I think i have an answer

I think i have an answer.

we have had alot of threads tonight and we all need to calm down and mobilise.

We have two camps.
one says taking no deal off the table is illegal
the other says its already over.

This is what we do A PEACEFUL PROTEST TOMORROW. we assemble outside the houses of Parliament at 7:30pm.

IF THE VOTE FAILS. we have a good drink have a good time with your fellow anons.

IF THE VOTE PASSES. we begin to protest.
although this is a peaceful protest. i am wearing steel toe caps i suggest you do the same.

Dress Code.
Black Coat (because everyone has one)

The password is: sausage rolls

Pic related

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Wear yellow vets or at least buy a bunch of cheap ones. Your vest license will take up to 28 business days to process.

black coats. very easy. we are doing a different thing it blends in with the darkness.

Do it for her. I'll be there tomorrow.

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There is no "discussion". There is OUR boot on your neck, Mashallah. Plus millions more of us AFRIKANS coming. Can't believe how weak and pathetic you n*tives are. Britons will ALWAYS be slaves!! By 2030 half of all children will be another tribes people and you pisswesels will pass into memory....

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>peaceful protest
The final whimper of dying people.

based user.

>not red coats
Bit harder to do but has historical relevance.

> everyone has black coats.

>everyone has black shirts

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>See black coats does not thing i am referring to anything else
>OP says he is wearing steel toe caps whist calling it a peaceful protest.

i think you know what we are trying to do here.

No deal is not off the table. The vote that took place today was only a motion. The law still states that we leave on 29th of March with or without a deal and the government does not have time to change the legislation. What happened was the House of Traitors showed its true colours and now the government is pressured to leave with a deal. Since the government never intended to leave without a deal this doesn't make a significant difference aside from exposing the weakness of the government. Don't spread misinformation.

and tomorrow.

she is permanently taking it off the table.

>sausage rolls
Everyone will think you're a German.

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>The password is: sausage rolls
choose other password m8 like eternal anglo, dresden rave, berlin my dick or a catchy phrase

Hello MI5

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She can't. Changing legislation takes time and in this case more time than two weeks. The only way of taking no deal off the table is the parliament agreeing on a deal, the deal being the one that got rejected twice already. However I am not saying that we are definitely leaving with no deal. In fact they will probably ask the EU for an extension and in that case no deal can be killed possibly by an indefinite extension period.

user, I remember seeing a /b/ meet up once and it was a bunch of faggots with V masks. Be careful what you wish for.

i got no problem doxxing myself.

hello MI5 your self.

nice way to pacify the masses good goy!

Jesus, what's the fucking point of referendums if they mean fuck all? Get angry, you bastards

that is what we are doing thank you american.

They laughed when May said "will of the british people". They fucking laughed the pozzed pieces of absolute fucking shit MPs. They recently awarded themselves a pay rise. If the shit doesn't hit the fan this week then we deserve this shit.

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i take you'll be there.