

Attached: epsteinpedoisland.png (834x932, 892K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So many flights to OP's moms house

I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information in your links for the past 2 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.

I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.

It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.

Given the intense mental output of thorough investigation it is essential that one rest to rejuvenate neural productivity.

I suggest going to sleep and completing at least 3 REM cycles before reassessing any further information.

wow that was fast, this hadn't even been up for 2 min, don't you have some water to filter?

Shills in max force, dis is big!

Attached: ThanksDoc!.png (566x405, 328K)

Newfag detected


imagine being such a newfag that this is new information to you

thank you user

is the link on the up and up?

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8/10 copypasta.

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wonder which secret service members guarded bill on the plane? thanks bro.

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I was thinking pasta for dinner tonight

I thought only journalist that are trained to read confidential material otherwise it's illegal


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Bump. This thread is being slid fucking hard, the catalog is pure cancer. Filters on, anons!

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Who is GM? Flies almost as much as Jeffrey Epstein (JE).

wtf this guy have electricity


I can unironically state without question that I possess the highest IQ of any participant upon this board; and I can equally state with similar authority on the subject of my intelligence and analytical abilities, which are far superior to many in society. I have a gifted level of intelligence, have read and annotated critically reviewed scientific publications, and have been a paid consultant and cited as a source in over 30 analytical, historical texts. My name appears in over 50 collegiate textbook bibliographies. I've written and edited source material that is used by intelligentsia for the past 2 decades as citations for their literary work.
After making that statement, I can unequivocally state, without an iota of hesitation that niggers are absolutely worthless and should be exterminated

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Producer Sir George Martin?

Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker?

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>not sure if new or autistic

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This is pretty big.

Is that Comey on the list?

I always knew Chris Tucker was one of (((them))) but it's kind of sad.

He was just another nigger in the end after all.

This is a copypasta, ive seen it before its like the navy seal copy pasta

I'm merely pretending to be retarded to bump the thread

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Here are Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacy on the same flight. giggity giggity

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bump this is an interesting topic

Probably Ghislaine Maxwell

Stupid faggot Q failing to mention those sex parties were frequented by Trump and that Epsteins "Little St. James island where the sex parties took place is in close proximity to Mar A Lago

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Here come the shills! Why don't you take a look at the flight logs and tell us how often Trump is on there?

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Gonna be a fun spring.

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go for it bro. make the net wide. it should not become politically biased



Trump was never in the flight manifest retard. we focus on those that flew on the lolita express or that went to the island

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shillbot pls leave

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connect the dots, search this hashtag

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>look at this bullshit goyim
Your days are numbered, Jew.

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Holy shit faggot stfu

Why the fuck is there a literal temple there?

Why were there dentist chairs in the bedrooms on the island?
>because its totally normal goy

Where else would you sacrifice children to Moloch?

>P-please bump my LARP to page 1 guys!
Here's your (You) faggot, only replying to bump the thread.

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You faggot nigger Trumptards in denial as always. Trump has always been complicit with the pedos because he is one.

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I just want to let you know that you borrowed my pasta. I made it a couple years ago and added in the last two sentences at a later date. At this point in my life, I would say it is the highlight of my existence and my most important contribution to humanity. It is ok fren. I'm glad you like it. Glad you have electricity.

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How many times do you have to be pointed out as a lying rat before you stop trying this line. The second Trump found out he was a pedo Epstein was banned.

Bumping and rollingvfor divine retribution upon (((them)))

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If he did, there's literally not a snowball's chance in hell the judenpresse wouldn't have plastered it all over MSM during the campaign.

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Just ignore that shill, xhe gets paid per (You) for forum sliding.

>ignores evidence and calls everyone else delusional.
Ok, you show up in every Epstein thread with pictures of Trump and his wife at social events with Epstein.
What proof do you have of any wrong doing by Trump? They both moved in the same social circles, and had some pictures taken together. Show us what else there is that would disprove the fact Trump banned Epstein for life from his properties and completely assisted law enforcement with the investigation.

Ghislaine maxwell

what's the code for the island? PBI?

This Warren appears more than once, Warren Buffet? Elizabeth Warren?

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I love how shills think that by coming in these Epstein threads and saying, "But Trump is mixed up in this too" would actually cause anyone to let this just slip away and be forgotten.

So you shills would really rather just let this all escape Justice to save Trump, or to save embarrasment of the MAGA fans in case it makes Trump look bad. And you really expect people to just take it from you on good faith that everyone should just look away in order to save Trump?

How about this instead?

>Expose every last one of these evil maggots. All of them.

If Trump goes down, so what? It was worth it to get rid of all the trash.

People like you shills are what is wrong with all this shit to begin with, covering shit up to protect some privileged jackass.

KYS unironically

You glow-in-the-dark niggers are the worst.

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pg 5, cindy lauper! kek

i wonder what kind of weird shit she likes to have shoved into her cunt

Uhm what in the actual

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Page 8, the Zagats of the famous restaurant ratings guide. I wonder, did they rate the human meat served on pedo island?

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Dot connecting user receives a hearty seig heil from this gentleman

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Warren Beatty?

kek bill clinton is listed on almost every page of these logs

PMI is Palma De Mallorca, Spain
PMP is Pimaga, Papua New Guinea

he's always just listed as 'warren'

i'm going through page by page like we used to in the olden days

Warren Beatty is more like it

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It's pasta, bud.

That is some 100% USDA, Grade A Autism.

absolutely perfect user

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fuck off with your faggy niggeranimes.

President Clinton seems to almost always have been accompanied by Doug Band to pedo island.

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Wow i forgot all about spacey being on the flight logs, and i remember being confused - not a coincidence that he was indicted a few months ago. Wow it really is happening

in an undisclosed location somewhere innawoods maybe? the temple just sticks out so much, why aren't they hiding it?

Also a "Sloane" is often mentioned, I suspect Tim Sloane, CEO of the embattled, beleaguered Wells Fargo here.

probably way better than mcd's

Nice pasta, sav'd


This lady was onboard a large number of times too.

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Fyi, this is linked to that university bribery scandal in many ways

The penn state sandusky thing was more than just a pedophile coverup; it was a blackmail ring that got busted. The point of the blackmail ring was to keep all of the individuals across the board at university hierachy in-line so that nepotism and university money laundering could take place to this degree and much greater. This is rampant across the country, and also reinforces the reason why so many of these universities are socialist breeding grounds and mere money sink diploma mills

Navy seal pasta is always tasty

>filters on
feels like a good bug repellent

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checkered floor

wonder what that black statue is on the top against the wall?

The board is being flooded with slides.

Since they posted one in this thread, I am going to assume it is for this

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to what airport did they fly to get to the island? not all these flights are to the same place

Mack, Wells Fargo, Blackhawks landing in downtown LA....

>NO, U!


Nice content, leaf. You make that yourself?