Streisand Effect can be achieved here. People will be curious about banned material. This book is the number 1 redpill. Mention this everywhere and link to the PDF.
>Amazon has banned Culture of Critique Yeah give it a few months and private sellers will be peddling the book on the site. Similar to the Turner Diaries or the Holocaust Denial books they "banned". Amazon does this shit for show, in reality they could give 2 fucks less as long as they're getting paid.
Jeremiah Sanders
>communists now like private ownership of anything
Amazon filters by keywords, titles, ASIN and ISBN's you know. Sellers can get caught selling prohibited items and can get their accounts terminated.
Anthony Brown
It is amazing how deeply the Jew fears truth being spoken about his people.
Asher Lee
>Sellers can get caught selling prohibited items and can get their accounts terminated. Except that doesn't happen unless the ADL or SPLC or whatever Jewish group throws a fit and even then it will be right back up within a day. I mean there are sellers of these "prohibited items" that have been up for fucking years. As long as they don't draw attention to themselves by various groups, Amazon doesn't care. I mean hell there are more extreme books that CoC on amazon for sale too. Again this is just a PR move since CoC is a book heavily shilled by Alt Righters because they don't like promoting books like Mein Kampf because "Da Optics".
Andrew Long
It does happen and no one is going to risk their established accounts. Few sellers bother selling prohibited materials. Its clear you dont run an amazon merchant account. The hassle of even opening on and getting approved is enough to never jeopardize it to make $25 off a banned book.
Hunter Barnes
Hey it's me, drinking in my car user again I'm a good looking white guy with a beautiful successful wife, 2 extraordinary kids, a PhD in computer science, my own consulting company, and I'm the bassist/backup singer at my Baptist church. I'm also an amazing carpenter, I did the finishing work on a $130,000 deck last summer
I'm drinking myself to death, I've been drinking in my car all day and spending 2-300 on coke a week as well.