Will We All Be Eating Insects In 50 Years?

I was skeptical at first, but I gotta admit insects as food is the future. Cheap, abundant, green, and hey, you're already eating some bugs anyway without even noticing just through the accidental bug content in prepared foods. Beef and chicken can't be for everyone forever, needs to be more like a luxury item for special occasions if we're going to survive the coming decades.

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Any African anons have any good mosquito burger recipes?

soilent green is people

I kek'd about eating insects and thought I would share my story about the day I was raped.

My marriage was going through a rough period. My wife was withholding sex because of a lot of disagreements, heated arguments and even fights we were having about moving to another state. During that time a friend and colleague of mine, who was a woman, had become a shoulder to lean on and to discuss my issues with. In an effort to get my mind off of my issues at home I took a detour along with her on my way home from work that fateful day. It was just supposed to be a short bar visit, some whiskey and dropping her off.

Well I drank way too much to drive so I parked my car at the bar and started walking home with my friend. When we got to her apartment I followed her in and she gave me a hug. For a brief moment I started feeling as though someone loved me again and I was actually happy. Because of that the hug lasted way longer than it should have and I noticed just how much I had missed feeling a woman's touch after three months of nothing but a cold shoulder from my wife.

One thing led to another and I was in bed with only my boxers on. Suddenly I thought of my wife and my kids. The promise I had made my wife. It really sobered me up. I had phased for a while thinking. What the **** was I doing I thought to myself as I realized what a terrible mistake I was about to make. Then I noticed she had gotten on top of me.

I told her to stop it, but she had pulled my boxers off. I couldn't believe I had an erection. I certainly wanted it to go away. She said something like "are you kidding me! You're going nowhere" and got pissed. She was way stronger than I had thought, I think she was a former gymnast, because she mounted me and stayed on. I could only manage to slide out occasionally, but that didn't help much.

>Beef and chicken can't be for everyone forever, needs to be more like a luxury item for special occasions if we're going to survive the coming decades.
i will eat you, faggot, or i will eat beef and chicken. there are no other options faggot.


I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe what had happened. It was unbearable to see her at work again, she acted like nothing had happened. I told my wife about it a week later. That nearly ended in a divorce. I only managed to convince her somewhat at first. She only really believed me when it came to having sex again much later on. I struggled, vomited and had anxiety attacks. I still can't be underneath her without breaking a cold sweat as it seemingly without fail brings back all the memories.

We decided to go to the police together after three months had passed, but they wouldn't do anything about it. It was too late they said. They even questioned my story suggesting I was just trying to save my marriage and that I had simply been unfaithful. I could not go back to the police after that.

It's all in the past now. It's been three years. The only constant reminder is the $360 a month I pay in child support for a daughter who was conceived through rape. It sends shivers down my spine.

I suppose a better man would fight to the bitter end against this, but really what can I do? I have to pay it and every time I do I get to go back to that day and relive all those memories.

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If it's well prepared - who cares. Raw meat isn't great either. I'd eat a grasshoper burger in no time + cheap protein source

>Implying I'm not already eating insects.
