So there's this really funny cute girl I've been best friends with since 6th grade. We did everything together and we're always helping eacother with our issues.
Fast foreward 10 years.
Male 22 year old virgin, still best friends with her. We chat a lot when bored and go to concerts. Never dated.
Got really wasted after we went to bar together and fucked her.
We agreed to forget about it and went back to normal.
1 month later she calls me and asks to talk.
We go to a restaurant and she tells me she's pregnant, and she knows it's my baby bc she hadn't had sex with anyone else in over 6 months and doctor says she's not that far along.
She says she doesn't want abortion.
I get pissed and tell her to abort it. not ready to be a dad, and adoption is so hard on kids.
She says I'm being selfish.
What to do anons? Is she being unfair or sm I being selfish?
Got best friend pregnant
why didn't you use a condom
She's not being unfair. You're being a bitch.
Take responsability for your actions. You're not ready to be a dad? You're gonna have to learn on the job. I recommend you give your kid up for adoption, so he doesn't get raised by a bitch dad.
If you didn't want kids you shouldn't have fucked without a condom.
sounds like the plot of a shitty anime. would be nice to marry your best friend and start a family. it'll fuck your career but everyone has a different path in life.
Are you black?
It was late and we were horny and drunk
Why am I the only one to blame for this?
And I am NOT giving up any child for adoption. That is so hard and dangerous for a kid, I'd rather it never exist at all then it to be put through that
We are both whiter than the moon
Asking the real questions:
If yes: murder suicide
If no: raise the child like a man and have 10 more
Refer to option 2
Fuck off shit poster and actually be useful.
Tell her that you were actually wearing your detachable bull penis that night and she is pregnant with a minotaur. That should scare her into an abortion.
>Why am I the only one to blame for this?
You're not, but that doesn't make you any less guilty. You're not a fucking kid, as drunk as you were you knew what would happen, you just didn't care.
Man up, marry her, get a job and raise your child.
If she doesn't want to abort then there's really nothing you can say or do to change her mind. Adoption really isn't that hard on kids if they're adopted as an infant, and white newborns are in high demand. You could probably pawn the kid off to some rich infertile couple. A lot of times they'll even pay for her doctor bills during the pregnancy.
If she doesn't want to put the kid up for adoption, either, then you only have 2 choices:
>ghost on them and let her raise the kid alone
>man up and do your best to be a good father figure
These anons saying you have to get married are retarded. You can be part of the kid's life without necessarily diving into a marriage that will inevitably fail anyway, but you WILL have to maintain some sort of partnership with her as, relationship or not, you'll be raising a child together.
Good luck dumbass.
Sounds like a great position to be in minus the fact that it’s accidental. I wish I could have made a wife of my best friend. Learn to father and accept responsibility for your actions though. Don’t put your dong where you don’t want kids
First of all ask for a dna check
Damn, that’s hard, I had a similar situation but I convinced her it would be hard for the baby and shit like that sho in the end she agreed to abort, why not make her see the pros and cons of abortion, and having the baby?
Also, you’re selfish for wanting an abortion. You very obviously made a mistake, but don’t destroy life because you value your current one above it. It’s very difficult but an abortion will more than likely destroy your friendship with her along with the risks that go with her health. Assuming she’s physically in normal health, your best option objectively is to have the baby.
DEMAND a DNA test before you pay for a damn thing. If she can't give you that, hit the trail.
IF baby is yours, be a fucking man about it.
1. Get a REAL job. One that has room for advancement and is enough to feed mommy and baby.
2. Ask her to marry you. Do not shame your family by having an uncared for bastard child. Give the marriage a fair shot. AND GET A GOD DAMNED PRE-NUP!
3. Tell the parents, say "I want to do what is right by you and your daughter sir." Followed by a firm handshake. Make sure you are dressed for this occasion. Shave the shit off your lip. He will respect you as a man.
4. Have baby. Wait 18 months, get her preggers again. Lather, rinse and repeat at least 2 more times. Do your duty to White Christendom.
If you don't have the money immediately, Your parents will fill in the gaps. They will eat that shit up if you two give off the vibe that you care. Eventually you will, and you will try to make it work, because life is precious.
22 is a perfectly fine age to have children. Your roaring 20's is a fucking lie. You will not be traveling the world. You will not be "playing the field". You will be old with fucked up sperm by the time you find "the right girl" and being a player is cool until you are 30+ and then you are just a sad unmarried fuck that your friends laugh at. Both of you get your shit together.
Start going to church.
Surround yourselves with higher caliber people than you are now. If your neckbeard friends give you shit, cut the virgins loose. Start living for your children user. Nothing is more rewarding in life than raising a functioning family with children who aren't crack babies.
Do us proud user. If all goes well, don't come back here anymore. Free yourself from these chains and live a pure life that is worthy of respect.
-Godspeed you stupid frog-poster.
Marry her. Really. No one is “ready” to be a dad. Rise to the occasion. I can’t think of a better fate than to marry and have a child with your best friend. Congratulations.
It never fails to surprise how insane you people prove yourselves to be. Pray tell, the fuck do you know about kids and being a dad, aside from the narcissism you clearly inherited from yours.
Marry and love her
>You need a degree in child-rearing to understand how to parent.
>All successful parents were PERFECT the second they conceived a child.
This nigga walkin among us lmao
lucky bastard
There is risk with sex, you should have known this regardless of how drunk you were. At least the woman you knocked up you like as a person, could have been worse.
Best answer here
Sex makes babies yo. Short of having your tubes tied or a vasectomy, you always have that chance when having sex. Man up and accept that you are going to be a dad. Don't be one of those shithead dads that fuck off the responsibility. This woman wants the baby and what you're asking her is fucked up. Again, man the fuck up.
The best thing to do would be to give the child up for adoption. Neither of you are prepared to be parents, the responsible thing would be to give the child to a couple that have the ability to raise an infant.
Most likely your best friend is just going to become another single mom, you'll be stuck paying child support forever and be miserable.
Relationships based on "oops, I got you pregnant" rarely ever work, hence why we have a bastard child epidemic, so the kid is going to grow up in a broken family.
kek, reminds me of this old post from /tg/. It was pretty cool.
You don't have to marry her, but don't try to kill your kid man. Find a good job and be a good father. Your life is not ruined, don't listen to these dipshit neets
Youre boy days are over, youre a man now. Accept your responsibility and be the best dad you can be. If the kid is a boy then you will have the best days of your life teaching him all the stuff you know. Im tellimg you this from my own experience. Dont fuck this opertunity up or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
This will also work as a great source of motivation as soon as you get into the mindset that you will have family and you will be the main provider for it.
Oh and dont forget to make DNA test befor anything happens.
She's the selfish one. Sedate and wire hanger.
This. Just this. Its the only answer you need, OP.
>She says she doesn't want abortion.
>She says I'm being selfish.
marry her you daft cunt
even despite
>We agreed to forget about it and went back to normal.
Why is it dangerous to give up a child for adoption again? Unlike most parents, an adoptive parent will actually want the kid.
Just ghost and learn from this, you made a mistake but so did she. You offered a way out for her with the abortion option and she refused. She made the choice to keep it after you made it clear you didn't want anything to do with it so it's her job to figure out a way to feed and raise it on her own.
If you put a child up for adoption through an adoption service, it's almost guaranteed it's going to go to a good home with parents who can afford to give the baby a good life. Adoption agencies are very stringent and picky about who it let's adopt a kid. Foster care is where the kid can really get fucked, sometimes literally, there are no stringent requirements for foster parents. I suggest you do more research before you write off adoption completely, it could save you 18 miserable years off your life.
Basically, this , don't listen to these niggers with their pump and dump ideology, humping every hood rat there is within a 40-mile radius then bouncing, also ask for a DNA test beforehand.
>bort it. not ready to be a dad, and adoption is so hard on kids.She says I'm being selfish.
You're not the only one, but you're the one wanting to kill a human being to avoid responsibility.
Was she a virgin as well? JFC op I'm jealous as fuck.
Get a paternity test if it bothers you so much... But if it's your kid just own up to the mistake and have some more if she wants to be with you.
“She was just my platonic female friend”
Congratulations your life has meaning now. 2-4 is the best age user they start talking
every fucking time someone makes this thread
>the man is selfish for having no choice in whether or not he becomes a father
>the woman isn't selfish despite holding all the power and totally disregarding the man's wishes
however I'm still inclined to think you should give support to the kid if she won't abort. What I wouldn't do is enter any sort of relationship with this woman, she'd be given the minimum in child support and left to raise the kid herself because it was her decision alone.
It's selfish for a man to ask a woman to become a murderer because he can't deal with the consequences of his actions, yes. The woman isn't making the man do anything at that point, he's already done his deed and didn't like the result he got from it.
It's not at all selfish to ask that, especially when it's her choice to make.
>The woman isn't making the man do anything at that point
oh you're totally deluded. My mistake. Thinking like this is what creates so many single mothers.
>waaaaah why do things have consequences
don't kill the child, but do consider killing yourself
They are both stupid, but she's being a manipulative bitch.
No you stupid fuck. The man HAD a choice by fucking a girl and getting her pregnant. If he didn't think with his dick, he wouldn't be in this situation. Single mothers happen because the woman is forced to take multiple responsibilities for a deadbeat father. Abortion is fucking traumatizing, are you stupid? Blowing your meager load in some girl is not comparable to caring a child in your stomach for almost a year of your life.
>The man HAD a choice by fucking a girl and getting her pregnant.
and she still has the choice. Plenty of women get abortions all the time, and if she does she doesn't have to worry about "caring" a child in her "stomach" for almost a year of her life.
It was a typo, fuck off.
You obviously will never understand the gravity of an abortion because you don't have a uterus and you think the only think you can bring to a relationship is sex. I pity whoever you decide to accidentally knock up.
you'll never understand the gravity of locking a guy into lifelong obligation towards you and your kid while denying him any choice in the matter. It's not a matter of a single abortion or even a year, you're forcing him into something he doesn't want for the rest of his life. He has a right to consider you more selfish than him.
I wish I had your life OP. Be glad you have an excuse to be with her.
I'm a man. I'm married with 3 kids. What kind of monster do you have to be to demand from a girl that they get an abortion against their will because you couldn't put on a condom. It's not the woman's fault. She's not "locking" him into anything. If this wasn't what he wanted, he shouldn't have played himself. You got all of this big talk, but the statistics don't lie: you would very likely not want to pursue a long term relationship with a woman if you found out she had a non-life-threatening abortion.
>reading comprehension
By the way, not wanting an abortion is the exact opposite of selfish. Do you not understand how self-sacrifice works, you fucking manchild?
Just roll with it. Take the responsibility. You can try shipping the kid to its grandparents (either on your side or on hers). Worst case scenario just put the kid up for adoption.
Forcing her into abortion will screw her up for a lifetime. Don't do it if you care about her.
The woman has two chances to make a choice and the man one.
That doesn't make her more selfish.
Selfishness is to refuse self-sacrifice.
If the woman is willing to sacrifice her freedom for the benefit of the child, and the man is not, then the man is more selfish.
The woman can sacrifice his freedom, as long as she also sacrifices her own, she's not selfish.
Do you know if she wants you?
>you would very likely not want to pursue a long term relationship with a woman if you found out she had a non-life-threatening abortion.
That would depend on whether or not I wanted kids, something you're clearly biased towards. If I didn't want kids and I knew that she didn't either, to the point she was willing to abort it, then that would be the opposite of a red flag.
sacrificing someone elses freedom to fulfill your desire is selfish however you spin it.
By the way I'm not even advocating that OP should necessarily leave her, but I wouldn't think less of him if he did. In his situation I would help her out and step up to become a father, but I'm not some faggot who goes online to try and mentally manipulate him into sharing my views.
Tell her how you feel and hope you sync up senpai, sorry. You can't force things, just keep reiterating your opinion without mallace
>sacrificing someone elses freedom to fulfill your desire is selfish however you spin it.
Selfishness is about oneself, not about others. So the question is whether the desire is selfish or not.
Sacrificing others for the sake of others is not selfish. Call it oppressive, self-righteous, discriminating, and you might have a point (that we might argue). But words have meaning, and all the things you dislike just cannot be covered by "selfish".
Go tell your parents, make your dad proud and mom happy
Get a paternity test ASAP. If she’s a close friend, it’s even more important. These days you can get non-invasive ones done very early in the pregnancy.
If she’s a friend, refuses an abortion saying it’s yours, and wants you to raise the child, then this should be no problem for her.
Not sure if it counts as winning when the girl most likely has been used by other guys also. Getting a slut pregnant is sad.
tips fedora the post
Criminals are told "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time" - i.e., be prepared to be caught and imprisoned, and accept it.
Adapting that, "Don't fuck if you can't accept the possible outcome"
Man the absolute fuck up! If you choose it to be, then that little baby will be the best thing you ever have, let it motivate you to be the best you can be. Life is like that dude, chance you get hit by a car, chance you just drop fucking dead one day, chance you never meet anyone worth a dam, chance you have a baby to young, of all the things that can happen, this ain't a bad one......
>wanting to abort the only kid a NEET like you will ever get
fuckin 'ell, back in my day I had to hide my power level in school, even telling someone that you played games was the short road to being socially ostracized
If you were a 22 year old virgin before her and she's your beat friend, sounds like as good a person and as good a time as any to start a family.
Man up and marry her
newborn babies get adopted easily and put into loving homes that want them. it’s older kids that have trouble finding placement and end up in foster care, etc.
>DEMAND a DNA test before you pay for a damn thing. If she can't give you that, hit the trail.
Ignore everything besides this
Did you not use a condom?
Then don't you DARE abort it.
This is literally the answer but it's up to you to take it OP
Take responsibility for the kid, if you're old enough to have sex you're old enough to raise the result of it
do you laugh at sad unmarried fucks?
While I agree that marriage is unnecessary, saying it's going to fail isn't true, marriages for duty have a higher chance of success than marriage for love.
Put some effort into informing her about abortion and also about how terrible the life of a kid can be, come to a conclusion together and do that.
If you agree to abort, problem solved.
If you agree to not abort then start a relationship with her (out of duty, not love, succesrate is actually higher, and you may still fall for her later in life), try finding a job during her pregnancy and after the child is born you can become a housefather if you really don't like the job and she has a good one.
If you don't agree, act as if you agree, start that relationship, move in with her, start feeding her hormones in secret to cause a miscarriage. (Plan B mixed in all her meals should do it pretty well.)
Pretty sure causing someone to abort without their consent is illegal. Also 'plan B' only works before fertilisation.
started good, then went to shit when you started advocating male subservience.
Plan B is just a hormone bomb, if it's before fertilisation you need one, but if she's pregnant and want to force a miscarriage using multiple should work.
Also, if it's illegal that just means nobody has to find out.
You disgust me, trying to abort a baby. I hope you die
>Adoption is so hard on kids
>murdering them is A-OK
You're a retard.
What's wrong with marrying a cute, funny girl
They don't have a conscience yet you christian fag
It's the kid I'm worried about
I don't want one right now
I'm a friendless incel so i might be biased, but you sound lucky.
Welcome to being an adult! You really went all-in there. The whole purpose of sex is procreation, after all. Unfortunately you didn't play it safe.
Best you can do is be a good dad. Most people aren't "ready" to be parents when they conceive. This is one of many curveballs life's going to throw at you, and they are almost never as bad as they seem like they are. Good luck, man.
I think Jow Forums is the worst place you could possibly ask about abortion. Every single time it just devolves into:
>white knights defending the fair maiden
>soiboi cucks talking about how it's your time to "man up", i.e. be an obedient little doggy and do what you are told because reasons
>incels being jealous that you are got laid but not them
>plastic, pretend-conservative hypcocrites who support the death penalty but not abortion
>Jow Forums larpers who invoke faith (the idea of religious people on Jow Forums is a fucking joke)
>losers who attack vulnerable people on an online advice board in order to build up their own ego
I've lived in a conservative, religious country for long enough to know just how full of shit they are. They'd legalise abortion in a millisecond if it weren't possible to get one abroad. But as is, they get to stand on the soapbox of it being illegal here, while virtually all of them sneak into another country to get one.
Here's what you do OP. You try to convince her to get an abortion the regular way. You aren't ready yet, the kid would have a shitty life. Giving it up for adoption is even more cruel. Vacuum it out of there while it's still a clump of cells, before it develops any features. Even a pill can do it - much less stressful than the operation. You'll try for a kid again in the future when there's money in the bank and when you actually have time to see the kid, not be at work all day.
If that doesn't work, regretfully inform her that while it's her decision on whether the cells continue to grow, it's your decision whether you want to be a father or not. You will never see her again, and never be involved in the kid's life. You will pay the minimum child support legally required. No visitation, no phonecalls, nothing. She's alone in the world with this. (Who the fuck does she think she is holding you hostage like that anyway).
Whatever you do, don't celebrate via coffee, jacuzzi & champagne. That could cause a miscarriage.
abortion will be punishable by death in the coming years
you will die too OP
Can't always get what you want when you want it. Play with the cards you've been dealt and stop waiting for the perfect hand.
Whatever you do, don't listen to people telling you that you have a responsibility. It is her choice if she wants the kid, your choice if you raise it.
> conservatives want abortions until they can't have them?
complete nonsense
don't kill babies, you'll fucking hang yourself later in life my dude. your blessed with child and a woman. don't fuck this up