Of course I am not generalizing, but what made jewish people in general become so resentful towards white people? They always oppose and vote against the interests of whites, attack whites on social media constantly, always try to push ~diversity~ on white nations... Attack any kind of white identity or even organizations that are aimed to help whites/europeans specifically.
I do not get it. Why do they do it? Was it the holocaust?
They've hated us since Rome sacked them for being degenerate, warmongering child-molesters
Jeremiah Wilson
>Why do jews hate white? Because they aren't.
Nicholas Martin
Because they know that we are threat to them. Whites are only goyim who have seen thru their lies numerous times. We're only ones who ever tried to defeat them. That's why they must destroy us, to continue living as parasite does.
Daniel James
Candace Owens copied an anti white tweet from a Jewish person and replaced the word white with Jewish and got suspended from twitter. >Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise"
I mean I do know humans tend to be tribal and look to the interests of their own group first. Still, when it comes to jews it seems different. I do not see this level of anti-white hatred not even in muslims, asians, latinos...
but is that all? I mean, there has been massiv e conflict between jews and arab countries recently, and I do not see jews, especially western ones, displaying the same hatred against arabs/muslims as they do against whites.
Gabriel Bennett
Dumbass it’s not hate, this is just war. Every race is at war with one another. Eventually we will either reach a point wherein there is one race left or a mixing that either gets rid of every race or there is only a couple left where one subverts the other most likely by (((them))) considering how things are going. Whites just need to wake up to this fact and begin to do what’s in their interest and stop letting them subvert what our true morals should be. In my opinion they were able to see our altruism and have us take it to an extreme that is resulting in the racial and cultural suicide of whites.
Robert Garcia
Not recently, hatred towards jews is part of quran, they've always hated jews to some degree. Difference is that arabs are not capable of destroying jewish machine. The most they could do is nuke Israel, but globalist jews of western world care about zionist very little, they perceive them as tools more than allies. In the end of the day jews want to rule over white countries, which still hold the most wealth and most influence over the world. If white countries fall,so will rest of the world. They want whites dead because we can potentially destroy their plot, but also because replacing whites with niggers lets them control countries trivial. There's one more group of jews tho, kaballah worshippers, they want whites dead because we're the most virtuous race. In the end of the day all of them want us dead tho.
Dominic Kelly
They see us as their only real competitors for leadership/ownership. Also they know their leadership of us is illegitimate so they attack the very idea of us.
Ryder Jenkins
because they have also envied us and tried to among us to be like us and take control but they keep failing. expulsions and ostracization hundreds of times have made them believe THEY are the true victims. They don't try to destroy us until they feel like they have maneuvered themselves into taking over. Hence the jewish question. What to do with those that are not directly the problem? You must get rid of them all as the corrupt hide among them and grow on your society like a fungus. A disease infested, pedophile, envious, greedy, emotionless fungus.
Isaiah Harris
nice unreadably small ant-post, faggot.
Carter Campbell
Most younger jews in the US have grown up among the richest most powerful minority group on earth that never dealt with any persecution. but their entire religion/culture is a trauma based mind control cult designed to program jewish people to fear and hate all non jews >muh Egyptian slavery >muh Assyrians and the10 tribes >muh Babylonian captivity >Muh Roman Diaspora >muh 2,000 years of european persecution >muh Holohoax
Obsessing on all their pasta trauma guarantees this fear and hatred of the non jews for any religion jew. The Talmud further justifies this hate in many ways, even encourages it.
Whites have a history of firing up the old ovens as it were.
Adrian Peterson
Judea and Rome are mirrors of Israel and the US. Rome was one a close ally and protector of Judea then Jews became terrorists and fought multiple large wars against Rome. Once the US public knows the full scope of what Israel has done to the US (setting Nukes off in downtown NYC to hijack our foreign policy for 20 years) there will be war. The truth can only be hidden so long.
that guy literally is a white supremacist though. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but I don't understand why it offends him to be called what he is
Oliver Hernandez
They do not hate whites. They hate jealous Jow Forums trolls that cook up fake conspiracies and news that makes them out to be an enemy. In reality the jewish community is successful because they are intelligent and work hard.
Jackson Davis
The Jew and the lust for fame has been going on since biblical times. They hate everything they are not so must try to become it. They can not. It’s basic envy. I mean the nose alone...
Ian White
>your lack of identity
But when Whites start picking up an identity it's time to panic, right Rubbenstein?
This. But Azshenaki jews are basically 99% European DNA. The thing with jews is not their ethnicity but that they behave like a doomsday cult or a mobster. There is many jews who give up their identity with time, so they need false flag against themselves to stay in group. In a way, WW2 was the best thing to ever happen for them.
Carson Miller
Yes I think there tribalism and willingness to cheat/steal and favor their in-group/co-conspirators is a hugely advantageous evolutionary tactic their culture has developed. Their willingness to fuck over other nations so eagerly and readily even while they live there has always lead to their persecution. Their own parasitic behavior they believe is their strength is really their greatest weakness because it causes their host nations to eventually reject them like a foreign virus. We're closing in on the next large scale ejection in the next decade
There's a video somewhere stating they came from Mars originally. After fucking up the planet they ended up on earth sharing Atlantis with the Atlantians. Asteroid inbound Some time later, they wanted to do something about it. The others didn't and it hit the part of Atlantis the Martians lived in causing huge damage to them more then anyone else. After that they vowed revenge forever. It was a good vid I don't know if it was true. Bit before my time...
Xavier Mitchell
Were Jow Forums trolls responsible for them being expelled from their host country over 100 times?
Evan Williams
Success breeds jealousy.
Jacob Diaz
They aren’t fucking over or cheating people anymore than other whites. American Jews have high college graduation rates which leads them have much more powerful jobs. You can’t just scapegoat them for being honesty successful
Andrew Ward
You ever hear of scapegoating? It’s when white people blame someone else for their own mistakes. Much like Jow Forums blaming their problems on Asians, Hispanics, and blacks
Israel attacked the US. They detonated tactical nukes in downtown NYC. They killed 4,000+ americans in multiple attacks. Killed the Americans investigating their crimes at the SEC in building 7 and the naval intelligence office in the pentagon. Destroyed all the documents of these investigations too. With the help of Cheney and a handfull of Neocons (mostly jews) Israel directed the US military into 20 years of war in the middle east to kill tens of thousands of US soldiers/ millions oaf arabs and displace millions more to cause the migrant crisis of in europe. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. The cost of 6.5 trillion USD. This is what "the jews" everyone is so angry did. No its not all jews its a very small group of Jews, most Jews had no idea, infact many victims of 9/11 were american jews. The people at the top dont give a shit for feel any loyalty to you because your jewish, they will spend your life easily for their goals.
The problem is, american jews knowing or unknowing, support these terrorists financially and politically and defend them tirelessly from actual truthful accusations with crys of "antisemitism". Those that stand with these parasites will be treated like parasites. Smart jews will get out ahead of this and be eagerly pointing out the power Israel has over the US and what they are responsible for.
Israel will build the temple again and the US will destroy it. Judea and Rome, history repeats.
what are you, some low iq nigger? They are subverting us on purpose, its only our fault that we allow it to happen. They are still doing the subverting, in fact your dumbass is a great example of it.
Whites are predominately Christians. The United States still stands as the most Christian nation on earth. The Jews are madly jealous of us in all our ways. We are strong. We are fierce. We are intelligent. We are very capable. We have spread the word of God to the world and done their jobs for them which they are clearly inadequate for. White Christians had surpassed them in all degrees. Their jealousy is without bounds. And their hatred of us without end. Many pagan threads on Jow Forums are in fact started by Jews. In fact I'd guess, that if white people became less CHRISTIAN, the Jews might back off a bit. They're terrified of us. Terrified they might not be God's chosen. After all, chosen for what? What the Christians did for them?
Yet we can look at how well they do in high school and compare to what it takes for whites and Asians to get into the same schools and you find they can do much worse because its not a merit based system. they literally have a control over the education system and your saying look at how good they're doing at their own game.dumb fucking shill
Angel Rivera
Asians aren't really a problem and blacks and Mexicans are mainly here because of the Jews.
Leo Rivera
Israel committing 9/11 is absolutely retarded. War in the ME would cause the Palestinians to encroach even further onto Israeli land as well as trigger massive arms spending of Saudi Arabia and Iran. Also tens of thousands of US troops did not die in the ME, the number is less than 4000. How would a nuclear bomb take down only two towers and not the entire city block or leave any radiation? The Jewish Americans would be the ones paying most of the war costs since they are the richest group in the United States. Literally all this shit you came up with is filled with holes and does not justify any antisemitic behavior
Oliver Reyes
How are they subverting us any more than other whites? You have to proof of this. Did you even go to college?
Ryder Flores
Trust me I know plenty of Jews and the are discriminated at just as much as Asians and whites. It’s really only the blacks, Native American, and Latinos that get diversity accepted benefits. When they do get into these good schools it’s because their parents are nuts about grades and buy tutors to help them. Also is it the liberals that control the school system
Julian Thompson
Did the Jews ship slaves from Africa? Most Latinos come here just by immigration just like Irish, Germans, and Italians(only some are illegals)
Eli Watson
I disagree and would say that Chinese nationals are a problem since they steal sensitive US tech
Chase Baker
>jews shipping slaves Most of the slave ships were owned and operated by jews moron
Because the white, working class in Germany rejected Communism, and sided with Hitler.
Jacob Miller
There were few to any Jews in early America. Most ships were owned by wealthy southern elites. If the Jews controlled the slave trade then that would mean Judaism would’ve been the state religion of multiple states
Robert Martinez
We're the goyim, duh
Elijah Richardson
Trust me goy theres nothing suspicious here. just remember Israel is our greatest ally. confirmed Jew, brings up anecdotally bullshit. or just a dumbass new fag
Jayden Miller
I wouldn’t call Israel our greatest ally but rather a above average ally
Poland was oppressed by "Whites" and was excluded from being "White" you retard. You're only empowering your enemies by legitimizing their language
Mason Thompson
I am so fucking sick of you jew assholes. Four years ago I was the most pathetic pro-israel good goy you can imagine and now I fucking hate them with every fiber in my body for what they are doing to civilization. And all I did was start paying attention to shit around me and actually listen to you kikes in your own words. Nobody brainwashed me. Fuck off forever.
Then why is the superior race scapegoating .04% of the world population? Pretty pathetic if you ask me
Nathaniel Perez
Every race does that
Isaiah Gray
What’s your job? Hard to find any to work with if the salary is sub $80k
Wyatt Martinez
The Jewery on Jow Forums has been bad for a long time now, but today its been out of fucking control. It feels like a secret meme war on multiple fronts No sleep for me tonight, just tendies
It's obvious you're a faggot shill but these replies are for the flies on the wall that are potentially in this thread just lurking and curious.
The answer is severe nepotism... coupled with a history of severe Usury that allowed the jewish rise in power... Usury, a practice that was deemed a sin by the church was forbidden for non jews to practice. Control a nations money and you have control over that nation.
Nice try jew. You and your ADL goons will never find me. I will continue to subtley and effectively spread the truth about you people until the day I die. Oy vey!
Then explain why their 2% of the American population disproportionately holds positions of power... Disproportionately owns banks and media... disproportionately controls academia... Jewish nepotism is the most extreme of any race.
Isaac Richardson
>Why do jews hate whites? A simple question deserves a simple answer.
The Jewish mindset and Jewish religion revolves around the idea that they are the master race. Yes, exactly as Hitler described the Aryan. In all likelihood, Hitler borrowed that idea from Judaism. Now consider the context of that worldview. Jews were subjugated by the Roman Empire and kept as second-class citizens for centuries. Occasionally they killed their white masters or conspired to kill them (68 CE revolt, Kitos Greek Genocide, Moorish invasion of Spain, Ottoman Empire, etc.). Now, in a post-WW2 world, where Cucktianity demands open borders and worshiping Jews/the holocaust, Jews are now in a position to finally "destroy the seed of Amalek" in their words. That means killing you and me. Effectively, Jews hate whites because whites held power over Jews, and this violates this supremacist worldview they've cultivated for millennia. But more than that, unlike Babylon, Egypt, Midians, etc., Jews have been unable to overthrow and destroy white people. Until now.
So it's a combination of a supremacist mindset with injury to ego caused by whites reigning supreme for centuries. When you understand this is how Jews think, you suddenly realize why they do things like lobby France and the UK to give up their nuclear weapons. They want Israel to have nuclear supremacy while you're left holding your limp dick.
Liam Green
So you’re saying that white people got between by a population of 14 millionish people because they practice the use of connections and are better capitalists?
William Butler
Probally has something to do with their religion teaching them from birth that you are "amalekites" and that they must exterminate you.
Basically you are Romans and they know their history, unlike most of you faggots.
And you’re saying that it’s wrong in a capitalist society to monopolize the monetary system? Not the Jews fault they are more competitive than whites
Dominic Peterson
this pile of shit might be the most obvious shill ive ever seen on this board
Noah Phillips
Rome is rising faggot. Keep thinking its poor, uneducated men doing this.
Bet you haven't figured out yet who ran the ratlines that helped the third reich escape after ww2.
Bet you haven't figured out who the first two reichs were.
We the Jew now.
Jayden Sanchez
Because they ain't us
Zachary Morales
More so because jews lie, cheat, and steal.
Carson Nguyen
I hope you mean that the US will become the new Rome in which I give you my blessings
Levi Gonzalez
>pilpul the comment
Jaxson Wright
Are you a fucking idiot? Read the new testament from your king james bible to find out why kikes hate gentiles
Brayden Morales
Everyone does that to get to the top. Do you think other successful business men such as rockafellar, JP Morgan, and Trump all followed the rules?
Jason Barnes
They hate us because we are the only threat to them. They can pacify niggers and all other shitskins easy enough but the white is not as easily dispelled. Look at nazi germany for example, Hitler found out their kike faggotry and tried to do something about it. Kikes have been found out many times in history. They're fucking snakes and need to be exterminated once and for all, then we can have true peace. They fear what we can become
what is more likely, jew, that a small group of jews engage in a pattern of behavior in their host nations that leads to their expulsion, or that 200 different nations through out history, with different cultures, arbitrarily and coincidentally all chose jews to scapegoat, for seemingly the exact same reasons?
Juan Reyes
Look into the Romans religio, Saturn/saturnalia. You'll figure it out from there. They are 100 percent still active and once you go down this rabbit hole there is no going back user.
The Germans were Knights Templars aka poorfellow Knights of solomons temple.
This is why the Roman Catholic Church helped them escape after ww2.
This is why they wore the Knights cross on their uniforms.
Rome is rising.
Asher Thomas
It is because their myth of YHWH backfired. They thought they were white when they invented YHWH and claimed to be the chosen people. Then in time their people fucked other races and Jews became multi colored so because they have to pay now so do the rest of us. They also hate us because the whites unified and cooked them by the gorillions.
believe whatever the fuck you want about me. Makes me harder to find and I don’t give one fuck about impressing you >no truth. only malicious claims Oh really? You should see the reaction I get from people when I show them the anti-goy passages out of my Soncino Talmud. Hard to claim it’s all lies when you guys wrote the fucking thing.