If man has the ability to create A.I...

If man has the ability to create A.I. with godlike powers then there is a possibiliy that the god which created man is dumber than man.

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Interesting. Retarded and false, but very very interdasting, indeed...

50 years ago no one would have believed you if you talked about the social networks and cryptocurrency. They would have admitted you to a psych ward.

sorry i read this as Gaben creating god-like A.I.

Isn't intelligent design enough to subdue this claim? The big bang as the Omega to which all spacetime accelerates as the big bang as the Omega to which all spacetime accelerates?

Big bang is a false theory based on gravity which has never been proven as a physics law.

Oh boy here we go

People used to think that some god was responsible if their village went weeks upon weeks without rain. Now we understand it's simply a weather pattern. High pressure/low pressure systems. They are verifiable. They are predictable

This does not mean "there's no god." It means "I have EVIDENCE that heating and cooling causes precipitation - where is your EVIDENCE that it's actually caused by the god Triton?"

Telling me "well it could be Triton, dude, you don't know" is not fucking evidence


Cambrian Explosion is the evidence that evolution is a false theory.

The ability of Critical Thinking in man is also the evidence that evolution is false and there is a creator.

Gravity is not a physics law. Educate yourself filthy mutt.

More proof that Germany was a mistake

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But the AI created man, who can create the AI, so your logic is boomer christcuck like. Unless it created but had no idea what it was doing.

Yeah you sure showed me with that cartoon reaction pic.

>man is A.I.

You fucked up macaco

still, big bang isn't intelligent design, you've used the wrong part of my argument to support your claim.

Cambrian explosion is a mystery of the fossil record. However, in EXTANT SPECIES, we have observed natural selection. Like literally compared one alive animal to another alive animal. No fossils. No guessing. Literal observation of Thing 1 and Thing 2. No one has "proven natural selection wrong." We are just still fleshing out details

Refuting it all based on one question is like saying "we don't know how to travel space at light speed, so it's impossible"

Or, "early humans didn't know how to build airplanes, so airplanes are impossible"

Science is not all-knowing. Nor does any scientist, institute, or school purport to be all-knowing. There are just some mysteries science has yet to solve. That's all


"AI" is all bullshit, it's markov chains and a bunch of cheating

>created man is dumber than man

The world's electricity grid is ran mostly by boiling water. You can't really get dumber than man. No AI man is ever able to create will have "God" like powers. You should really consider how powerful God really is.

I am not saying that evolution does not exist. Evolution exists but Cambrian Explosion proves that it is not the source of creation.

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it's cup holder obviously

You are going the wrong way. We can make A.I work in a lil machine on a desk, that has to be plugged into a power source and the AI awareness isn’t life. God created the universes that enables us to be in this planet- harness electricty- build a machine- to play god inside of while we are aware of the AI, god and ourselves. So I think it goes AI


>man does not have the ability to make godlike A.I.
>the designer of the first life and DNA is a billion IQ genius being, whatever it is. humans aren't even close to the proverbial asshole of the super intellect that created all this
>go kill yourself

Fucking Gaben....you fucking killed steam you fat pig.

but what
about half life 3?