Well lads, it's a matter of time more than likely. While I'm no longer a member of the organization, I was formally a part of Identity Evropa. My messages and such, however, are placed in the leaks by Unicorn Riot. I fucked up by mentioning where I worked in a general sense, and there are a few photos without my face shown in several places. I had already set my social media to private everywhere, as well as taken out anything that could give my presence out easily. However, there's enough out there due to various factors before me joining that if someone really goes after me and gets a lucky hit, I'll be exposed.
Guys, what the hell am I going to do? While there were aspects of the organization I liked, the reason I left was mostly because of a change in heart I had over the course of my stay as I realized my views no longer aligned with that of them. What I want to do for a career, something I've always wanted to do, will be more or less taken away from me. My friends and family will likely disown me completely upon leaning. Effectively, my life will be over.
At this point, my mental health has been going down the drain rapidly. While I'm trying to tell myself that it's not the answer, I've made serious thoughts of doing something rather... permanent to myself to just escape this all. I know it's not the way forward, and I know it's a coward's way out. I know I need help, but I can't just ask people I know what to do. It's gotten to the point where I have written out a letter in case I decide that's the route I'm going to go down.
Well OP, when the time comes, take as many jew bastards out with you in style is all I can say
Brandon Roberts
>What do I do, Anons? just deny the whole fucking thing fagget
Bentley Howard
Nathaniel Price
Deal with it like a man, don't pussy out.
Sebastian Moore
You either go all in or you deny it.
That's the truth.
Either way, if the shit hits the fan in this country like everyone thinks it is in 5 years then it's not going to matter in the long run anyway as long as you stay away from the ZOG.
there is 1 x in doxed, you are either new or a journalist
Jayden Foster
Anyone getting doxxed should seize the moment and double down because you just got a huge platform. Apologizing has the opposite effect.
>the reason I left was mostly because of a change in heart I had over the course of my stay as I realized my views no longer aligned with that of them. You deserve it traitor.
Nathaniel Smith
Never apologize if people come after you be peaceful and defend your views with logic and always remain calm
Oliver Cooper
Jesus christ you must say cuck a lot for autocorrect to be changing cum to it.
Josiah Garcia
Antifa here. I can sniff out a bitch and you're one. Rat the rest of your comrades out and maybe we'll be nice. Thats the deal, take it or leave it nazi scum.
Eli Cooper
Just laugh and say >ain’t me, man Then kick’em square in the nuts. But, remember to scream >EXCÉLSIOR
You might be put on a watch list at worst, which isn't going to show up in a background check for employement.
If some JIDF-type fucker wants to fuck with you he'll incorrectly guess your login and you'll get a notification.
You aren't being tracked by the FBI or the CIA, so I wouldn't worry that much. Your Larper group wasn't planning on bombing anyone or doing anything serious so you're probably in the green.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a short term problem. Its not fair to those who know you and its not fair to the people who have to pick up youe body, like first responders. Sort yourself out.
Jose Bell
>memeflag >coward take it like a man, faggot
Asher Harris
Josiah Brown
If you're european you can force google to delete entries about you btw
Colton Rogers
deny and make up an alibi. all of the details you shared can be gleaned from a random on the net and used by someone impersonating you
Just start singing fortunate son, everyone will join in and forget what's going on.
Jason Cruz
Deny deny deny Even if it is revealed you can use the fact leftists think with their feelings to redirect scrutiny. Attend a gay pride parade and share it on social media. Volunteer at a dog shelter. Just take a few photos of you with faggots and "fur babies" and "pibbles" and you'll look too much like a nice guy to be a former Nazi. For work you can get dirt on a boss or just become the most reliable employee.
It's not you and you'd never do that shit. If in the end they don't believe you it really doesn't matter. I knew a guy with a swastika on his fucking neck who worked at a leftist hipster hang out and only one dude glared at him. Leftists are convinced all whites are Nazis secretly anyway so they'll be unfazed and see it as expected. The leftists in your workplace are more likely to just glare at you if it gets out.
Jace Murphy
Your dudes would be better off looking into why Timothy McVeigh had a point then picking on the alt-right larpers.
I have an idea. You can search the internet for someone who looks just like you, maybe there is an algorithm that would do that. Then you can report that person as being the person in the pictures.
Hudson Reyes
Change your name and keep a low profile until the hype dies down. I'm facing a similar issue from a bunch of rabid Zionists that are trying to destroy my career.
You can even get a nose job in a couple years if you need to promote yourself again.
Who gives a fuck, literally no one you work with does. The only issue would be if they applied external pressure to get you fired, and you don't seem important enough for that.
I'm not anyone important, but have been on TV (international and domestic), newspapers, the internet has tons of pictures and articles that come up top on google about my past activities. I was arrested while at one job, for political related activities, missed days of work. Apologized, they were worried I would lose security clearance needed for some clients but I told them I likely wouldn't be prosecuted ... and no one gave a fuck.
That hasn't stopped me once in getting a job with companies in US, UK, Germany.
Just man up and ignore it. If someone at work ask you anything, ask them what they have against activism/nationalism whatever. Likely they don't have anything, they will think about it for a sec and leave you alone.
John Ward
>1 post >memeflag Probably should go ahead with that final solution
Jacob Nguyen
if you have a social media profile with your work display and pics of you at random places, anyone can spoof you using that
Kayden Barnes
You know what to do leaf, the great compost heap in the sky is waiting for you.
Does Patrick Casey know about this? Do I need to kick his ass?
Nicholas Stewart
Alright transgender mario who talks about cucks on his iphone all day. How about you get a real man's machine to post on? Instead of breaking your thumbs slowly typing with a program assisting you with spelling #gotHim
Eli Reed
Depending on the state you live in, a legal name change is around $150 and takes anywhere from two hours to thirty days. Do that, move somewhere else, and you're good to go.
Samuel Gray
What a fucking faggot. I doxxed myself on television with my name. I'm not scared to die for what I believe in.
Wyatt Fisher
Take care of your boys you complete fucking retard, Jesus Christ you Pagan Evropa lapping “identitarian” faggots piss me off...
Patrick Casey doing exactly what Spencer did, Patrick, I’m going to make you my bitch when I see you.
How are you doing, man? You get caught up in the leaks too?
Also, for everyone else. I understand that I'm paranoid. I've ran through a lot of options on what I'll be doing. Part of me does want to just try to flat out deny. However, I don't know if anyone would believe me if I tried. Part of me does want to just admit it if I was, and try to just live on from there. I really never posted anything that could be really described as "Hateful", but I know that these Antifa people don't care. I've seen them already posting information on the addresses of not only the people doxxed, but their families as well. At this point, what happens to me is my fault alone, but I don't want to see them hurt any of my family or friends.
I'm just scared guys.
Chase Adams
One the lose everything, has nothing to lose, therefore he can do anything. user, you are free. Even if your life is ruined, and everyone would ostracize you, don't forget you're not alone. Killing yourself is not ideal. Fight it, and demonstrate them you're can succeed in life at any difficulty. You may lose your job, you can find one that pays less, you may have to work harder and such things. But nothing is impossible, ultimately you'll rise up once again. But above all, don't apologise, don't cuck and be true that your believe, and lastly know that you're in the right, and they in the wrong. When the degeneracy will be over, in the future everyone would look back and we'll see you as a hero who has never given up. But before that, you'll sit in your couch, listen to your grandkids laughter as you remember this very moment. Don't give up, always push forward. Stand tall, with your back straight and confront every obstacle that you may face.
Double down lad. If you're fucked what could it hurt. Stick to your convictions and be the hero we all need.
Aaron Russell
Fuck it op. If your white, then your fucked either way. You must manifest a new inner dialog. I spent many years in the core, and for what, money and oil. Tulamancer galore, is what I am now. I'm 6'4 240 solid honky. Sometimes I feel like colonel kurtz, in mad max land. Move away from family and friends. Break from your system, then break from yourself. Be reborn as a mega alpha male, conan the barbarian 2019 style.
The only solution is numbers doing this. And, why not?
Caleb Morris
Who fucking cares? Antifa has no power. Keep a good 10-20 magezines fully loaded in an ammo can near where you hang your rifle. If those faggots ever show up at your door kill every last one of them.
Ryder Rodriguez
1. stop worrying 2. use buddhism and new age techniques to re-program your mind for level- and positive-only emotions 3. labor for 2 years then buy land in germany and live your days happy go nazi
Nathan Clark
Find those responsible and go out in a blaze of glory whilst also making people think twice about doxxing/destroying peoples lives. Be an hero with a purpose.
Angel Phillips
First off, get fucked racist piece of shit nazi. Second, no one gives a fuck, it's a dox... you pretty much doxxed yourself when you made your facebook account.
Owen Bailey
Aw poor lil baby. try living in homeless shelters for months while occasionally getting jumped you fucking faggot.
buy some crypto before your bank account gets shoahd
Evan Smith
>is a memeflag >is Jewish
Jason Hernandez
OP this is the only out for you-- Pretend you are transgendering. (if they get close to you)
Wear a wig and a dress and declare that you are "a new woman filled with hope for a united country" you could flip the bad publicity into a federal job (meeting a quota for 'women')
(don't kill yourself that's what they want, if you must kill those responsible for your doxxing)
Oliver Jones
Well, delete all your social media. Or try to like and pretend youre a leftist, post pictures with things that make seems like youre left or against those things. Then, even if they find you, they will not will be sure if its you.
If you get arrest, just pretend youre just curious or something, idk. Dont go full 1488 on police or judge, just cry like a bitch
Gavin Bailey
Grow a pair.
Easton Diaz
>What I want to do for a career, something I've always wanted to do, will be more or less taken away from me. Welcome to life kid. That's just the way it works. Happens to a lot of us in a lot more ways than getting doxed.
William Gutierrez
>The flag that is the reason you all live in a shitty little abbo island is somehow a meme >Is (((Juden))) eventhough this is a pseudo-chink and is probably an amerimutt working as a shitty low grade english teacher
Try again fag.
Grayson Phillips
>Dont go full 1488 on police or judge, just cry like a bitch
This. Watch the R Kelly interview for a template
Colton Walker
Now my eyes are seen it - Australian hides behind EU rag.
Jeremiah Stewart
Josiah Young
Fight it.
Be proud.
Don't be a puss.
Feel like this a psyop desu
Jayden Perez
>he lives in fear instead of sleeping with a shotgun and doggo next to your bed
Own it. That is the only way you will have power. The way Madonna owned her Sex book when it came out. She did not act ashamed, although at the time it was a very risky move to make as women just did not do that unless they were Red Light District women. She totally owned it. Never apologized, never made excuses, never showed any shame or remorse. She was just like, yeah, I did it, I did the book, so what?
If you are questioned about having once belonged, say "So what?"
I live in fucking canada and most whites here are okay with nazis. At least where i live. Its 2019. Grow a fucking pair and quit socializing with brianlet leftist incels.
Jace White
If there isnt conclusive 100% proof deny everything.
If it is 100% conclusive then just say yeah its me fuck you kikes
Jayden Gray
deny everything and say you were hacked
Wyatt Howard
>"police or judge"
he's american, i think they're allowed to have dissenting opinions without getting arrested over there.
Matthew Gonzalez
don't be a cuck about it. no one disowns their family over politics
Charles Cruz
op is a spineless faggot who doesn't know how to stand his ground even when he's in the right and he knows it. many such cases
James Nelson
you implied you don't have a career yet, so you're still young. man up faggot. worst case scenario you can emigrate and start anew in another country if it really turns to shit. i did. you have to fight, not kys
Don't play coy. Why did you leave? If the reason is good enough you can just tell your family and friends that and they should understand.
Caleb Gutierrez
I think he was european or something, wtf what this sissy burger is scared of? Nothing can happeng to him, lol.
Mason Miller
>I really never posted anything that could be really described as "Hateful", They have no proof you posted anything. Your computer was hacked, your account was hacked, someone else logged into your account and wrote stuff. I am against lying, but it is not a lie to say "prove I am the one that wrote that." Just because it is under your account they have zero proof you were the one typing the comments.
And please, people, just stop writing things on the internet that you would not say to someone in public, face to face, for all to hear. Just stop.
>I'm just scared guys. I feel for you, I do. But they get their power from fear. Do not fear them. I know, easier said than done, and it is not me being doxxed. Research legal actions you can take if you are doxxed, and also any police actions you can take. Be ready, be prepared, if the doxxing occurs. Know your rights and beat them at their own game.
Zachary Johnson
Do you have any savings? Don't end it user, if you get doxxed and fired just gtfo for a while, go to asia or some shit for a month or two, or even longer if you're willing.
Maybe your family won't come around, but people forget about shit real quick. It's all about the initial outrage and then they move onto something else.
Get close to some coworkers now, if you aren't already. People who you could use as a reference down the road, who wouldn't give a fuck about this shit. As long as your name doesn't end up in the media somehow, which it prob wouldn't, you can just take a break, come back, and try to find another job.
Just take it a day at a time, make some plans in case things go wrong to ease your worries. You'll be ok. I doubt anyone will come after you in the end.
Carson Scott
>Doxxed What do you think this means and how is it a bad thing? Oh no, publicly available information will be available to the public? Are you doing things in secret?
Owen Collins
>And please, people, just stop writing things on the internet that you would not say to someone in public, face to face, for all to hear. Just stop.
what, so basically you cant even talk about politics anymore, only if you are a commie
Austin Williams
Uh I think you mean "it ain't me" fren
Owen Jackson
Just stay alive long enough to see your enemies put below your feet by God, fren. That's you only job.
Angel Jones
Get in touch with the Testudo Legal Group. There are a bunch of lawyers who are going to go after doxers and employers for legal damages for those affected by doxing.
>I've made serious thoughts of doing something rather... permanent to myself to just escape this all. Why not do something permanent to them first for ruining your life? It's what I would do if I were in your shoes. Kill yourself and they'll just wind up trolling us with your picture, like they did with those other guys that got doxxed and killed themselves.
Look you cringy faggot. If you are still a nazi, maybe have some balls and stand behind your beliefs and take the consequence of joining a group of semi conscious autists like Manlet Damigo's group. Sacrifice for your idiotic cause for once in your worthless life. You people who are telling OP to lie and hide are fucking pathetic. Fucking weasel pussies, somebody needs to douse you with gasoline if you catch on fire.
If you are not a nazi on the other hand, do the world a favor and rat out all your incel buddies so that they become unemployable as well. Because fuck them, thats why.
Why not fake fake social media profiles (linkedin, twitter, facebook) with your name but a different middle initial and some kind of tumblr/blog website (idk make it about photography or something) and pay an seo company to boost it. If anybody looks for you they find the dummy.
Or, dipshit, stop being concerned what other people think. If you think "oh no, somebody might find out what I said" then you're a little bitch. Why even have opinions and support things if you're afraid of people knowing?