After swallowing the Darwin pill

I can't take any one seriously anymore. Whether they're high ranking officials, or supposed intellectuals. Literally all I see is bipedal apes with an ego complex, when ever I walk up or consume the input from a "person". So thoughts on this? You monkey nigger.

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>After swallowing the Darwin pill...
The fuck does that even mean?

this thread might get deleted because the mods are niggerfaggots


Did you know that the little tale about giraffes having evolved long necks so they can eat leaves from tall trees is complete bullshit? Female giraffes would have died in the first drought, since they have shorter necks than the males.

Yet, it convinced hundreds of millions of people that the theory of evolution is true.

If you take your science book from school, and look up every single example they provided as proof of the theory of evolution, you'll find that it was an outright fabrication from the beginning, or falsified with further research by now.

Are you like a kid in highschool who just learned about evolution?

Nothing can be further from the truth. In fact, the theory of evolution is so firmly established it managed to change the scientific world forever. Research now in biology is all centered around it. There is nothing more true than the adaptation of species and the gradual change.
There are multiple examples, from inedible pears being changed to delicious fruit, to all sorts of different "breeds" of dogs. In fact, there is hardly a single organism left today that has not been altered in some way compared to before the advent of civilization. It's actually, not really that big of a deal. We all choose mates that have favorable attributes. Doing that enough times over the course of millions of years will have an effect on the population. Certain characteristics are eliminated. Some others are favored heavily and will become the new normal.

That’s crazy man, have you ever done dmt?

Maybe if you stop doing drugs you won’t sound like a GAY faggot

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How did language evolve if we're *just* apes?

evolutionism is not science bro

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Humans share 50% DNA with the banana.
Humans post on Jow Forums.
You figure it out.

>Being this retarded

How ironic

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>and I thought mutt education was bad

This is going to be hard for you: Darwin's description of evolution does not need to be true for what you described to also be true. In adittion, just because our current understanding of science is built around acceptiance of an idea, does not mean that idea is necessarily correct as well. The roots of that entire tree may be poisoned and require revision.
Think about it like this:
Let's say we think A+B=C, and C+D=E. What if B was wrong? Can we still say we know E?

While I may be a monkey nigger banana fish, I am the best monkey nigger banana fish that has been bred by my ancestors for the last millennia, and this monkey nigger banana fish will pass his genes on to the next monkey nigger banana fish in my line, mostly by not being a crazy degenerate dick cutting gay person.

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Darwin popularized the idea of adaptation and gradual change with his book showing how species were created, over time through controlled reproduction. I didn't have to prove anything, but rather, the church accepted this book and all of his works as heresy because they had promoted the idea that God had created every single species himself.

Controlled reproduction is not the same as natural selection.

We literally didn't come from apes tho, we came from the ayyes.

where is your argument bro

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What we have demonstrated is that genes can be manipulated by an outside force over time to achieve desired results. This is not the same as natural selection.

I've always felt that way since I learned about evolution too. Stupid chimps and apes more to, you'll see humanity as one big monkey troupe and that's not even bad. It's just that people aren't aware of it or pretend not to be too keep up their own level of self-importance IN the troupe.

Primates are social. All of them, we don't know of any primates that DONT live in groups. It's hard wired in our brains to live in a group, to try and belong and get a better position in the group but it's ironic how humans rationalize and mystify the process.

The Monkey wants to be Alpha Monkey and it pretends "God" told him he can be...

But I fucking love cocaine

>Did you know that the little tale about giraffes having evolved long necks so they can eat leaves from tall trees is complete bullshit?

Did you know that there were competing theories of evolution before Darwins and that was one of them and Darwn specifically set out to disprove that one? It's not just "creature wants something and changes over time" it's "creatures have different habits, the ones who survive AND MATE. AND MATE. AND MATE. MATE. HAVE SEX. PRODUCE CHILDREN. Are the ones that survive because those children inherit the traits or better chances at the traits and behaviors that better adapted to the environment and ONLY... ONLY if they're sexually cut off from the other beginning species.

Because it's not falsifiable

Actually, that's the definition of it

take the white pill.

neo-christian evolutionary futurism is the next level.

judaism btfo
judeo-christianity btfo
creationism btfo
neo-christian evolutionary futurism ftw

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Retard leaf

This sounds sensible to you? From a statistical stand point? That there happens to be enough genetic anomalies within a group to achieve this?

No. It most certainly is not. The additional guiding force of intervention present beyond the basic natural factors is far different.

>Lamarck was wrong
>So don't believe Darwin

Good understanding how science works. And living in Brazil you should have a slight grasp on genetics I assume

Functionally they are: both produce a selection process

>Did you know that the little tale about giraffes having evolved long necks so they can eat leaves from tall trees is complete bullshit? Female giraffes would have died in the first drought, since they have shorter necks than the males.
Lol, do you think giraffes evolved their necks in one season?

This is an important realization. Understanding the other great apes is an important part of understanding what it means to be human.

There are a lot of common factors between us and questioning social hierarchies is important if you don’t want to become an animal. A lot of evil has been done just because people were just doing what they were told

It's the same across academia. The amount of retarded mid twenty years old who told me 'but I studied political sciences, if that were true I'd know!' fucking god...

Also I get all the arguments by white nationalists and white race enthusiasts, but fucking hell look around you and ask yourself are 80% of your fellow whites worth saving ??? fuck no man. Seriously no.

This picture doesn't understand molecular biology. Life is made up of smaller systems that work and have analogues that live on their own. For example, the eukaryotic cell is seen as a system that makes the complexity of the human body work. But it can work on its own. There are single cell organism which are eukaryotes.
Israel and Jews teach themselves evolution. You're trying to mislead whites with idiocy and superstition.
You're a retard.
It's falsifiable.
Cakes, unlike living cells, don't replicate themselves you idiot.

stop double posting retard

They are not though. The random factors of nature interacting with and placing environmental forces upon small populations of various species is not the same as what we have done. What we have done is selectively bread specific organisms with one another in controlled settings working towards a desired goal. These are not the same.
This process actually seems sound to you? From a statistical stand point? Each generation there are abhorrents within the population that happen to selectively breed with each other discriminately to incrementally elongate their neck until they have become a wholly separate species? That this initial and necessarily minuscule genetic and physical divination would be so profound that it would persist and not be bred out, while simultaneously being such an advantage that it would profoundly increased their rates of survival? That there would be enough other individuals within their population that all had the same deviation concurrently? That these particular individuals would all sexually select with one another?

Scientist are wrong. It was Hebrew blood God Yahweh who invented all man and animals with his Divine magic. ((((Genesis 1-1))))) he also invented jews as his chosen ((((Hosana 5-15))))) people.
(((((Clesiastes 20-19))))
"And I say unto you, O that you are possessed of the divine spirit, that God made man according unto the burnt animal sacrifice he was given as payment."

Your right, magic is the better answer my brother in rabbi Yahshua

>This sounds sensible to you? From a statistical stand point? That there happens to be enough genetic anomalies within a group to achieve this?

Yes, this is sensible. But you do not have to think it as 'anomalies' ... it is simple genetic variance occuring in any species. Now as long as there are no selective pressures this variance will simply 'exist' as minor deviations which do not do much harm or don't give some huge advantage and therefore simply get passed on by statistical chance. Now however, if one of these variances suddenly provides an advantage those of the population carrying it will experience a relative advantage in production, 'outcompeting' their kin over just a few generations. Also, some evolutionary adaptions are 'easy' to achieve from a genetic viewpoint ... they need only one lucky chance mutation to be set in motion, often in a genetic sequence prone to change (eg. due to being adjacent to a former retroviral sequence or some other genome bullshit). Classical example would be size increase/decrease due to outside pressures, all it often requires is some mutation in a growth factor gene (or its receptor).

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macroevolution has not been proven emperically.
knowledgable anons will tell you some of the "missing link" bones were later identified as not even human and therefore complete bunk.

and, microevolution can be attributed to mutation.

Evolution depends on a pretty solid model of animal lineages, and discovering something that defies this model would falsify evolution. If you discovered a species of alligator with the wings of a bat, or fossils of a modern poodle that date back to before dinosaurs, then evolution would be falsified.

>believing this

Evolution is spiritual. Giraffes evolved long necks because all things with a portion of God's consciousness can alter and manipulate their DNA. They saw things they wanted to eat at the top of trees and subconsciously told their bodies to grow long necks. The process is slow because we're far from full divinity. We're just mini-creators. This is how meme magic and other things work as well. Consciousness can manipulate reality, in fact it holds it all together. If you all believed the world was healing and whites were winning, it would become so. But you're a bunch of negative Nancy's so it will continue to fall further into darkness. The dark thought of living things draws darkness to surround them.

>macroevolution has not been proven emperically.
That's because macroevolution isn't a thing, it's a term invented by christtards. There is only Evolution.

>there is only evolution
are we arguing about darwinism or you're just pretending to be retarded?
well, whatever, I did want to leave Jow Forums early today once the stupidity peaked.

>abhorrents within the population that happen to selectively breed with each other discriminately to incrementally elongate their neck until they have become a wholly separate species

Would say weird sexual selection. Analogous to the deer antler. Later opened up the possibility to feast on leaves higher up the tree too. Would also explain longer necks in male giraffes as these mechanisms are usually male-driven due to the lack of 'energy investment' into pregnancy ... instead they may invest either into direct (violent) male/male conflict or 'show off' stuff like antlers or stupid long necks.

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Microevolution repeated several times will cause macroevolution.

This is too perfect to not be bait. Disheartening if not, in which case the Church really did a number on you guise.

and this was never observed

>the Church really did a number on you guise

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What's wrong with apes? Would you like to be skunk or giraffe?

Evolution doesnt have to be proven, it only has to form a sound theoretical framework built from facts, like biology and the fossil record. All we need to know is:

>All life is born with slight variations in DNA
>over time these variations accumulate
>They accumulate according to natural selection
>If you divide a population, they will accumulate variations along separate paths until:
>They become genetically divergent (Lions/Tigers are a good example)
>The fossil record shows many examples of animal bodies changing over time in consistent lineages, such as the development of feathers in small birdlike dinosaurs leading to wings for flight.

All of these and more form a sound theoretical framework that stands as THE theory to explain diversity on Earth. What is the Theory of Creation? Can someone explain it?

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I thought science was based on experiment and observation, not on wishful thinking
if it is not proved it can be right or wrong and you faggots are basing even worldviews on that shit

Here are some extinct whales. Scientists can tell that these are whales because of their skull structure especially. If evolution weren't true, the structure of these creatures would mean absolutely nothing. Creation is chaos, God is not limited by genetic lineage, so there's no reason he had to make any animal in any particular way, there's no sense to be made of it.

Creation= chaos
Evolution = Rhyme, reason

yes, there's plenty of observation there. observation of biology, observation of geology, observatin of the fossil record, what's your problem? And yes, we can experiment as well, such as with breeding Lions and Tigers which are both cats that are becoming genetically divergent. They can still breed, but produce infertile offspring.

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>You monkey nigger.
Talk about an ego complex, because that goes two ways, nigger

>That there happens to be enough genetic anomalies within a group to achieve this?
I think one of the things that makes people hard to accept this is the longevity of the time we're talking about. We're talking over the course of tens/hundreds of millions of years

This is Tiktaalik, an example of fish transitioning into land dwelling amphibians. The amazing thing about this fossil, is that scientists were able to predict it's discovery and the location, based purely on the evolutionary model. They were able to predict where this thing would be, and sure enough they fucking found it, and it confirmed everything down to the formation of fin bones into digits.


I'm not talking about putting alike fossils together, this is mere human extrapolation that proves nothing, lions and tigers are still big cats
What I mean is observing the creation of a new species

Forgot pic related

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Move out of the ghetto.

Why shouldnt we put fossils together and notice the similarities? Should we just assume they mean nothing and ignore it? If evolution isnt true, then all these studies of skeletal shapes means nothing, how absurd.

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Darwinism is just a theory that hardly makes sense because random mutations are not sufficient to cause the quite major changes we see in life forms. If evolution is real then it is guided by a higher power, be it godly or extraterrestrial in nature.

Time for you to swallow the Social Darwin pill. Brace yourself, its massive

>random mutations
Natural selection explains your problem sufficiently. Stop reading desert jew fables

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Is that hyper advanced stig a reference to that one top gear where they went to Jerusalem.

maybe god or whatever was just experimenting, who knows?

Yes. What are native women in Europe doing with violent foreign men? Look at the situation without the 'I got the whore in the end' forrest gump cuckoldry or putting the pussy on the pedestal.

its ok, youll be 18 at some point

It means that they're essentially the same thing.
What matters is what scientists consider to be a new species/subspecies.

Turns out epigenetics is real, jokes on the voxfag.

>hurr durr, you use bones to determine closeness between species, right durr.
It isn't the seventies, biotechnology happened and we use homology between dna coding for proteins, not that a drooling retard like yourself understands what that means.

Oh yeah, that sound like science. The theory of "god was just fucking around."

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Get fucked vox. Space bunny is cheating on you.

If you see complexity it is fair to assume there is some intelligence behind it, better than believing in the god of randomness

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DMT entities showed me the JQ for the first time. No regrets.

New species have been observed quite a few times now.
Here is a list

Complexity is not a sign of intelligence. Humans dont build things to be complex, we build them to be simple and efficient. Life is not simple or efficient, and again, NATURE IS NOT RANDOM, IT IS PREDICTABLE

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So you think that humans are so complex that we must have had a creator. Yet, a god that is so complex that it has the ability to create everything out of nothing doesn't need a creator. How convenient for you.

The god called entropy stands behind it. Living organism create more entropy over time than the earth simply being bombarded by the sun. That's why life exists.

Sorry sweetie, those are definitely real terms used in biology

t. Biology major

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Alfred Russell Wallace didn't believe that humans were subject to evolution... & that is why he has been sidelined and forgotten.

Most people think Darwin did it all, but not at all.

What did you see before? Clay infused by the breath of Yahweh? Adam and his pet rib? We are the supreme power in the solar system. No aliens yet, no gods, ghosts or pixies. Just us. The naked apes.

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Did you learn about Hebrew God Magic Theory in your studies?

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Darwin is a joke, his theory on evolution is nothing more than that... a theory. Evolution does not happen, unless new elements gets added to the gene pool.

Nobody thinks Darwin did it all, his observations were only the beginning of our understanding and he isn't an authority on evolutionary theory today, he didn't even know about DNA in his time. Darwin is not the jesus of evolutionary theory.

>nobody thinks Darwin did it all

Oh but they do, ask someone
"Who came up with evolution theory?"
I bet 9 out of 10 will just say "Darwin."

He didn't 'come up with evolutionary theory.' He observed adaptations.

says you. ..

>Darwin had reached the same conclusion years earlier, and Wallace's letter spurred him to act. The two men published a joint paper in 1858, arguing the theory of evolution and natural selection.

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Who gives a shit about Darwin, its not his theory anymore. Darwin died hundreds of years ago and we've learned so much more than he could have imagined. The fact that creaotards focus on him like evolution depends entirely on his work is ludicrous.

If God wanted to kill evolutionary theory, he could have created animals that do not fit into a viable model of lineages over time. He could have created bears with lobster claws, anything that wouldn't make sene but he didn't. If people go to hell for believing birds evolved from dinosaurs, its because God felt the need to make them so similar. Why did he do that? Why did god want to make us think whales came from land mammals with the same skull structures?

OP wants to fuck his cousin

what is ornithorhynchus nigga
also viruses

Both are understood by science, and viruses prove evolution, without it we wouldn't understand how to cure them because they always change. Really, that's all you have?

finches, you huenigger

Why do you not hold these standards for intelligent design? Can we PROVE with EXPERIMENTS that intelligent design is real? It's incredibly disingenuous to critique evolution.

Evolution makes sense from the facts that we can gather from lifeforms and the planet. There's yet to appear another model that explains life as well.

the Beagle captain, being a strong christian, also very much disagreed with him. Actually his story is quite tragic

yeah a mammal that has poison, lay eggs, has eletric sensors, bird beak and beaver tail, nothing to see here

cuz the entire science holds evolutionism as a dogma even through it was never proven