What happens if he really has Alzheimers?

Or brain issues due to old age

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That would be pretty funny

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We'd be better off with no president or a senile Trump than some full poz globohomo commie kikenigger. Kys memeflaggot.

>Look at Le funny orange man!!!!!!

Trump being elected made America Great Again.

Keeping him in office is keeping America great. You commies are so darn dense.

Reminder, alzhiemers causing proteins can be administered to a person infecting them and ultimately condemning them to a life with the degenerative brain disorder. It was exposed that UK dentists were infecting people for years by not correctly sterilising their tools, why not get Trump the same way?

You know he has at least one dental check up a year, the dentist needn't even know, just bribe a nurse or plant contaminated tools

>0.5% wage growth
>more immigrants
>bless israel
damn you guys really are great

(((old age)))

Protecting white interests is the goal. Now that Obummer is out of term and the Demonrats can't pillage more of our hard earned dollars, we are keeping things quite dandy.

Demonrats are blood sucking parasites.

maybe he will launch the nukes!



Can this fucking retard be any dumber? Jesus

Hey VPN shill. Why are you advocating illegal and violent acts? Surely your terms of employment forbid entrapment?


>Now that Obummer is out of term and the Demonrats can't pillage more of our hard earned dollars
yeh that 1.5 trillion increase in debt will pay for itself!

>T-Trump isn't a globalist kike!
Ay dios mios la creatura de Jow Forums...

>there are Trump retards on Jow Forums who still don't "get it"

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Guess you're right. I'm with her now. Idiot.

>what if he has brain issues

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Is this the latest left meme?

A faggot dem cum burps another meaningless opinion

Fuck, for real.
I fear for our mayor donny...