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that's 62.5 million NEETs provided with Yangbux right there
Most of that is going to R&D of new tech.
Because we need an advanced multi-trillion dollar fighter plane to...bomb terrorists?
it's literally UBI for CEOs, execs and some people in some states with military industries.
Yang would make this racket at least fair and wide.
Entire budget is 4.7 trillion dollars
>President Trump sent Congress on Monday a record $4.75 trillion budget plan that calls for increased military spending and sharp cuts to domestic programs like education and environmental protection for the 2020 fiscal year.
BASED TRUMP cutting American services and giving it to the globalists
Think how many tendies we can buy with that...
Isreal is going to love that
Bomb Soviets and Chinkers, actually. Keep up with the times, homo, we're back in the Great Game.
That's just shy of 13 billion a day. Think about that. We could have the wall paid for in two days.
at least declare war to Iran faggot
we need happenings
Is that somehow bad for Americans? Having strong and modern military that won't let their Great Nation be pushed around? Or are you just some butthurt foreigner?
why they should give free stuff to niggers and spics
that money is well spent, a least you can fight a war
>that money is well spent
it's not
it's mostly handouts to the big defense contractors who don't provide anything of value in return
This. Not to mention a lot of defense contractors have their R&D based in Israel so the money doesn't even touch the American economy.
kek is horsey the next zyklon ben?
If that were the case they'd state so to calm down everyone angry over more pointless conflict for Israel.
>Implying we ever quit and the War in Afghanistan wasn't really about Grand chessboard bullshit
I'm tired of Empire, we don't even benefit from this shit and it's not even done in a manner that has glory in it.
>we don't even benefit from this shit
ruling class does and that's all that matters on the ship of state
The government during the Reagan era used defense spending as a big welfare program for white engineering students. They cut all that shit off by the mid 90's. So where the fuck is this money going now?
>keep up with the times
go back to sleep gramps
The black pill
Our military contracts are a bunch of corrupt games of lobbying and bribing congressmen to (((preserve jobs))) in their districts. Look at how we produce dozens of Abrams every day for no fucking reason and then leave them in the desert to rot.
Gotta give money to that new trillion dollar bomber that's going to be killing mountain goat herders in the middle east.
Negotiation 101 - If you have the stronger position in a negotiation, always demand more than the minimum you're willing to accept, your opposition will almost always end up giving you more than you wanted.
Hundred bucks says he uses the excess to fund Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall.
Just imagining what SpaceX could do with just 100 billion.
A mars colony would be realistic then.
What a waste.
Challenge accepted!
nothing says negotiation like only getting 55 miles of wall only in texas along the coast where the local government (compromised of mainly spics) will deny their request.
>the local government (compromised of mainly spics) will deny their request
>what is eminent domain?
Be careful they're becoming unmanned
What is escalating? There are many things he could have done outside of the normal political realm, but he didn't because he didn't want the media to get mad and he understandably didn't want to upset mueller. He's been backed into a corner by the deepstate. I still appreciate how far he got but he was defeated from the inside. We have to start thinking of alternatives.
Thanks guys
>biggest military budget in the world by a factor of hundreds
>can't defend own border from invasion
b-b-b-but muh inflation
If we gave the border to Israel a wall would be up within the week.
Report all 1 post by this id trolls you see at the start of every fucking thread
Google military no bid contracts
Problem is what they waste it on and how much it could be reduced if we simply got out of multiple places in the world where we don't belong.
If the money was being spent purely to scare the chinks into submission that'd be one thing, but dumping trillions into desert shitholes is another.
Nope we have to keep america great where all the money is funneled to corporate weapon manufacturing jewish oligarchs
this isn't reddit boomer, take the criticism
Good. So can we nuke Russia and Israel now?
the last 2 presidents have ran on an isolationist "bring the boys home from everywhere" platform but then when they get in office they just piss away trillions instead and never explain why. Fuck them and fuck you.
>muh trolls
>posting things I don't like is 'trolling'
>1 post
It was two posts at the time of your writing, now it's three with my reply to you.
Use it to build a space elevator
Those serving in the military won't see a dime of it.
Everyone in the military or who works on a base knows how corrupt everything is within the military system. They give money to the lowest bidding contractor so everything is half-assed.
Human trafficking, pedophilia, drug smuggling, and other crimes are all now happening within the military system...it's the elites way of hiding their dirty deeds and getting everyone to support the troops..never knowing where the actual money is going too!
Don't forget the Pentagon is full of pedophiles & criminals...
>have a federal law stating that it has to be an open competition
>select one bidder everytime anyway
Free market BTFO by corrupt government
So Israel can steal it and sell it to China
that means for the war with iran . 750bn to protect the zionist.
The ELITE are using the Military Industrial Complex to hide all their dirty deeds now. More money for the military now means more money for them to continue raping kids, harvesting organs, trafficking kids/women from other countries, drug smuggling, etc.
Don't kid yourself!
The original Braaaaaaaaapppp!
Idiot. Israel controls the border, that's why it's open.
Every single soldier is a government employee and thus a welfare queen. Every, single one.
Too little. 1 trillion $ or nothing.
Education in the U.S. is funded at the county level. The U.S. Dept of Education has only been around for about 40 years, and it mostly funds programs and administration.
I hate journalists...
I can't find any verification of this budget, except for a bunch of media quoting a CNN article that in turn quotes "unnamed sources".
We'll have to wait and see what happens I guess.
> tired of empire
Literally surrender-faggotry the post.
NO. God damn neocons are fucking gluttons. MIGA amiright goys?
Motherfucking kek
1trillion? I can't believe this insult, how dare you suggest that the bill gives any less than 3 trillion?