Should Doctors earn 300k a year?

Should Doctors earn 300k a year?

Do we really want to attract the kind of people who do it for the money?

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In the UK the NHS doctors are all paid under 100k and so are full of poo's and interns waiting to get a full PhD so they can fuck off to Canada and earn 300k so yes you should pay them more so you get the best.

>Do we really want to attract the kind of people who do it for the money?
thats what happens indeed, know a guy who became a doctor just for the money, he literally doesnt care about helping people

$500k to $1m sounds better considering we pay actors more

The invisible hand of the free market determines all appropriate salaries. Argue with it, and you will get bitch slapped.

Risk your entire career you spent 12+yrs building by helping someone. Stick your finger up infected holes. Stress off the charts.

Spend 12yrs training for the most intense and complex job on earth

>Pay them like plumbers!!

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Doctors should come to my house with all their fancy gadgets and fix me for freeeeeeee and pay me for my time and air conditioner plus tip

>so they can fuck off to Canada
>you should pay them more so you get the best.

But we pay them princely wages here and they're still dogshit.

Does paying someone more necessarily means he'll put in the extra effort as opposed to someone who was always passionate about helping people?

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Yes, Doctors should earn 150k+/year after taxes.

That being said im not against the proverbial "bar" being raised.

They save lives. Think of how much education/trainining/experience goes into being a doctor. You have to have a certain makeup just to be able to function in the environment they work in. Now think about the weight of losing just a single patient.

>do we really want to attract highly motivated highly skilled people to be our medical professionals?
>I know a mexican who hangs out by home depot who offered to remove my appendix for 40 bucks
>sepsis is a jewish conspiracy