Why do women not ask out men? like wouldn't things be easier if they asked out men instead of men asking out women...

why do women not ask out men? like wouldn't things be easier if they asked out men instead of men asking out women? considering how intimidating men are and muscular differences it'd be a lot safer for women to approach men so that they could approach them on their grounds and rules, where they want to and so on. thoughts?

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You are right :)

Women are passive men active. It has always been like this. They will never ever ask guy out. Ever.

Well yeah society explains the why, but women can and should ask men out. “That’s the way it’s always been” is a shit excuse.

Had a wild THOT..: ... ask me out back when i was 16 yo emo gamer.
Shit was strange so i sadly walked away without tapping that, leaving me with blue balls the the size of the moon.

it's always been like that literally means from biological standpoint. Women are unable to be active and pick up guys. It's impossible becuase of some kind of shit chemical process in their bodies. Thats literal fact and in every culture on planet it's like this.

>muh biology
I’m sure you can provide a source for the chemical that prevents women from asking men out, right? You’re not just spouting bullshit, right?


First of all, women are cowards. I think everyone accepts that. Sure, women are 'brave' for being mothers and having periods every month or whatever, but they have no spine for anything risky at all, including (or perhaps especially) social risks. With that knowledge, it's understandable why they don't approach men, and our society accepts that totally. They have society on their side defending their cowardice, and you don't. And, with that level of acceptance from society, there is even shame attached to women who are forced to approach people. Like, why aren't they pretty enough to be approached by men?

Second, every society I know of (except made up societies in anime or my fantasy novels) has men as the primary initiators of courtship, and women as choosers. That behavior is probably hard-coded into our brains, probably because it was a successful mating strategy in the past or whatever. I don't know. You're not going to convince a chick to approach people. Logical arguments have absolutely no effect on mating attraction.

In closing, nut up or shut up little boy.

Where’s the source that says testosterone prevents women from asking men out

Because I'd honestly be fine if I never went out with a guy for the rest of my life. I have never ever seen a guy and felt an urge so strong that I needed to get his attention that I would bother to initiate a conversation with him.


But how do you explain women approaching hot guys? This completely debunks your theory.

Exactly this post. God created women without goals in their life. This very posts is embodiment of woman. Dont know what to do and want. We men give them purpose in their lifes and they dont even see it. Such is life for woman a literal punishment walking in darkness without purpose.

>T. Gets attention from literally every guy within 100 meters

No it doesn't, there is a level of shame in it but they deem it worthwhile for a chance at amazingly hot piece of ass.

I don't but tell yourself whatever you need to to sleep at night

They do it very often though. Seems like shame doesn't stop them that much.

They don't have to. In fact, doing so in such a male approach dominated society would make them seem less valuable in the market, at least superficially. And logically if a man is too insecure to ask them out then that's not a man they would be attracted to anyway. The girls who do in fact make the first step either dont care about the societal bullshit or are unattractive / ignored enough that they are probably too afraid of being rejected / lowering their self esteem further. Women who ask out men will usually be trying to date up, sometimes to equals but never down, due to just how male libidos vs women's libidos compare statistically.

Funny stuff, I've never asked a girl out in my life but I've had 4 girls ask me out

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they probably just asked you for some random questions and you misinterpreted it as asking out.

No they don't. One girl will do it very rarely for an exceptionally attractive guy. If every girl does it very rarely, that's literally millions of girls going up to an exceptionally attractive guy at least once.

"Hey user do you want to go out with me?"

Not many ways you can interpret that friend

I like to post things that never happend too

Sorry pal but girls ask guys out too

i dont think so

They do though.

Because most men aren't worth asking out-- most of them are viewed as investments at best because their current state is somewhere between 'literal retard', 'an actual child' and 'a housepet.'

Women ask out men all the time-- just not men of your ilk, because they're not worth asking out.
It's just that simple

False man,i know that there exist a lot hardcore risktakers girls in the world,and i mean risks like going in jail that was not agood response man

Sorry but you're wrong. There aren't a lot. There are some, but way, way less than there are of men. A tiny fraction of the number of men.


Ask any women if she ever asked a guy out. 99.9% will say no

because women are evil to each other. If a girl asks a man out its considered pathetic to other woman and they label the poor girl as a slut. Woman live in a world of labels sadly.

>out-- most
>time-- just
Either put a space around both sides of the em dash or none at all. Also, use alt code 0151 to type an em dash — it looks a lot better than those peasant double-hyphens. You are the ilk here.

They do. I think this thread probably meant to reference high school aged "girls" and "boys."

why would older women matter? They can go fuck off

Hahaha I actually fucking nailed it, damn I'm good

Women DO ask men out. The key is being handsome, Jow Forums and masculine. Literally every woman I've ever dated asked me out and chased me, usually dismissing them or rejecting them the first time drives them crazy and they'll try again.

Women have NO idea how to get a guy to like them directly other than full retard tactics like standing next to us for a long period of time or bending over in front of us. They straight up don't know how to flirt or game dudes.

I learned this shit early on and got a job bouncing one night a week and I get girls asking for my number every time I go to work. It works because:
A) They're looking for a dude to bang usually
B) I'm a neutral party and not one of the thirsty dudes in the bar
C) It's basically my job to begone thot every girl that comes by, other girls pay attention to this

Women will approach men usually when they're ovulating and especially ready to get down.

I had a bunch of girl ask me out and

>The key is being handsome, Jow Forums and masculine

I am absolutely none of those things.

The key is not not be an autistic sack of shit that watched over 300 hours of Jordan Peterson videos and has a folder full of pepes.

>why do women not ask out men?
They do. What are you talking about?

>What are you talking about?
His personal experiences, I'd wager. Women don't usually ask out undesirable men who spew vitriol about women and never leave their rooms (or Jow Forums).

You sound upset

the sad truth is that women start getting advances from strange men the moment they start puberty, whether it be from men their own age or middle aged creeps.
dealing with your attention being unwanted is the male lot in life
dealing with unwanted attention is the female lot in life.

Upset enough to make a thread about how terminally single I am?

You're replying to two different people and no I'm not upset, I don't know what you read in my post that would even imply that

if most men are unattractive, literal slobs and uneducated, how come they have girlfriends?

Brb just gonna *snap* that into my replies collection bud

There has been some real fire out of this thread for this shit. I ain't gonna have to reply to balls all for a long time.

why the fuck are you talking about. I can't even tell if this is a positive or negative reaction to my post.

They're super obvious when they like you dude.. how much approach do you want? Is asking what you're doing constantly trying to be near you and touching you with every excuse they can make not enough?

>C) It's basically my job to begone thot every girl that comes by, other girls pay attention to this

just out of curiousity, what's your job?

> it didn't happen to me, that means it never happens

You have a truly staggering intellect, user

Brah, women have testosterone too.
There are only societal reasons for this not biological. Female animals in heat pursue males the same that males pursue a female mate.

>imagine being this mentally screwed up

I'm a girl and I just hate confrontations, of any kind. Sorry.

Because men want women way more than women want men. Supply and demand, bro. I was a virgin until the age of 23 and I didn't give a flying fuck. Most men who reach that age without having fucked a woman go apeshit and turn into pathetic incles while I was okay and simply lived my life. That's the difference.

Do you just meander through life waiting for things to fall into your lap?

>Suddenly, overnight, the social expectations have mysteriously flipped! Now women are expected to approach men instead of the other way around!
>Top 15% of men get constantly and aggressively hit on by women, women constantly undermining and fighting each other for a chance with the top chads
>The rest of men get completely ignored by women since no woman willingly desires anything less than the best, preferring loneliness over second, or third place.
>Average men's only hope is any women who desire a family as much as- or slightly more than- having a top-tier partner, but don't stand a chance at competing for the top-tier partners
>They reluctantly settle for a man they find utterly unattractive and non-respectable in comparison, maybe even extra spineless so that she can at least treat him like a slave and cheat on him without repercussions, strictly for his sperm and income
Wow, what an improvement.

>doesn't feel desire for the opposite sex - a trait that is shared by the vast majority of biological organisms, the single culmination of ones evolutionary preroagatives, procreation, romance, sexuality
>calls other people screwed up
frigid bitch

A thot asked me out for Star Wars. Nothing came of it but she did ask me out.

Even my ass can prove you wrong.

>asking what you're doing constantly trying to be near you and touching you
Never happened to me.

I hate the total lack of self-awareness in these posts. If you're this messed up mentally there's no reason a decent guy would bother dating you, he could clearly find a more well-adjusted woman capable of normal thought.

Not sure what you're talking about but I guess that's what insecurity and projection do to people. Hope you can get some therapy and turn your life around.

>why do women not ask out men?
Even average women will have multiple men approaching them, they are wading through social media messages and receiving friend requests, this happens on a daily basis.
Women don't have to look for their ideal man, they can choose from the catalogue of men that are talking to them, if someone friend requests them but doesn't talk to them they can add them and escalate things from there.
Even "homely" women get approached, messages and friend requests on a daily basis, one "homely" 27yo woman I know had 3 new friend requests in an afternoon when we were in the same social group, she only left her parents house to go to the library.

>it'd be a lot safer for women to approach men so that they could approach them on their grounds and rules,
Maybe, but women can't handle rejection. I've rejected women (in person when they approached me) in pubs, polite rejection has resulted in having drinks thrown at me, I declined to go on another date with a girl after first meeting for coffee and she took to facebook to post weird shit on my page and make posts about me sharing my picture... I still don't know why.
I've even rejected a woman who stalked me over social media, she made a big post about how she checked my pages every day to make conversation with me, shit was weird, she took it down pretty quick after criticism from her friends.

The amount of attention women receive just for existing is scary and makes me feel kind of embarrassed of being a male. The desperation is unbelievable.

I have asked but only after becoming so frustrated a guy won't ask. However, once I do, occasionally I find the reason they didn't ask is because they are insecure, inexperienced and/or a coward, then I can't wait till the date is over.

But there are some guys it was well worth getting over my fear and asking them. Well worth it!

>occasionally I find the reason they didn't ask is because they are insecure, inexperienced and/or a coward
>then I can't wait till the date is over.

one day I will develop confidence. Somehow.

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are you somehow blaming someone like me for you not having confidence even after I did the asking?

Fem here. Honestly we never get the time to ask someone out. I mean we do make some choices of course, but every single day is filled with guys wanting something.

>we have no time
Thats litterally the dumbest excuse in this thread.

lol no I'm not blaming you at all I don't know why you'd think that.

How is it an excuse? All me girl friends have messages from a plethora of texts just over night. Any social media is the same. If we go anywhere, guys will come up to us to talk. We can make time, sure. But why would when we are handed anything we could want right before us 24/7??
I’m not saying it’s fair, but that’s just how it is.

>Guy hears that you don't like a thing
>Says "one day I will improve"
>"Are you blaming me!?"

Kek, but I am in a relationship. Engaged, in fact. It still doesn't change the fact that most men are trash and aren't even worthy of my attention. Sorry, boys.