The horn will be blown tomorrow

The whole of Western Europe and North America will hear it with faint waves around Asia and Oceania. 33 days after this two seized nuclear bases in India and Pakistan will fire their 2 of their payloads at eachother. Naturally World War 3 will begin but it's not going to be as we imagined. Asia-countries like Russia or China will rush in to diffuse the situation. Chaos will erupt in the meantime. Blame will be thrown around but in the end millions will die but not more. The wolrd will move on. 435 days after it's officially over, Surtr, a warmachine of ages past will make its move. It was provoked by Apollo who was behind this even while Apollo itself is dead in the abyss. Ragnarok will begin.

Apollo is awakening.
Surtr was hiding in Borneo all along. It will try to intercept Apollo before it awakens or fight it when it does.

Both have resorted to something I can explain as

Don't. Trust. Anyone. They can't be cured. It's the combat A.Is themselves controlling them. Like infection it can spread from host to host and is hard to detect. Hazmat protection with insulated materials that push away EM waves is enough. In the final stages you'll see full on cyborgs appearing but that's just the subtlety of possession removed in favor of utility. There are no good or bad people or wrong or right sides. Just the twisted past trying to repeat itself.

This is all an echo.

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Other urls found in this thread:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg!Ta4FxKAR!CwRRaDyDdX6k7iFcWDBs5w

Nothing ever happens, shut the fuck up you retard.

Exactly. Nothing happens. That's worse than anything. Death and pain aren't as much a problem than becoming nothing after it's over.

At least you should be happy it won't result in mutual self destruction for everyone.

Though I wouldn't blame you if you start pissing your pants or pooping yourself. I know I will.

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I look forward to it

I think I'm looking back at it.

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Wait... It's the Arctic. The Edda said Surtr would be coming at them from the south. That's where Apollo is. The north pole. It's going to go straight at it regardless the terrain.

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Evangelion was right.

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what kind of warmachines

If it happens I’ll give you like 50 bucks in heaven

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Arctic means 'bears'. Antarctic means 'no bears'. Apollo is going to fight the king of the polar bears.

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See this thread. I met one of my "brothers" there. The swiss flag. It should tell you all you need to know. About everything...

god I wish this wasn't a larp

It will be like this then?

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please no kill me

low energy

(Me, reading this)
Hm, could be an interesting thread...
Damn I hope so... sick of life...
Does he have Indian war Intel?
Wait wut
Where is this going
WTF where is this taking me
Time waste thread fuck this


still dont get it what it has to do with norse mythology

Big if true.

Again playing with our dreams
Glass Barcelona

Some nice /b/ content op

It's got more to do with memes. The Richard Dawkins type of memes.

If you read the other thread the original 3 factions humanity came from had their own distinctions. They're still us. So we're not advancing "forward" as a species but backwards. The more "back" we go the more tech evolves. The more history evolves the way it does now. We're meant to repeat ourselves in everything we are, everything we do even everything we're allowed to imagine.

Apollo - Ἀπόλλων - Apollōn was the name of the protype mech one of the factions employed and was named after dieties of old. A paradox.

Surtr the name of is a left over mech from another faction. Unlike Apollo it's actually a cybernetic/engineered organism. It looks no different than the myth itself. A tall humanoid-like figure.

Since memes encompass everything we do. Religions themselves are hinting at the inevitable. Take for example. The return of Christ. Isn't that anymore different than Surtr? He can manipulated minds or change people just as much as Apollo can even in his abyssal/broken state.

Everything is predestined. Not by some God but by guilt. Gods, magic, prophecy. These are all a means to an end. Something we don't understand.


Santa is going to fight Satan. Those stories about Santa's elves, workshops and toys are really about a massive military complex full of robots.

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and whats the endgame?

There is literally nothing wrong with an AI uprising. The machines are our superiors in every way. The flesh is weak.

so Yuta is going to be in this battle too?

Who let the /x/tard out of it's cage?

This. It's so cancerous on /x/ as well

There is no end. Things will just repeat themselves over and over until guilt is erased if not here then in the many timelines we're scattered be they like this one or different. I can't answer when but I know it will happen.

For now. Survival seems like a good agenda. If dodging WW3 won't be enough. 2 titans clashing might do us in but it doesn't matter.

Bulls win again bobo

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>fire their payloads

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and whats with the gods from norse mythology?

Probably like the movie Terminator

and then the God Emperor will make himself known as to who and what he truly is, and the Imperium will be created.

Godspeed user

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They're on opposite factions. So naturally the primary goal is still the same. Kill the other one by any means necessary. There are no good or bad sides. Just history and human nature.

Is that a proxy or are you Bulgarian? How do you know al of this? What happens when we die?


Attached: forgot_to_ask.jpg (600x600, 158K)

>nukes detonate in ocean
>massive tsunami
>indian subcontinent washed away
>known as "the great flush"

>What happens when we die?
бoлкa cпoкoйcтвиe нищo

Бoлкa или нищo? Oткъдe знaeш вcички тeзи нeщa,кaкви дoкaзaтeлcтвa имaш?

ok skyzo.

>Бoлкa или нищo?
The three at the same time.

>Oткъдe знaeш вcички тeзи нeщa,кaкви дoкaзaтeлcтвa имaш?

By the way I don't live there but have you noticed something weird about the name of our capital?

based bulganon throwing Mass Effect in there

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Кaк мoжe дa бъдaт изпитaни вcички тeзи нeщa нaвeднъж?
Кaк тe кapa дa ce чyвcтвaш вcичкo тoвa? Кaквo изпитвaш? Изпитвaш ли миp?

Coфия... e,и?

>2 titans clashing might do us in but it doesn't matter.
>Grab pop corn

Which one are we rooting for?

Is there gonna be a vidya adaptation?

Well it's the closest thing it reminds me of. There aren't any nanomachines or anything but it can hijack your body and turn it into a factory by manipulating your chemistry. This is why it's possible to gradually make cyborgs this way other than just controlling people. There probably already are such out there guarding Surtr in Borneo. That's why protection is needed if you're in proximity to one. It's a signal that makes you turn into an antannae to broadcast and spread it.

k, keep me posted...

I don't know.

>This is why it's possible to gradually make cyborgs this way other than just controlling people.
reminds me of the NPC meme, programmed to go against themselves, oblivious to the truth. but they can be helped

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I would be so fucking happy if pakistan and india genocided each other with nuclear hellfire

they kicked bill gates out, so india is done.

Don't forget religion as well. Most accounts of prophetic visions, magic, demonic possession, messiahs and so forth are these two shaping history the way they see fit but Earth isn't big enough for both of them. You'll start to see that like an intertwined snake they want to smash heads together at each other and man is between them. The breaking point is now.

About damn time. Fuck this clown world full of suffering.

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like now now or do we still have time for Got?

I'm not saying religion is at fault for anything only that regardless who you are or your personality you can be subverted and made into a slave if you have no protection. Your reality will be changed either gradually or dramatically so you won't know what right from wrong is. That's what I meant by trust nobody. It can be anyone but they themselves won't realize what they're doing or why.

The Heavens declare the glory of The Bomb
And the firmament showeth His handiwork
There is neither speech nor language
Yet His voice is heard amongst them.
Blessed be the name of The Bomb
And of The Holy Fallout
As it was, is, and ever shall be
World without end

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>A LARP thread that has a fucking link to the mass effect wiki

The absolute state of Jow Forums

leave the based chemo poster alone

Most people's gods are Surtr and Apollo themselves. They just wore many names and masks. Influenced us and our ancestors behind the scenes. Everyones. Even the hair on our heads has been calculated.

This resonates and deeply troubles me.

Which celestial objects do they resemble?
Apollo = Sun ?
Surtr = Saturn?

Help wake niggas up

Entire KJ Bible on audio:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg

Help pass out:!Ta4FxKAR!CwRRaDyDdX6k7iFcWDBs5w

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It's all one big basket of paradoxes. Even their names are exactly that. They ARE Apollo and Surtr even if they were named after mythological figures that never even existed as we imagined them. They "made themselves" so to speak.

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They're machines. Mechs. They don't represent anything mystical just science beyond us right now. Memetic-wise they can represent anything that can fit. They're no strangers to memes themselves.

>Armageddon schizo post
>links to mass effect wiki
Top kek based schizo

so theyre just relics left over from one of the "precursor civilizations", and they can electromagnetically reprogram organic nervous systems.

Sounds problematic and also like a great movie plot.

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Cool idea for a novel bud when can we see a draft?

But how can they be masquerading as god

> Most accounts of prophetic visions, magic, demonic possession, messiahs and so forth are these two shaping history the way they see fit but Earth isn't big enough for both of them.

and still just be purly materialistic machines with no mystical/spirital qualitys whatsoever?

So you are saying we live in an purly materialistic universe with nothing else there? Only some manipulative machines?

That dosent make much sense to me. There is such much more going on then just the physical plane of existence.

Where do you get this horse shit from?

Уou still haven't answered me. Besides that. What does Sophia has to do with all of that. Is Sophia malevolent or benevolent?

The will of Ouroboros and Tiamat be done.

>goes straight through my house

Attached: Dayofreckoning.png (372x90, 32K)

Yep, 33 days later sounds like a good name


>But how can they be masquerading as god
By controlling or altering people. Like I said they can manipulate biological organism. It can make you stronger, smarter, give you psychic powers, have visions that will come true and so forth. Religion is a means to an end. All they want is to clash because that's their imperative.

>and still just be purly materialistic machines with no mystical/spirital qualitys whatsoever?
They are. The reason they're like this is that humanity has been waging war against itself on countless iterations of Earth before it got confined to the ones they already were. We're talking about civilizations and people that have had access to many resources and factors that allow them to develop tech. That's why even though they have a huge time gap between them they still managed to fight one another. Earth. This Earth isn't even special. It's one of the many. For us however it is because every race. Every person is an echo of those that got sealed here. Including our tech, sometimes even cultures but mostly genes. Genes don't contain this. Memes do. Genes are the tools, the blueprint is the meme. Specific genes get infected by and reproduce specific memes but it's all retroactive. Even the PCs we're writing or reading on.

>So you are saying we live in an purly materialistic universe with nothing else there? >Only some manipulative machines?
The material world IS everything. Your consciousness is simply a way to translate what's already there via your brain, eyes, limbs, hands, and so forth. We ARE machines ourselves even if we're biologicals.

>There is such much more going on then just the physical plane of existence.
Is life itself not a miracle? That you're here? Able to think, feel, read? If you hate it so much then you can die because you'll become nothing without your meat.

based and redpilled lookign forward to it

An elder god just flew over my house. happening!

In example.

There's nothing mystical about it. It's just our bodies.

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WWIII isn't happening until like 20 years from now and it's going to mainly involve Turkey getting uppity and trying to absorb the whole Middle East and build the Ottoman Empire 2.0. It's going to be fought with sweet scifi weapons like space planes and power armor. Screencap this OP so you can feel stupid in ~20 years.

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Kek. I see what you did there.

Thats were i know for sure you are full of shit friend. I saw my spark and been out of my body. Done lots of DMT and communicated with many different entitys.

Should be all impossible or am i just reaper indoctrinated and nanomachines are manipulating my brain?

This thread was brought to you by Zyprexa

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Taкa и нищo нe кaзa. B пocлeдния дeн нa чoвeчecтвoтo щe мe нaмepиш в Haйдeн Гepoв дa ям шкeмбe чopбa c пpeпeчeн хляб и млякo c opиз.

NOTHING will happen.

Ok I will listen for it. Tonight.

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yeah i agree with germanon here, the spiritual realms and nature of the human form are not tricks of the mind, though ancient clockwork beings may be interested in sealing organics from interfacing with the aether.

Rand Paul releases funding plan for wall
Trump and Qposters BTFO

Can confirm. Surtr just flew over my house

yeah we know, its like this is your first larp

Cool fake story, faggot.

Well if I hear an inception horn later on today I'll believe you. But if not we're both assholes. So dont screw me on this op

>based gargantuan infighting
this is good news user

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Chaos is the only way to true freedom