what kind of pathetic rabble would raise their own children like this? wh*te "people"
enjoy your extinction.
what kind of pathetic rabble would raise their own children like this? wh*te "people"
enjoy your extinction.
God I hate you culture stealing white honkies
llmfao stupid wh*te kids
>being proud of thug culture
>being mad whity be stealin'
this is a good thing. more blacks should bully wiggers. god i hate wiggers so much.
whtes have NO culture retard the fuck are you talking yall abunch of pussies tryin to take our shit fuck you
What shirt? You take it off every chance you get Tyrese
>Whites have no culture
We do, it's just we end up killing and taking over 99% of the world when we celebrate it. You should pray White Culture never returns.
That's culture? Btw that "black culture" was manufactured by whites.
what shit, peanut butter?
The culture that is in place in the western world, that was fabricated by historical lies makes white kids turn into Lil Peep
Define ''black culture'' please.
We should make punch a wigger pols punch a nazi. Fuck wiggers.
lmfao 99 of everybody taking you place over dumbfuck enjoy being the minority yo all too funny
fuck your flag bitch
95% of rap videos is the predominant black culture unfortunately. The only other note to touch is the anti-intellectualism.
what's wrong with it
Idk why everyone is responding, this is some white dude in a midwest suburb
newfags love taking the bait
it's too easy senpai
I was just in a homeless shelter for a few months and wiggers are some of the most obnoxious pieces of garbage ever. thanks for your culture america.
>muh baits muh pretend gaymes
Back to /b/, underage faggot.