Is there any real evidence of "Discord Trannies"?

It seems more likely you MIGAPEDES are funded by Jared Kushner.

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Other urls found in this thread:

we post their discords every day fuck off discord tranny

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Everytime a nigger memeflag posts an ilhan omar or yang thread its clearly organized.
>boomer meme
You have to go back.

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>ilhan omar
You must love Israel then

The fact that you used the term “migapede” pretty much immediately identified you as a discord tranny. You have to go back

>boomer boomer boomer boomer
tfw zoomer
>stolen memes
this is how we can tell you're lefty scum, you cunts always steal Jow Forums memes


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How do I join said discord?

your little hasbara shill group is compromised we have your daily briefings
Be careful, you don't get your shekels if you make too many gaffes.

Prove it

AAAH AH no no, we found the steganography and we Love our source(s)

'discord trannies' are really no different to Jow Forums autists, they're just a layer deeper in a more exclusive club.

>organise shilling on Jow Forums
no one bats an eyelid

>organise shilling on discord

you know what? I openly organise shilling for Yang on Jow Forums. You haven't 'exposed' anything by posting discord screenshots. I want Yang to win and will push memes as an unpaid shill to do so.

Yes there is evidence and we will be dropping hundreds of doxx in the coming months. Email addresses, names, addresses, phone numbers, social media accounts. Trannies will be routed. Mark. My. Fucking. Words. We arent all newfags and teenage edge lords around here. We've had ops running for months. Trannies are so deeply infiltrated they cant even defend themselves. We are in their "leadership".

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Dumbfuck their Discords are literally FILLED with trannies

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Trannies even show up to his rallies

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Yang has HUGE tranny support everywhere

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there's evidence out the ying yang

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>he doesn't know how easy it is to edit

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All you fags is reuse old memes.

Why is that? Do you have to market test the memes first? Because leftists can’t create new memes?

This isn’t working by the way.

Wow, odd the faggot reposts a thread about the same topic like it's some kind of invasion of mentally unstable tranny retards.
Dats amazing


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The funny part is that it doesn't even matter because the Magapedes took a giant on this place for two years and are upset some other Gang is doing more than them.

Yang wangs are the new hilldawgs

It's going to be like the tumblr raids all over again. When are people going to learn that raiding the chans is about the dumbest thing you could do? The autism here is off the charts and there are skilled hackers lurking on every board.

>stop stealing our memes reeeeeee
why do I keep seeing this exclusively from magapedes? you don't take credit for memes retard.

I bet you think pepe is a right wing creation

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There Is Litrally Almos 3 Million Tranny Pieces Of Shit In That Discord Group And You Still Don't Think They're Real? Lmfao

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This. It’s posted all the time.


Forced memes /=/ naturally co-opted memes.

It saves time and labor. I don’t think it’s laziness so much as is efficiency

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>Not realizing both of these groups were jokes from the start
You have to be fucking joking right?

they're are to blame for the shilling of cortez, yang and omar.

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>the meme flowchart
It's pointless to correct him. Sad!

The_Donald. how pathetic they are. desparately trying to spin the lying globalist cuck trump. dumbfuck parscale thinks muh most immigrants ever will vote trump...loser

Nobody is the arbiter of memetics, and countless memes have been successfully forced into existence on this board alone. You have no idea what you're talking about, you just don't like memes when they're about you.

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I donk care if Yang is going to cut off my dick, migapedes. $1000

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if you want in the tranny discords its pretty hard if you dont have connections. A lot of this Yang Gang shit was started on Twitter, i got into discords by posing with the anime losers that betrayed Trump.

1. Spread news about discord shill groups on Jow Forums
2. Start gaslighting the fuck out of people, telling them they're crazy for thinking it exists
3. Introduce AOC/Yang/Omar shitposting to demoralize and divide Jow Forums
4. After enough time you have a demoralized and blacpilled bunch of sheepish posters who can be manipulated
Dumb goyim.

the i fucking the epic reddit memers who call things dank. fucking faggots.

Tranny, I hope you and your cat breath gook master get raped to death by a pack of feral niggers.

>betrayed Trump
HAHAHAHA trump betrayed his voters you absolute fucking retard. did you vote for unprecedented legal immigration, zionism and no wall? If you did then congratulations, you're a faggot and you got what you wanted

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What the fuck exactly IS a discord tranny

Pretty sure there's plenty of proof for them

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>Nobody is the arbiter of memetics
>So stop saying my memes are bad goy
Choke on your boyfriend's cock you relentless faggot

>becomes Judas for 1000 shekels
>calls Trump the betrayer

your memes are shit, everything you do is copied

>Literally just a word document without a header or identifying information run through a copier to look legitimate. Plus some random numbers in the corner with no pattern for mystery

Jesus who the hell goes through this amount of work just to force a narrative

>evidence of "Discord Trannies"?
Everybody on Jow Forums knows it's a manufactured Kremlin meme factory shilled by jewish Putinbots.


Are you sure your not talking about the Trump 2016 campaign?

>muh polls
redditpedes have turned into hildawgs and bernieniggers, we also are 10 months away from the first primary.

Attached: magapedes_are_the_real_discord_trannies_2.png (2305x1568, 3.35M)

>expecting people from reddit to know what satire and humor is

>trump is jesus
peak boomer

There are discord trannies but magapede boomers blame everything they don't like on them.
They're genuinely too fucking stupid to realize that people just might be pissed at Trump for completely selling us out. But instead everything is still "MAGA2020 ITS GONNA BE A HUGE LANDSLIDE ANYONE WHO DOESN'T SUCK TRUMP'S DICK IS A SHILL!!!"

>forced memes are good

Not on your life Axewound.

>MIGAPEDES are funded by Jared Kushner.
ding ding ding Q is Kushner

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they give it away at every opportunity

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Yang is the only candidate who has spoken out against male genital mutilation

these are the people who get mad when you call them "migapedes"

>being this much of an Amerimutt

Moscow jews are so bad at these threads that it's cringeworthy

Go byebye tranny. Be a trendsetter, you have 5 years left, tops, anyhow.

Love how boomers mock the one time a politician is reaching out to working-age white people and tangibly offer than something, deriding it as "socialism" and "you're acting like niggers!"

But meanwhile the things the boomer cares about most are social security checks and medicare. But that doesn't count, right? Gibs for me (and israel) but not for thee.

This year it is "discord trannies" shilling on Jow Forums.

Last year it was "shareblue" shilling on Jow Forums.

Just a few years ago it was "Sequoia McDowell" shilling on Jow Forums.

A few years before that, it was JIDF shilling on Jow Forums.

In reality, its just the daily stormer crowd doing agitprop to radicalize you.

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It's also funny rustling boomers who cannot formulate an argument why they still unquestionably defend Trump right now.

Yang Gang Yang Gang Yang Gang
Yang Gang Yang Gang Yang Gang
Yang Gang Yang Gang Yang Gang


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Here is redpill on yang.

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>boomers only care about their monthly checks
>Yang is going to pay us all 12k a year guys!!!
How are you not just as bad as they are?

lmao you magapedes are such crybabies

Nice reading comprehension, retard. The point is boomers get up in arms over someone else taking gibs, but they themselves get fucktons of medicare/SS gibs. They're hypocrites.

Lol check out lgbt

Since the only thing Trump is doing IS making Israel great, everyone in your mind who questions him is a shill. One day very soon you will realize we’ve been had by the conman in chief. It’s not pleasant but the red pill was never meant to be.

We have yet to see an actual refutation on your part, leading me to believe you're quite full of shit. Neck yourself leaf

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You know you guys make it really easy to identify you all.
Y'all stick out like your heads are on fire.
Use the same memes, same cadence, same tactics, same talking points, same 1000+ threads.
It's really sad that you're all willing to break yourselves in order to get to us.
Follow the hrt to the rope, your pain will be over soon.

There's a difference between paying into SS over decades and reaping the benefits(or so it's intended) and doing nothing at all but exist as welfare chimp.

refutation of what, you fucking retard? It's pretty well established that you cucks are the most easily offended group on this board and quickly curl up into a ball when you're outside of /ptg/. lol good job proving you aren't a sniveling little pussy by getting mad yet again.
>facebook meme
wew lad

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>implying that's how SS works
No, you may or may not pay taxes, and when you're old you get gibs. That's all there is to it. There is no "intended" system of SS working like some sort of savings account for later. That's just bullshit boomers tell themselves to rationalize how THEIR gibs totally aren't gibs.

I'm fueled by tranny tears.

Specifically the tears of trannies who secretly know they'll never pass and are on the verge of suicide.


Stop Talking Like This, You Retarded Autist

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i swear to fucking god I'll make a quick script to spam the discord screencaps on this board until that's all there fucking is if you insufferable faggots don't shut the fuck up

go back to your safe space PTG boomer

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>threatening Jow Forums with spam
fucking newfags

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