Beto O'rourke is running for president

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he has a better chance than the yang wang

Thank you for assisting in the fracturing of the Democratic Party and securing 4 more years of Trump

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About as likely to succeed as Yang

Haha no.


Throw eggs at next meeting

peepee poopoo

Jow Forums supports beto because he’s white and not a boomer. No minorities and no baby boomers 2020

Can't wait for him to come out with a meme proposal and a bunch of astroturf trannies to flood the board


He’s got my vote. He vowed to rip out every barrier on the border.

he's sweaty and a drunkard just like me!

Hes 0-1 in politics....... He will make the perfect democratic candidate.

into the locker

He's as punk rock as Goldman sachs

I like that he’s controlled opposition

>Epitome of white privilege runs on platform opposing white privilege.

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Couldn't beat Cruz, gonna lose badly!

>posting google trend news from vanity fair

Nice op.. nice

Complete fluff piece btw. Couldn’t suck a dick harder than vanity fair with a god damn industrial vacuum

He won't get the Dems nominee. What don't you faggots understand about the Yang Gang push? It's to control who the Dems choose to be their nominee, whoever they choose will have to face Trump, so why wouldn't we try and influence their choice?

I thought you said Betty

What is this strange magic and what does it mean?

If he offers $1001/mo. he's got my vote.

And that's even more reason to push the Dems to elect one of them. Yang will def lose the General election, we just need to get the Dems to nominate him first.

Smart to announce before Biden because you don't want to be the third white male in the race already dominated by the other two.

I wonder how much he will cannibalize Biden.

You mean Beta Orourke, because he's a Beta Male.

Beto My Meato fucking douchebag

But he’s so thoughtful and well read

It’s the like the democrats want to lose. This guy couldn’t even beat Ted Cruz. The least talented and popular Republican of them all.

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Wanna be spic

The entire DNC primary is a farce and the DNC admitted this in court. The current field is segmented to their varied sets of demographics. Notice how each candidate has a single non-overlapping target. For example, Bernie has socialist millennial faggots, Harris has nigger whamen, Warren has the hard left but rich liberal retards of NE, Beto has Texas, and Schulz has the centerists. Each of these faux candidates is going to play nice like 2016 then bring their base behind the DNCs choice of actual candidate team. Candidates are all getting paid in future gov positions like 2016 where all of the spots were pre-decided.

My far left communist friend likes him that means Beto must have extremist far left views redpill me on them I am curious. I know nothing about him.

He is a waffle

He probably won’t waste as much money as he did running for senate.

>Couldn't beat Cruz
>Thinks he can be President
Fucking LOL

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Did his mommy & daddy buy him the ticket? Another buy the title do nothing

Total fag

Why would the DNC listen to Jow Forums?
The real game is causing chaos in their primaries after the the chosen one is anointed. Maybe a few more of their sheep will notice when it’s rigged AGAIN.

I want to believe but I don't think Booker and Harris will take one for the team. They are career politicians who believe their own bullshit and strive for more.

He looks like he can really take a dick

Beto Orourke was arrested for Burglary and Hit and Run DWI

he looks like an elf

Literally the democrat version of Yeb.



> male
> white
> not a boomer

Would support him

Truly an Irishman

Mick LARPing as a spic

I'm surprised none of you faggots have noticed the subtle merchant

Too bad the Irish vote isn't what it used to be.

Talks like a spastic retard with his hands and head. All charisma no content. No thanks.

Finally, the first faggot president.

God speed white Obama.

About time a real Hispanic American runs. With that name how could he lose.

felony hit and run dui that daddy pulled string to save him from

so uhhh I guess, good connections?

>Say something nice

Don't worry, Beto. You're a good man. I am 100 percent sure that President Bernie Sanders will have a place for you in his administration in 2020. Bernie Bros Unite!


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>fracturing of the Democratic Party
Do you not understand how primaries work? Only one democrat will run in the general election.

Thanks op I see it now

you apparently don’t understand fuckall kiddo, the dnc nominates who the dnc decides... fuck off with the spam

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he's a closeted faggot just like obama ... not sure why kikes are so obsessed with queers

Good eye

scumbag poser

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Still a better person than cruz but well that's not saying much.

I would rather fuck a donkey than vote for him

He was a house rep dumbass.

He's a threat because he's a pretty hipster. Media will shill him HARD. A Biden / Beto ticket would also be pretty formidable.

Does he support UBI?

He's not Obama

>house rep
Known in the biz as a "literal who"

Beto / Harris would be hard to beat, you get all the boxes checked in there

Something nice: I would deport his ass like the Mexican he pretends to be.

He'll be a good Kennedy 2.0 when he visits Dallas.


He looks like a chihuahua

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Dubya drove drunk when he was a young guy too.

That would be his Murdering wife.... killed someone in car wreck

he sure is great at blowing a lot of money and not winning. Not jeb bush great, but pretty good.

I wish he would leave Texas forever and go live with his beloved Mexicans in Juarez

Let it be know the meme started on pol

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Will his head be separating from his body?

I know most of you will hate on me for this, but I like this, Beto is a good candidate, young, fresh. I think he can help to restore America's reputation and have people like us again. If nothing else he puts on a good face for us. I'm tired of waking up every day and see Trump say something retarded and embarrass us beyond belief.

"Beto" Cultural appropriation is rac....

I saw him skipping along like a little girl after a speach. He should be called Skippy, not Beto.

Beto is a faggot and I hope he dies

why did Vanity airbrush the illegal aliens out?

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