This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking various trafficking networks and enterprises. There is a consistent trend of data showing that networks move through and rely on urban areas, specifically Sanctuary Cities. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc.

Trafficking can happen in many forms depending on the product being moved (human, guns, drugs, rare animals/art, organs etc.) and involve many different groups and organizations. We track all types.

Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.

Newcomers should pay attention to shills targeting these threads with discrediting/discouraging attempts as well as injection of misinformation and bad leads.

>archive of past threads
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/hunting traffickers general/
>archive of past /atg/ threads
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/anti trafficking general/
>archive of original /htg/ threads

>A summary of the “clock” mapping method you can use in your own city as well as a summary of general trafficking information

>Pastebin of related info

Attached: HTG Map.png (1334x750, 570K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/US Senate Anon/username/US Senate Anon/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/username/US Senate Anon/

Look for these kinds of things to map out the human trafficking networks:

1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))

3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)

Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:

1) [Government]
(For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)
2) [Corporation/Business]
(For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)
3) [Criminal]
(Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children)
4) [Cult]
(Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)
5) [Intel Agencies]
(Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)
6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms]
(Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers)
7) [Hollywood]
(Truman Show breeding/handling operations.)
Another thing to note is the use of human trafficking for organ harvesting and slave labor (think Qatar for instance).

Attached: Quick Rundown.jpg (2459x2333, 3.74M)

Threadly reminder:

Attached: A very stupid group of larpers.jpg (1322x2070, 608K)

And here I was hoping you'd finally done the world a service and offed yourself.

Feminism is a viral bioweapon.

If you have info, let me see it.

I found something interesting.


Posobiec is affiliated with this group.

Attached: Q Cult.jpg (2165x3589, 3.76M)

Their media/propaganda wings.

Attached: Media.png (728x394, 33K)

Totally above board to only disclose the identities of 15% of your members I'm sure.

Attached: Team.png (1348x1278, 493K)

Actually, I've been going down the rabbit hole.
And goddamn, I found uncomfortable truth about our government.

Names of members I have so far:

William "Bill' Binney
Josh Macias
Robert Caryn
Kirk Wiebe
Diane Roark

Language this group uses and their "oath" is reminiscent of Q, but needs some more evidence to really prove it to people.

It's Q.

Microchip was brought in because the older people involved in the operation didn't know how to rapidly spread things across the internet.

Also notice how what they have on the site/group(or what Posobiec has said involving it) is exactly, in some cases word for word what Q says and talks about. You can even turn what they said into Q posts by messing around with the format structures and the things like that.

Jack is smack dab right in the middle from the very beginning.


>Though he would not divulge his real name or corroborate his claim, MicroChip said he is a freelance mobile software developer in his early thirties and lives in Utah. In a conversation over the gaming chat platform Discord, MicroChip, who speaks unaccented, idiomatic American English, said he guards his identity so closely for two reasons: first, because he fears losing contract work due to his beliefs, and second, because of what he calls an “uninformed” discourse in the media and Washington around Russian influence and botting.

This seems to be the most concise description of MicroChip that I could find that actually seems legit.


MicroChip seemed like he was integral to getting figures on the Right promoted on social media despite the push back from the leftist bias of Twitter. He may even have connections to the people he promoted I bet.

In the clip of Microchip’s leaked Discord there are numerous oddities dealing with the time and dates seen:

Date of Article vs date it was posted in the discord:


Attached: DmgZ9hvUwAEXlP2.png (1200x1118, 348K)

Also if you want to find out where Q and those in his group is based in and where/who they are, look at what your intel is saying not just what I am saying.

Suspicious time stamps:

This shows that clip of the leaked Discord logs were doctored and were likely excluding certain messages, or that the entire thing was faked all together with Microchip never making the first move by himself and a few of his friends.

Attached: MicroChip.jpg (200x200, 9K)

Jack was the weak link that did them all in.

So are some of these people in the operation sick of it and wanting out? Any other things you would recommend looking at to build up additional evidence that they are Q?

>So are some of these people in the operation sick of it and wanting out?

Yes, and they are looking for a way to jump ship.

>any other things you would recommend looking at to build up additional evidence that they are Q?

These people:

Hey, you love conspiracy shit, right?
There was a patent filed in 1988 for a process that enabled one to use microwave cell towers to beam voices inside people's heads.
30 years ago they patented this.
That means they have more sophisticated methods of doing this, and you know why they would be interested in this, right?
Because if they can make people go crazy and attack specific targets, then they can make assassins out of anyone, that are both disposable, and not on a payroll.

Attached: Government mind control in 1988.png (4684x1480, 1.2M)

>they are looking for a way to jump ship
Too bad they're all going to get screwed because their media asset was too busy fucking male prostitutes to think about how bad it looks for him to be advertising that he was in the group.

Will look into the others. Now we just need people to go over the Q posts, compare language etc. and add to what we already have.

It's so fucking weak when you try to divert the conversation to one of the topics everyone knows that IC are allowed to talk about so they look like they're genuine.


MicroChip would be in need of a very fast internet connection for the bot nets he uses and for the fact that he needs a fast connection in order to fulfill contracts optimally. With that in mind, and by looking at the dates of MicroChip's activity, the place that makes the most sense for him to be is Salt Lake City, Utah. Would you agree?

Attached: 1024px-Google_Fiber_Map.jpg (1024x576, 54K)

Or he would be in San Francisco since that is also getting Google Fiber soon.

The right info at the right time about the right people, places and things can make all the difference.

Well, there you have it.
Even genuine things that are worth further investigation you IC fucks deflect from.
Anyways, this came out of my curiosity of whether microwave towers are dangerous to the public, and yes.
Because the microwaves penetrate your body (giggidy) they impart some of their energy into your water molecules in your whole body.
Because they also do this to your brain, they effectively add thermal energy that otherwise wouldn't be there, which disrupts some of your capability to think, making it *slightly* harder to think in general.
Cell towers also cause cancer, as they are doing very slight damage to your body as they do this, as anything that damages you throughout your body constantly will due to it making your "healing factor" concentrate on the full body, stretching thin it's ability to work, and therefore making it less effective at responding in time and with proper force to the cancer cells that are a daily occurrence.

>Diane Roark, 63, is an unlikely activist. More comfortable with Dick Cheney than Noam Chomsky, the Stayton mother of two spent over 20 years inside Washington, D.C.'s, intelligence bureaucracy—not exactly an anarchist breeding ground.
>But since the summer day five years ago when a dozen FBI agents banged on her front door, Roark has been a different person.

>comfortable with Dick Cheney

All of these people seem to have done something wrong to bring down the law on them and then they go whining to the alt media as "whistleblowers" which works because alt media are happy to bask in the "legitimacy" that having IC people advocate for you brings.

I'm having trouble finding much on Robert Caryn so if someone could help with that it would be nice.

Best part is you can attack whenever you are ready since they can't do anything but stand by and hope you never hit them.

KYS Frank

SF is only serving apartments and condos as of now though. Unless you think Microchip is operating purely just from his home.


Google Fiber also wasn't even available in San Francisco during the time frame where MicroChip was first using his bot nets on Twitter.

Google isnt the only provider of fiber optic internet

>genuine things that are worth further investigation
It gets posted about by every fed on this board, read up on that tech a long time ago but you guys love to constantly post controlled topics to distract people.

You are lazy and out of your element.

But he might be relocating there. When will San Francisco be getting Google Fiber?

I took all the pastebins I made and put them in a single pastebin.

It's one half of your request.
>extract all of the bracketed words for reading (just the bracketed words)
>collect all Qposts with brackets, remove the brackets and read them without the brackets
Not done

Q - Recap

Attached: IMG_5065.jpg (486x797, 94K)

What a Honeypot

>Unless you think Microchip is operating purely just from his home.

The Q operation really doesn't take much work and even Q's posts reflect that.

But that website and it's information has revealed many things that Q didn't want people knowing about or connecting the dots on.

>Google Fiber also wasn't even available in San Francisco during the time frame where MicroChip was first using his bot nets on Twitter.

But things have changed haven't they?.

Good work.

>You're a fed, shut up and stop talking about the topic that I clearly have a problem with you talking about
Sure thing, but let me ask.
If everyone knows about it, then why does nobody know about this when I discuss it on here, or anywhere else?
That's a rhetorical, I'm leaving this controlled discussion distraction thread.


>I'm leaving this controlled discussion distraction thread.
Pretty sure we both know that you won't.

Timeframe it was started is the same as when Q began.

MicroChip could have moved out there you're saying?

This thread shows some of how MircroChip works.


He is apparently fond of using this service, though I wouldn't be surprised if he's using multiple tools.

Time to crack apart Q's operation wider than Jack "Dick my Back" Posobiec's cheeks at an alt-right convention.

Attached: IMG_3937.jpg (1704x2272, 852K)

>MicroChip could have moved out there you're saying?

I'm saying look at your intel and also consider how Q is a group.

Couchsurfin Jack fucked up this time.

We need some more info on Micro though to better explain how all members fit into the group collectively. Also the people named in on the JTS MAGA website have to be totally investigated.

>Also the people named in on the JTS MAGA website have to be totally investigated.

Don't forget the Media tied into/with the operation.

But it's one of the most prevalent providers, and I figured that the Google connection might have some relevance here since some people in the Q operation seem to have some ties to Google.

MicroChip has used multiple fake names that have said he's lived in multiple states. Utah is the only location that's been disclosed by himself and seems to be the most logical for MicroChip to me. Although MicroChip would fit in with the degenerates in SF.

Already thinking about that. Going back even before Q you can see signs that this group was trying to coopt movements they thought were hostile to them. Q was just their big idea to totally suck the oxygen out of the atmosphere and hope that no one else could survive. The media they work with are by design structured to control the way certain pro Trump demographics consume news and interact with the administration.

Another symbolism of "Q" is that it looks like a funnel. With the tail of the Q being the spout of it.

Do they really put that much thought into dumb shit like that?

It's made mostly by boomers for boomers.


Has anyone else seen this?

>Remote Viewing QAnon
>Riordan was tasked to view QAnon in July of 2018. Q, who claims to be a government insider, has leaked information alluding to the take-down of the "cabal" in power within the US government and around the world. Remote viewing data should be used not as the end-all-be-all, but as a piece of data in a larger exploration or investigation into a particular target. What's interesting, is that after completing the session, Riordan started encountering anomalies that lend credibility that at least some of his data collected may be accurate.

Riordan explained that he observed an organization experiencing a disagreement over something. He also viewed a group of people who were working on something they felt was incredibly important for the future. These people, Riordan describes, were living as if they were already in the future. Riordan observed the development of what seemed to be a "nanotech gel," and an advanced AI. He perceived satellites controlled and programmed by this AI, and at what he referred to as the "event horizon," a single event changed all of humanity. He perceived an energy wave coming out of the satellites and impacting peoples minds - changing them. Riordan explains that this AI was able to scan someone's body, find whatever problems were plaguing their minds, and solve them. It was a way to solve all problems. Riordan then states, however, that as wonderful as this may sound, such a technology terrifies him. In this podcast, Riordan and Dennis analyze some of this data and compare it with verifiable facts.

Attached: IMG_5004.jpg (1000x972, 198K)

>They even explore one of Riordan's anomalies where, during a session he thought he was writing the word infinity, but instead wrote the word Ifinity. He initially assumed it to be a spelling mistake, but then was advised by one of his viewers that Ifinity is a company that builds smart cities, specializing in AI. Does this connection imply that he is onto something?

Attached: IMG_5074.png (1238x704, 138K)

I'm half expecting them to bust out the costumes and begin actually LARPing.

Never seen this.

Attached: 1475158648251.jpg (656x465, 26K)

>Don't forget the Media tied into/with the operation.

It isn't just Jack " My mind is a mess, but check out my pretty dress" Posobiec.
All of the Q related media shilling should be catalogued and investigate the writers and their connections to the operation & Jack "Pack my Crack" Posobiec.

Attached: IMG_5061.jpg (441x294, 49K)

Q is going to be in striking distance very soon now.

Hannity might be in on it along with Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit.

That votl guy seems like he was one of their betatests for q

Also if microchip is in the sf area then he could be using paxio as a service provider
>10gig a sec connection

I found it very interesting, especially "Ifinity" & that they were in a disagreement over the operation.

Many of the things related to RV have to be filtered through the lens that... the Viewer itself has a bias, and may not be able to comprehend everything they see.

Attached: IMG_2809.png (1439x2007, 830K)

daily reminder that these people are all bunch of actual faggots

Attached: 1547656195448.jpg (1344x2084, 547K)

Could someone find the archives for the "Senate Intern user" that they did as a test run? It tried to coopt /HTG/.

>Jack "Pack my Crack" Posobiec

Look at the common age, race, sex, etc demographics that like Q.

>Could someone find the archives for the "Senate Intern user" that they did as a test run? It tried to coopt /HTG/.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/US Senate Anon/username/US Senate Anon/

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/username/US Senate Anon/

Over 30, more male than female. Trump supporter and former Democrat/Bernie Sanders supporters who are disillusioned and need something to believe in. The former Dems in particular are cuckolded and naturally don't want to do much in order to change things (but that could also be said for the entire group in general).

Gateway Pundit should just rename themselves "Rebel Media 2.0 USA version"

They have so many infected fags and agents on their staff.

Attached: IMG_4995.gif (445x200, 354K)

Suburban white boomers and soccer moms?

Thanks. What I immediately notice/remember is how he was trying the approach of baiting people into taking action in real life that would have gotten them in legal trouble.

They must have realized that didn't work because of how lazy the public is and altered their approach for Q.

I wonder if most of the "Soccer moms" are just paid actors, (alt-lite wannabe controlled opposition (((Journalists)))), fake profiles, or your usual Ho.

Attached: IMG_4899.jpg (1470x920, 145K)

>teehee I love my beta bf and would never honeypot Julian Assange

Attached: bq-5c87352392d98.jpg (768x1024, 194K)

The TV watching/raised generation will only do what the TV tells them.

Many members of Q and his followers are living out a "james bond/spy movie" fantasy.

The test run also showed them that generals like this weren't going to work with an operation they did which is why this time around they never mentioned us.

They still probably won't do anything even if they break out of Q's grip but maybe they can at least spread information.

Here is a question for you and the rest of the class:

What is the type of Warfare Q is doing and what type of Warfare would counter Q?.

Information warfare. The most effective response is generally considered to be destroying the reputation of the one doing it and discrediting them so their information will no longer spread.

Is the outage today Q's way of trying to retain credibility? Him and his bots are the only few pushing this crap.

With ProbePatrol busy & Microbe burning down things around himself, is this the only way Q knows how to force a following?

Jack shills the media and Twitter, had gov connections and still has friends there for leaks.
Microchipp'd push pulls his bots 'n' boomers while doing analytics on the results.
Q provides the NSA/SD connections and narratives. He probably has filled in for Jack's lost gov clearance.

>With ProbePatrol busy & Microbe burning down things around himself, is this the only way Q knows how to force a following?

To protect the king and queen, the other pieces must be willing to sacrifice themselves.

>Is the outage today Q's way of trying to retain credibility? Him and his bots are the only few pushing this crap.

Q is making shit up as they go along.

The internet turned into an arms race real fast with who could build the most effective groups and largest spheres of influence during/following 2016
>this includes us
>as per usual A5 flexes his superior craftsmanship skills on everyone
history repeats

Unless further analysis and research suggests otherwise I would guess that the three in this image are central to it all unless the actual brain behind Q is one of the redacted identities.

Attached: Big 3.png (1070x1280, 1.01M)

A dog with 3 heads is quite the gatekeeper.


Q is psychological warfare. That much I would guess

Especially when that dog has a following of boomer idiots who would get mad at you for smearing "whistleblowers."

So actual Q is hiding behind all these chess pieces?

Well in this picture: I see the queen, but what pieces would the 2 men be?. One of them has to be the king, which would be Q.

The bishops?

Baldie is in the public eye to much and was used as a chess piece before. He cannot be the king.

The other guy was NSA/CIA and does not seem to get out much. I think that says a lot about him.

How many pieces does a chessboard have and how many numbers of each piece are there?

Take the list if names you know and start sorting.

Well.... we all know it's impossible for Poso to be the rook.

Attached: IMG_5075.jpg (323x607, 19K)

If you know what each chess piece does and can do, it should reveal some things.

got the week off work frank?

16 pieces. 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, king and queen.

>The other guy was NSA/CIA and does not seem to get out much. I think that says a lot about him.

It certainly does.

There are two bishops, and Posobiec is one of those, 2 Rooks, two Knights, and a row of pawns that could all be filled by Microchip and his botnet.

So start sorting:

Include Microchip also.

My favorite thread!

Attached: 1522545434463.png (1000x778, 1.08M)

what role does the queen,Diane Roark play in this? As far as i know, the queen is the chess piece with the highest movability

Got some massive game changing intel about Microchip and Jack Posobiec. Would you like to know it Class?.


Well look into her and find out.

Another bishop is the Navy guy who runs Vets 4 Trump. Don't have enough info on C*ryn to say, need someone to find out about him. Microchip would be the pawns because of his botnet.


Look into how many interviews she's done and how many media articles have been done on her.

new intel!

Attached: froot n loom pepe.png (1189x1422, 54K)


What about Jeremy Corsy?, he used to shill for Q big time back in the day.

Attached: corsi.jpg (195x259, 5K)

He's a pawn I think.


>Pleb Brit not knowing about the master race 24/7 work schedule.
>Pleb Brit not knowing about work
>Pleb Brit

Nigel subsists on UBI
>Unparalleled British Idiocy
Also known as
>Universal British Instigators

...cause rooks only move straaight...

Attached: IMG_5055.png (673x994, 722K)

Became partially a pawn though since he took the fall and self destructed on purpose.


Of course

Attached: IMG_5056.png (673x994, 781K)

so she is responsible for the "public reach"?

Consider how this group does more than just Q stuff.