What percentage of this board is russian trolls and jidf?

What percentage of this board is russian trolls and jidf?

Attached: 1.png (1980x781, 272K)

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russian trolls are a left wing conspiracy
JIDF is definately here
but how do you know if its 100 guys
or 10...


the russian troll farms are legit, you moron.

I can tell you that I am not a Russian troll.

40% Russian troll farms
40% JIDF/Israeli-based groups
15% Russian and and Israeli assets abroad
5% real anons

im jew

all yang posters are russian troll bots

seems about right

oh what about glow in the dark cia niggers?

>russian trolls and JIDF = Tranny discord

Attached: socialism.jpg (809x768, 117K)


wtf i love Russia now

>russian trolls
Israel is 50% Russian jews, so what diff does JDIF make? 90% of the threads on Jow Forums at any given moment are shitty russian propaganda , and 100% of all the "General" threads.

Russians are against Israel.
Russia was among the only countries that voted for Israel to JOIN the nuclear proliferation treaty, stopping them from aquiring nukes.
Your "based" poles, ukis and estonians all voted in FAVOR of Israel to stay out of the treaty. USA aswell. Get cucked.

Attached: nuclear treaty.png (1122x799, 725K)

Russian trolls are preoccupied with shilling for Pootin and his mafia and trying to make Russia look good. They give zero shit about your politics.

russia is NOT against israel, you moron. most of the most powerful people in russia are jews and have strong ties with israel.

stop spreading misinformation, you nazicuck.

>Russian trolls are preoccupied with shilling for Pootin and his mafia and trying to make Russia look good

Attached: okat.jpg (665x512, 54K)

>Russian trolls are preoccupied with shilling for Pootin and his mafia and trying to make Russia look good.
This, can confirm.

t. Actual Russian shill.

Attached: Putin.png (1142x813, 108K)

Attached: 1546399334228.jpg (548x10000, 1.95M)

Attached: 1546399476130.jpg (864x9934, 2.89M)

actually, what you perceive as jidf, is actually russians trolling you

Attached: 1550350877151.jpg (1280x719, 542K)

Id say a good 2%. Israeli/JIDF shills prob around 20%.

Attached: 1529733453161.jpg (1280x1800, 1.74M)

Attached: 1550878232407.jpg (755x517, 110K)

Attached: decriminalisation of domestic violence in russia.png (1392x682, 173K)

>Russians are against Israel.
Jewish Putin's jewish oligarchs all hold Israeli passports and use each other politically.

>Russians are against Israel.
Imagine actually believing this shit, kek.

Putin calls on European Jews to move to Russia

>Russia was among the only countries that voted for Israel to JOIN the nuclear proliferation treaty, stopping them from aquiring nukes.
So what? Russians always play the hand that fits them in whatever scenario.

>Your "based" poles, ukis and estonians all voted in FAVOR of Israel to stay out of the treaty.
Gonna need a citation on that.

>Get cucked.
t. Hans the cuck who’s wife is getting piped by Mohammed or Mateusz

>believing anything that ever comes out of a parasites mouth.

On a more serious note.

Attached: The Strangulation of the Russian Economy in the 1990s Was a Deliberate IMF policy.png (765x6483, 1.39M)

Attached: Who financed Lenin and Trotsky.png (900x6703, 2.28M)

Attached: How Germany got the Russian Revolution off the ground.jpg (1531x8068, 2.52M)

Attached: Before the Revolution.png (2165x521, 150K)

Attached: Russia To Become Second-Largest Foreign Owner Of U S Domestic Refineries, If Venezuela Defaults.jpg (1191x4224, 1.37M)

Attached: 1552070363464.png (600x599, 84K)

Bad job, not convincing. Meet Volodin after your shift.

30% JIDF
30% Russian
30% /leftypol/ discord trannies
10% anyone else

Im a qualified russian troll.
I simply enjoy westernercucks Jow Forumsoids squabling about irrelevant garbage, responding to bait with plus 200+ replies, larping as having some imaginary pridefull nazi standart while doing nothing about it but posting irrelevant image macros that do shit but making others like themselves wank about.

Most fascinating thing is, they never stop. Time moves forward and nothing changes.

Attached: 1401576847924.png (200x200, 16K)

95 пpoцeнтoв.

so legit they cant fucking do anything. go back to bed you druggie islander

that's what a Russian troll would say

Attached: 1538623133614.png (729x638, 154K)

my condolences

the midget cares a lot about his image abroad
all this shirtless photos, doggos and piano concerts
