just smiled back
>at 4th week it kind of stopped and he went really weird
>he now looks all the time at me, but when I get closer to him, he looks away and goes away. He keeps staring and I caught him giggling again, but it seems he is kind of surpressing it?

What the fuck?

Attached: 39167054_229607064419632_9197199236297392128_n.jpg (320x320, 15K)

No clue. That shit would be way too weird for me.

Like it makes no sense at all. I have never ever encountered this type of guy. The most confusing part is: he seems to act really normal around his peers. He acts sane, he behaves sane, like no shit at all.

Hey, when someone shows you their true colors then take heed.

He is obviously into you, but best just ignore it, since that guy seems weird AF.

I am open to anything, if I were into some guy I would do literally everything possible to get into talk, getting to know eachother, and if he ever messaged me on social media I would respond like a normal human being.

But why do you not consider yourself peers?
Aside from the awkwardness, why is he beneath you?
He seem terrified of you.

Leave him alone, you obviously don't like him. He has no experience with girls and you sending him shit and apologizing is just messing with his head.

Dude kinda reminds me of myself

>I am open to anything
That's a bold move, Cotton. I prefer normal.

Holy fucking autism you dense fucker. He likes you. Some guys have trouble articulating how they feel too so they do akward shit that come across as weird or creepy to females. Probably was a love letter, which as cheesy and cliché as that is, he should've told you face-to-face, honestly. Better to accept rejection head on then indirectly. Assuming you were going to reject him.

Obviously not, because you couldn't even read this guy social cues that he is into you. You're Tomoko Kuroki. You probably would spill your spaghetti like this guy did.

>tfw no Tomoko gf

Attached: 1543783971219.gif (500x307, 652K)

>guys can't be shy around girls they have a crush on
"Wow wow I never meet this rare specimen before in my entire years of living"

Attached: 1550493373204.jpg (399x462, 122K)

both of you are disgusting autists

No, this guy was just fucking weird about it.

I'm not into weirdo whimps like that.
Behave like a man, and you get treated like one.
I get a distinct feeling of repulsion from reading OPs description of the guys behaviour.

In what way? Put him in drag and the guy is literally a girl trying to confess to a guy. Ain't nuthin weird bout it Chief.

>t. dumb roastie
This is why you can never find a good relationship and only jocks go for you

Quit exaggeratting over normal shit. Everyone get butterflies in their stomach when they like someone and get even more anxious when going in for a confession. You're the reason Elliot Rodgers of the World exists.

How can you be such a stereotypical ""nice"" guy?

Are you attracted to girls who act really masculine?
Multiply that feeling by 3 and you get how much girls are attracted to men who act girly.

Because I dislike weirdos acting weird towards me.
Jeez Elliot, just kill me then.

>How can you be such a stereotypical ""nice"" guy?
You do not know anything about me to make such assumptions. You're a terrible human being, enjoy living in your own bubble.
Don't make a thread on Jow Forums when you're a single mother of 2 kids.

>Are you attracted to girls who act really masculine?
No, I like my girls feminine with a sort of spunky edge to them.

>Because I dislike weirdos acting weird towards me
See, you acting like hot shit when you ain't. It's kind of funny really because some guys or, hell, even that guy you're crushing on likely think you're a weirdo too. Or, can't understand you. Piss off.

No, your problem is you dislike average, decent looking guys acting like weirdos toward you when they show even a slight of attraction. If it were a hot, gorgeous guy acting like a weirdo you'll be all up in his dick, sucking his cum dry. "He weird but hot". The hypocrispy is fucking reeking and it smells egregiously.

He likes you, but he is too awkward to ask you out. It's not rocket surgery OP.

Nice copypasta

Some people's problem is they dislike anyone who truly shows interest in them. If you find yourself thinking anyone who shows interest is desperate or creepy, there's something off with you yourself.

I don't get people that are like this. People that show genuine interest in me are people that are easy to like. I think sometimes people worry that it may be an attempt to manipulate them, but that is usually not the case. Even if it is you don't need to shut them out. Simply having a healthy level of caution while you proceed to interact with them is the best thing to do.

>hey i'm interested in you and want to be your friend
>ugh no stop being desperate
>hey i'm interested in you want to go out for coffee sometime
>ugh no stop being creepy
Just admit you'll fucking die alone because you're a hard pleaser. May as well remove a few of your own ribs and start licking your coochie with your tongue.

>I don't get people that are like this. People that show genuine interest in me are people that are easy to like.

This is where the idea of "choose people who choose you" comes from. The best relationships, be they friendships or romantic, happen between two people who genuinely enjoy one another's company and care for one another.

It's either insane standards, or unwillingness to admit you're attracted to people who specifically don't want you.

Nigger you just called her a rostie while knowing nothing about her. How retarded are you.
>inb4 le whiteknight

holy shit he sounds exactly like me in first semester but that girl never really talked to me about me smiling and giggling I thought she didn't notice me but now I think she was probably too disgusted,

White Knight nigger calling other people niggers. Her being a roastie is obvious from the rest of this shitty thread

This is when a beta male has comittment issues and social anxiety. He likes you

Absolutely. Every good relationship I have ever had was like this. There was a mutual interest almost right away.

Like clockwork.

Sorry man but she isn't gonna give her your number because you saved her on 4channel


Nice troll. This is why females aren't allowed.

I am never disgusted of anyone I am always focused on solving issues of any kind. Of course I changed the story of it - now I got a mild heart attack because you sound exactly like him.

Why didnt you talk to this girl anymore? Why didnt you just even go up to her? Dont you think you missed a great, great chance? Maybe you could have been quite good together?

And what should I do now?
I dont know how to handle it well, without him freaking out again.

I did think of it a few times - but why didnt he respond on social media?
If I were in his place, I would immediately respond on social media and just clear it all up.
BUT none of this happened.

Hes obviously just incredibly poorly socialized or autistic. Based on your description theres probably a slim chance hes a genuine creep.

But what should I do now?

To be honest I've never been in that scenario, but I can better empathize with the guy and I think I've been in a somewhat similar position to him. I think outright coldly rejecting his letter probably made him think "why even try?" and crushed his confidence, but at this point it's already been done and itd probably be best just to stay consistent and try to ignore him. Flip flopping between wanting to apologise/talk to him and ignoring him is only going to fuck with his head and keep you at the forefront of his mind. If you just continue to outright ignore him he'll probably eventually get the message and stay out of the way. You have to stay consistent though, unless you're trying to fuck with his head.