Prepare to be buttfucked, those who fell for the Q-Lie. SERIAL LIARS Felix Sater and Andrew Weissman are about to bring our Republic to its knees.
Report: Attorney General Barr Gave Mueller Permission to Indict Trump’s Children
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Gas the kikes
>ivanka and kushner go to jail
Which ones? Obviously not all. The Holy Bible clearly prophesies that many Jews will accept Jesus and be saved. Vengeance is not yours.
All of them!
Literally who?
I don’t mind this, in theory, but you cannot deny that the FBI and DOJ need to be absolutely dismantled.
>angering antichrist
>letting the antichrist live
surely this couldn't go wrong
Read it. This week will be the biggest shitshow in American history.
Sater is a known Mossad agent and Mueller isn’t indicting anybody else now. His job is finished.