The west is dying the same way Rome fell yet we keep making the same mistakes

The west is dying the same way Rome fell yet we keep making the same mistakes.
The disparity between the rich and everyone else has never been this large, just as it was before the fall of Rome.
Our money isn't even worth the paper it's printed on.

Considering that the gap between the rich and poor is almost as bad as it was during the fall of Rome, why does pol defend the rich so much?

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The problem isn't the rich, the problem is Civilization
There are no Rich in primitive lifestyles except those that attained it themselves through merit

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you're making mistake trying to make impression that we are entering the same river twice. In reality the history about rome was machevelian blueprint written to execute this fall. We have no clue how roman empire fell if it ever existed to begiin with.

Yes Trump is a clear parallel to the fall of the Roman republic and the rise of tyranny with Caesar, look how poltards literally worship 'god emperor'. Book out called 'storm before the storm' about this. Author interviewed recently on podcast letters and politics

All Civilizations die, it’s not our place to ask why we happen to be at the end.

To early, trump is merely the beginning of the fall of the American republic

Also you forgot emancipation of women.Even Tesla said that about women.

When women become too powerful in society its the red alert something is wrong

>Quick, blame the rich!

Every time

its time to take the Feudalism pill Jow Forums

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>blame the rich!

More like blame corrupt thieves that stole peoples wealth that call themselves rich or successful

All the corrupt are rich, not all rich are corrupt.

How are you failing to realize that YOU are the rich? Half the world lives on a dollar per day.

Yes they are,100 %
Plus 99 % of them are born in wealth.

So they lecture you how they are better.But they were simply born in wealth families.They inherit wealth

Being rich isn't a problem. Many of our founders were rich. Monopolies and multi-state corporations are the problem. Sadly, we will need 1776 to destroy them along with the school shooters. Funny how they all vote Democrat, don't you think?

kill all communists

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Even the poor are fat and rich in the west. People have forgotten what poverty and hunger really looks and feels like.
The goal is preventing it from spreading to the west via # mass immigration

National socialism will save the west

Richest men in the world were all born white upper middle class, not Trump style moguls.

Mike Duncan, look for his YouTube book talk

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They don't defend the rich, they just hate leftist policies and that defends the rich.

This, like what exactly are westerners not getting that they need?

Rich is a broad category, you have some rich who made the lives of millions better like the person who invented the microwave and other examples of products that saved lives, then you have the cock sucking rich people who aligned themselves with politicians for personal gain to the public's detriment through policies.

You Germanics barbarians deserve this. It's karma for what you did to the Roman Empire.

> We have no clue how roman empire fell if it ever existed to begiin with.

>onsidering that the gap between the rich and poor is almost as bad as it was during the fall of Rome
>people who apply themselves have it better than anytime in history
>leftshit cocksucking niggers have it bad
Oh, bummer.

I hate the mega rich like Bezos and Jews who wan't to control everything.

I don't hate a small or medium sized business owner who may make a couple million a year and pays his taxes and provides decent paying jobs.

See the difference? The rich people you hate are a minority of the one percent, even though they make up most of it's wealth.

The rich in Rome regularly gave gibs to the plebs and was one of the reasons the currency became devalued, commie shit. The real reason Rome fell was mass-immigration and multiculturalism

snowniggers dindu nuffin
rome's downfall was mainly because of corruption, degeneracy and revolts within their own territory
plus snowniggers

This. I do not care about poor brown people. They hate me anyway

Whoa, slow down! Blame anything, everything, throw our entire history and culture under bus, anything to avoid blaming women for their decisions!

Those reptilians, Jews, Christians, Muslims are the problem with endless problems. The red dragon better win.

The problem is our president, government and currency are what represent and facilitates the 1%. They are no longer patriots, but globalists. Their corporations use the corporate tax inversion, they off shore labor or insist on vast immigration, their executives are compensated through tax deferred stock options. The game is rigged. Nationalize key industry and pay a UBI.

>Quick, blame the Jews!

Every time

It isn’t blaming women really it’s blaming men,

Women are simply incapable of running civilization, so when women gain serious roles in the running of society, freedom and equal rights it’s the clear historical warning that the society as a whole is on the down trend

you faggots worry too much, nature is about balance
sooner or later society will balance itself
the worst case scenario is the total destruction of humanity as we know it, but at this stage it wouldn't be bad either
too much degeneracy, jewry, niggery, lack of morals and just vapid people becoming the majority

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You must be a special kind of stupid

This. Reminder that the citizens were being paid by worthless denar, while multicultural armed forces were paid in gold.

>leftshit cocksucker talking point
>gib to brown hordes

Off to discord and remember - you will never be real woman.

If you only lick enough boots maybe they will stomp on you last.

The largest portion of middle class left unscathed is governmenta; bureaucracy. This will be next for AI and automation, much like current credit unions. Mindless gen Z will cheer, not realizing this is the end, not the beginning.