Will lifting get me girls?

Anyone on Jow Forums workout? How has your life changed since you started lifting? Do people treat you better? Post a few stats and an account of your journey.

>life before lifting
>life after lifting

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The most it will do is give you a confidence boost. Granted confidence is very important so if you have a poor self image then by all means go ahead.

159 lb (started at 137 lb)
>life before lifting
not feeling good about myself
>life after lifting
feeling much better about myself

People treat me differently, but I feel that's 90% because my personality changed for the better and my confidence improved MUCH. If you do it right, working out will change you more mentally than physically.
Lifting won't get you girls, but it will make them notice you more. Don't lift for girls, lift for yourself to get a body you feel confident in.

>Will lifting get me girls?
Nothing you do to 'get girls' will 'get girls.' 'Getting' girls is something that happens if you have the physical charisma. Everyone else has to work on it.

I hate gyms, but started marathoning and not only I got in shape, I got a confidence boost too
that's pretty much you need to get dem chicks
if you don't have the looks, you gotta win them over with attitude. if you got neither, you have to get at least one

Lifting for the sake of lifting doesn't mean much desu, body building is fun but is more fun. I used to do some powerlifting casually in have, but focusing on cardio and calisthenics is way more useful these days now that I live in a community which focuses a lot on trail running, rock climbing, hiking, hunting, etc

>Did life change when you started lifting
Yeah, I started in like the 8th grade and took it seriously enough that I was good enough to start varsity for my hs soccer team, even though I was still fairly small. By senior year I made it to a 2pl8 bench 3pl8 squat , and almost a 4pl8 deadlift before heading off to university where I slacked a lot and started focusing on different kinds of excercise and my studies. I've pretty much always excercised, and while I'm still nostalgic for the days of hitting the weights with my bros I also like hiking and running just as much these days. Its a major boost in confidence to be in good shape desu

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No. The only purpose of lifting is to improve your confidence to the point that you're willing to finally talk to girls.

Having a fit body will improve the quality of women who will be receptive of your approaches, but you'll still have to approach, and getting you to the point that you'll approach is the goal of lifting.

I like this point of view. So you aren’t lifting for girls, you’re lifting for confidence. I noticed when I stopped lifting even though my body isn’t complete shit yet, my confidence decreased dramatically compared to when I lifted.

Did the change in confidence happen organically overnight or was it a learned confidence? Let the incels tell it confidence is a meme.

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>let the incels
Fuck that. They don't deserve first-rate citizen rights. They gave that up when they didn't want to nut up and be adults.
>work out for confidence
Literally everything in your life should be building on yourself. People die, people lie, people cheat and steal and run off. But you're fuckin stuck with you from cradle to grave and Hell, if we're all fuckin' wrong, then beyond the grave as well. So if you hate yourself now, and you let that just be a pattern, it won't exactly stop.

So yeah, you should be lifting for you, not girls. Most girls don't know what the fuck they want and most people happen on romance 'after the fact,' IE they realize they've given this person two full hours of their day, every day, for two weeks and suddenly it's like, "Oh, shit. I actually wanna do more than just bump nasties with them." This at-first-sight shit is meaningless tripe that shills espouse because it supports their fragile illusion that they're victims and not the perpetrators of their own misery.

If you're like and you just do it with this end-goal of 'getting girls,' you'll fail. And you'll fail. And you'll fail again, and you'll fail again, and again, until you settle for Amy Schumer's thrice removed cousin and realize-- you were the failure all along. You were doing it to yourself. You are what desperation looks like in a man and the woman you will get, with that desperation, is what it will look like in a woman. Trust me-- if any of you even slightly wanted those girls you'd have them. They'd fall into your lap like most guys fall into thots' laps.

Do things for you. You'll be the only one who has to live with it all your life. Do you really want that to be an anthology of, "Did this to try and get pussy... did THIS to try and get pussy... that too, that was for pussy..."

Don't be that guy who can't live without a woman. They're all pathetic. Every single last one, and you will be too if you let yourself get there.

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