Serbia is TRASH

Politically, culturally, spiritually, economically, and socially, Serbia is a giant toilet and Serbian people are worthless and disgusting. Serbians have this idea that they are somehow better than other Slavic countries, but Serbia is the worst of all. They are low-IQ, degenerate subhumans, and very few people even know they exist. Those who do know they exist hate them. Bosnia and Croatia are actually very nice places with good people, and it pains me to think that people group them in with Serbians. Even North Macedonia has a more legitimate national identity; Serbia is a FAKE COUNTRY. On top of all the shit-tier aspects of Serbia, the ((((Orthodox Church))) is perhaps the worst part of all. It is a garbage church and no one takes it seriously. I have Bosnian friends who are wonderful people, but I have absolutely no respect for Serbians, who are some of my least favorite people in the whole world. Even Jews are better than Serbians.

Serbs are gypsy-tier. I hope the world puts them out of their misery before they infect the rest of us. Who else hates Serbs, and if so, why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Finally, a thread that speaks the truth. Serbians are DISGUSTING ANIMALS.

Fuck off albozerg

I always get Elvis and never based Skandenberg or Shenki

Not Albanian, just an informed American.

Rawlin for Shkelqim

>informed American
Watches CNN


Roljing for Ljuky Ljuke

>Even Jews are better than Serbians.

Jews are a lost tribe of Serbs

Seems legit kektus

well atleast Im not american
feels like I dodged a bullet


our heroin sucks, Turkey has better

Eat shit fatass

Attached: yugo.png (680x1007, 1.09M)

Intelligent Serbians are like green horses, non existent.

Attached: T&A.png (386x289, 233K)

>Bosnia and Croatia are actually very nice places
>North Macedonia has a more legitimate national identity
>North Macedonia
>Serbia is a FAKE COUNTRY.
>((((Orthodox Church))) is perhaps the worst part of all
>I have Bosnian friends
>wonderful people
>that image file

This is your a average 89IQ Albanian shitposting. Nice


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balija seething

roll again

again damnit

Is Alex as short as manlet Joe?

death of the liberal class

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>Jews are a lost tribe of Serbs
That explains why they both get the gas. Without question.

Attached: GIFT GAS.jpg (742x500, 32K)

>pains me to think people group them in with serbs

dude, are you retarded? We technically all came from one tribe and we were a country so why does it surprise you that people group us in with serbs. Also love the hypocrisy criticizing Serbia and its current state when America is becoming mongrelized and you're gonna have a race war. Have fun with that one


Guess which one of these two is Albanian

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Based and bump #2

Funny thing is I actually met him. I've never met anyone in my life who talked as little as he did. A tipycal retarded shiptard

Nah,Serbia is alright but United Slaves of Israel is the trash

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Your time on altar of sacriface has come albanian whelp

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When I was in St. Gallen I randomly met many Serbs just by hearing them talk on the street.I've also seen some Non-Swiss probably Turks or Albanians but they were silent. But then I travelled to Zurich and it was a completely different story. It's like Middle East there.


That map is bogus.

>Croatia has a bann effective since the 12th century that no one that is within 9 generations with each other may marry each other.
>Meanwhile All Germanic countries allow first cousin marriages.

The average Hans is an inbred midget..

Typical Romani opinion.

>calls Serbia a fucking degenerate shithole
>Comes from Jewnited States of America
Fuck off you goddamn kike. You literally bombed our soil with radioactive garbage.

>pale skin
>light brown hair
Nope Pablito,that's impossible

That map is total crap. How are the Balkans going to be more inbred when they are a Med port city? Between Austria and Greece at that. The most inbred would be Muslims and possibly small Nordic countries.. movement isn't that easy.. shagging your semi related neighbour in the dead of winter seems more feasible. Ib4 muh vikings. Adding Celts from Ireland/France is minor.

Attached: brows.jpg (1242x1533, 1.37M)


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>pale skin
>dirty blonde hair
>blue eyes
Nope Pablito,that's impossible

Attached: ja7xxxx.jpg (600x369, 44K)

bruh get a life what you are doing is just sad

Pure coincidence.

yes, it was an initiative by the European union to associate the two populations through this confusion which will soon be rectified after an appeal from the Romanian academy :)

>raising awareness about the Serb Menace
>not a worthy pastime
Maybe in your worthless opinion, Miroslav.

I work with a Serbia girl at a restaurant and she's pretty cool. She's 6ft tall.

Disgusting Amazonian she-beast. Probably had a bunch of STDs like the SerbWhore she is.


Are you retarded. Germans along with Dutch are the tallest nations period

I’m legit dying at this conversation

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Show your flag, Aleks.

rollin for adolfje

>serb iz migty slayer of empirs we keel ostrian archduck bre bre bre
>ostria is badman to migty serbia they demnd unfair thingz that why werld war ! start not serb fault