can Jow Forums redpill on relationships?
>what causes one to fail
>what should I look for in an ideal partner.
>just any general advice
Like i just don't understand what happens after two people agree that they like each other.
can Jow Forums redpill on relationships?
>what causes one to fail
>what should I look for in an ideal partner.
>just any general advice
Like i just don't understand what happens after two people agree that they like each other.
Relationships are exactly as much or as little as the people in it make of it.
It's the notion that all of them subscribe to some singular notion that's fucking with you.
It means every single human is different, whether or not you want to accept that. It is what it is, bitterness notwithstanding.
Relationships are a lot more complex than something a couple of questions can answer.
Also, stop using the word redpill. It just makes you come off as an idiot.
My old relationship failed because I wasn't friends with my ex.
My boyfriend is my best friend. We can honestly just sit around, watch tv, talk about odd shit we're both into, shitpost and it makes my day. He makes me laugh so much, all the time.
We like doing stuff together, we go out on dinner dates and travel, we go to sport events or to the movies, but mainly I'm just happy to be around him. Even shit like going to the grocery store or getting milkshake from Jack in the box is great, as long as I'm with him.
We have so much fun together, we accept each other completely, we love each other as we are.
Put effort into your relationship. Dedicate yourself to each other. Find a person who is willing to put as much effort as it takes to make things work, to talk things out, to keep things interesting, to get to know you and understand you.
And try to fuck a lot, good sex helps.
There are not two relationships that are the same, so take this with a grain of salt. It's just my personal experience.
Thanks user. Going to save this one. Really going to try and make things work with this chick. I have a good feeling
Most failure is precipitated by a lack of communication. People have this silly idea that emotional connection is the only thing you need to start and/or sustain relationships and that isn't the real world. What happens after two people agree that they like each other is communication. How fast do you want to take things? How slow? Are you in it for long term commitment or do you want to play it by ear? What kind of things do you need to feel secure in a relationship? What kind of things do they need? A relationship is essentially the joint process of navigating obstacles. Its a three legged race. Without the both of you communicating and coordinating the pace of things you will fail. Sometimes these obstacles can be overcome and sometimes they can't. A failed relationship doesn't mean that any party did anything wrong. Not being able to find common ground on an issue isn't necessarily a failure. Anticipate that relationships will fail and that it is a natural apart of learning what you need to be successful. You will trip and fall. Don't be afraid of it. There is no trick to relationships. Communicate. Listen. Challenge yourself and your ego. Allow yourself to be vulnerable but be firm about your boundaries. That's it.
A few key lessons i learned from my past 2,5 year relationship with my ex:
>Have your own life outside of your relationship. Each of you should have your own set of hobbies and interests.
>You need to trust each other. I know this sounds cliche but it's true. Once you feel like either one of you doesn't trust the other one, the relationship is doomed. Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Without trust, you might as well break up.
>Do not, i repeat do not ditch your friends for your girlfriend.
>Sexual desire isn't negotiable. The two of you HAVE to be sexually compatible to some degree to have a healthy relationship.
You're not ready or able to have relationships if you unironically go around using terms like that
Relationships are just that, relationships. They are not math, they are not formulas, doing one action does not lead to the same 'reaction'. What constitutes a 'failed' relationship varies. Many people who are together shouldn't be together. We could list every reasonable reason a relationship might fail and the girl or yourself would still say 'I just don't feel it anymore' and look for any excuse to get out.
That's honestly so fucking scary. Imagine 2-3 years down the line and she just decides she done.
>>Do not, i repeat do not ditch your friends for your girlfriend.
So much this. I still resent my friend who more or less abandoned me for his girl that ended up cheating on him. He came back and I find it very difficult to care for him again.
>That's honestly so fucking scary. Imagine 2-3 years down the line and she just decides she done.
It happens. People change. Admittedly, it typically isn't that cut and dry. If you're a decently observant person you can notice when someone is distancing themselves from a relationship. These things typically end with a wimper, not a bang. People who are constantly blindsided by relationships ending typically aren't very emotionally intelligent or observant to begin with.
Men do it just as much as women. It's just what happens when you finally get to know a person and realize that there isn't anything there. If your goal in life is to simply find a person that lasts forever, it's going to be a miserable forever.
I'm starting a relationship with a 19 year old and i'm scared of this happening to me down the line
That is the nature of modern dating. Don't go into a relationship expecting a lifelong commitment.
I keep wanting to tell you to fuck off but I can't because I got my girl pre-2010.
Anything after 2010 just seems fruitless. Values just aren't valued anymore because it's easier to portray and profit off of the opposite.
Your girl can still leave you even if you started dating before 2010. you think divorce just didn't exist before then? You think people didn't break up before then?
I'm plenty aware, but looking at how things go now, it's a wonder people bother. Instant gratification has turned people into mushy, entitled versions of themselves. Quality is a hard find and a harder sell.
That said I didn't get married after knowing my girl for a year and change which seems to be a popular trend.
I noticed that for awhile now too but I think the 1 year thing isn't as popular as it was even just five years ago.
is it better to love or to have never loved
If it wasn't worth it people would stop dating after the first break up. Don't try and turn relationships into an existential question, it only makes you look silly.
sorry mister Jow Forums
Don't write it off. When you act like it is some big dramatic question you are just adding drama to a dramaless situation. You are making it more difficult no matter what you choose because you are acting like it is the most important thing.
It's dating. 12 year olds do it.
wise user