What to do about ghosting

>build up the courage to ask someone out
>”yeah sure! I’d love to do something. I’m free Thursday!”
>Wednesday comes around
>text “Hey, do you want to do tea? There’s this place I know I want to try.”
>she replies “sure, I’ll text you tomorrow”
>text “Hey, still on for today?”
>she replies “Oh sorry something came up! Another time maybe?”
>text back “oh no worries, when are you free again?”
>get left on read
>next day
>see her in public, doesn’t even acknowledge me
I don’t get it, this is the case I can never avoid and it’s gettjng to the point that it’s maddening. Is this what modern dating is? I’ve never been able to make anything last more than 1-2 weeks and it always ends with ghosting. Am I doing something wrong? I apparently put her off within 3 texts that all pertain to trying to organize a date. Anons, what would cause you to ghost someone?

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She's a bitch and you dodged a bullet. But don't get bitter in case she was busy and couldn't text you.

I'm getting conflicting infos chief

I ghosted someone after pretending to like them and I think about it every day.

It was easier than saying "I fucked your fat ass to lose my V card"

Same thing happened to me user.
Know a girl, followed her on instagram, she followed me back and started talking. Asked if she wanted to hang out sometime and she said yes only to ghost me right after.
Just gotta roll with the punches I guess. Gotta accept that it's a rejection even if she didn't directly say "no".

"Okay, No problem"
That should have been your reply. If she really wanted to go, she would rescheduled it. Now don't worry about it. Find a new girl :)

This. You came off needy as fuck.

and stop being such an insecure prat. man up, and laugh in the face of this shit.

>"Another time maybe?”
This meant: goodbye thanks for trying. Go back to the frontline user and ask someone else

You know how you feel like you need to try hard to get her to come out? Like you want something from her?

Girls don't want that. Unless she is excited as shit to meet you and she feels like she's winning/ getting a good deal, she doesn't really want to meet you.

you aren't organizing a date if you're asking so many questions about what she wants to do and when, then the "still good for today?" text is the cherry on top. She probably sees you as indecisive.

Next time, pick a place, set a time, and say "Hey, let's go here this day and this time, ok?" then you'll either get a yes or a no and can decide to continue pursuing or drop it.

Sometimes people don't want to hurt your feelings. I think it's weak and people should learn to break things off verbally but hey, what can you do? Just move on.

Yeah nah got cant pin this on op. She didn't lose interest because he asked a few questions

Exactly OP is fine. All this garbage about asking too many questions is incel-tier.

The ball is her court OP and there's not much more you can do. Feel depressed for a while and when you're ready try to find someone else (easy thing to say, I know)

You couldn't possibly know the exact cause for getting ghosted, but 'tea' is faggot-tier; just take her to some decent restaurant or pizza place for christ's sake

>Balls in her court bla bla

The bottom line really is that she doesn't care. If she wanted to meet, she would find the time.

She doesn't see it as a good deal. One meaningless text about confirming the day doesn't change that fundamental issue.

just take the next one*

Men get ghosted all the time dude. Your not alone on this, all you can do is shrug it off and try again with the next girl

Ladies often ghost a guy if they think he's too needy. They're anxious about your response to them saying "this isn't working" so they just ghost. You need to remind yourself you don't need a woman, and at this point it doesn't sound like you could keep one regardless. Figure out why you're so insecure and fix it, or this will keep happening. It sucks man but it's just a fact of life when dealing with women.

I have another one tucked away somewhere. Ultimately it comes down to that women aren't dumb, they know what you want, and unfortunately it just doesn't work out if they don't want it as much and that's nature. Not every girl is going to want you like you want them.

Attached: FemChimesIn.png (1092x124, 13K)

There's really truth to the idea that you should just focus on yourself.

Unless you have such an awesome life that girls are desperate to get your attention you'll basically always be begging for scraps.

I know it’s confusing and it hurts, user.
But it happens to all of us.
Ghosting is pretty much rejection.
You will forget about her in a couple of weeks.
Just hang in there and try with someone else.

Thanks for the useless reply

respect your own time user, dont leave others to make the decisions. make a plan, pitch it and see if they accept.

note that anything that is not a YES is NO