I can't love any girl because i realise i'm too ugly and short for loving someone
why love people who will never love you back
It really sucks because i didn't choose to be like this
this is a normal way of thinking right
idk tell me why a girl would have an ugly bf based on persoanlity??? personality is self made anyone can change so literally every guy on earth has the potential to have a good persoanlity but not everyone can be good looking and tall
it's over
pic not realted
I can't love any girl because i realise i'm too ugly and short for loving someone
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Are you a 145cm, 120kg hairy cave troll who doesn't bathe?
I'm with you. Held down two long term relationships in the past, but I've always been the temporary solution until my partner gains enough confidence from our relationship to feel like they deserve someone stronger or better looking.
The harsh reality I guess is that no one deserves love, as a man you earn love through looking good and being the source of emotional and financial stability in a girls life.
If you are none (or even just not all) of these things, you can only really expect to be able to date girls with low self-esteem who will leave you once they've gotten what they need from you.
"this is a normal way of thinking right"
No. It's not healthy.
I don't think you're gonna be in a place where you'll be comfortably dating for a while OP so you should probably focus on fixing your worldview and tremendously broken sense of self worth before you start worrying about dating. You've got a LOT of work to do.
I recommend doing some traveling, staying in hostels, meeting people, getting some life goals, a decent therapist, exercise, cleaning up your hygiene if it's shit, dressing better...
"But, but, no girl can love me", yeah because you're a sad sack ya retard.
I can't even start to describe how wrong you are OP. You have it all incredibly wrong.
Stop porn
I fell in love with a guy based solely on personality. He’s not unattractive by any means but he’s not my type. Now I think he’s the most handsome. He makes me laugh so much every day. He’s so different than anyone I’ve known. He gets excited about things it makes me so happy. He has many other traits that I love but I won’t start listing them. I admire and love him so much.
No he's right except the part of women loving men in general. Women actually can't experience love in the romantic way men do. They only understand love in sexual terms. I suggest reading Otto Weininger's book "sex and character"
If you feel confident in yourself then you'll look more attractive. That's the key, be confident in yourself and it won't matter what your physical attributes are
He's right though.
Looks are everything in life. This meme about girls not caring about looks is untrue. At least an ugly girl can still get fucked by a good-looking guy if he's drunk, but an ugly short guy is fucked no matter what.
Lots of short guys (including myself) do fine with women, the whole "short guys can't get girls" is the meme here. Girls care about looks, sure, and that's especially so on dating apps and the internet. In normal social settings, there's plenty of opportunities to meet, get close to, and get into a relationship with girls. I've done it plenty of times.
Top 3 right swipes per height for men in the U.K.:
Most right-swiped heights for men:
5ft 8
5ft 10
5ft 6
I'm 5'6. I went to a bar, alone, just to get some food and beer last night. Some thot (taller than me) ended up feeding me nachos and being super flirty. Had a lot of fun with her and her friends. Being fixated on your physical attributes is your issue, along with your shitty self perception and non existent self esteem. My brother is like 5'4ish and his girlfriend is like an 8 (although she's like 5'3).
Get help if you hate yourself.
>Otto Weininger
>Arthur Schopenhauer
The two incel philosopher kings.
Don’t read them, they just poison your mind with a bottomless well of negativity that will either end with suicide or a shooting spree
T. Ex-incel
Just find someone shorter and uglier
>At least an ugly girl can still get fucked by a good-looking guy if he's drunk, but an ugly short guy is fucked no matter what.
I feel it’s sort of the opposite.
An ugly guy can get a hot girl with a strong alpha personality.
An ugly girl can only get an ugly desperate beta guy, and he’ll wish he was with a hotter girl the entire time
Did you even read them?
>literally every guy on earth has the potential to have a good persoanlity
And yet they don't.
Not true. You can have shit personality genes in the same way that people have shit appearance genes.
That's literally me. I'm 165 cms through. :(
These dating app studies are so flawed. First of all, men on dating apps are going to be shorter than average because short men have a hard time finding dates IRL and have to resort to that stuff. Secondly, It's pretty hard to tell the height of a guy through a picture unless he's standing next to something to scale. Like I know these studies help you sleep at night and make you feel less disgusted when you look in the mirror at your stubby manlet body but surely in the back of your mind you realize those studies are bullshit, right?
>First of all, men on dating apps are going to be shorter than average because short men have a hard time finding dates IR
That's absolute nonsense. Short men have it harder on tinder, since they are at any point in time directly competing with chad. That whole online dating thing is heavily schewered to the advantage of women.
In general, I believe women prefer taller men over shorter men. I've still slept with more guys than the average person in my country. I still get unsolicited attention from women when I go out.
Literally any study on a dating app like tinder is fundamentally flawed because tinder does not provide random sampling, they have classifications and algorithms which are not publicly available. It doesn't matter, though. The point isn't that "short guys are preferable to women", the point is I get pussy, I know other shorter guys who get pussy. The last girl I slept with turns out, was engaged, to some 6'2 guy. I broke it off but... It goes to show that these self-defeating short guys are just being huge pussies with no drive to improve themselves.
Maybe it's depression and anxiety, which I get because I have them too, but hiding behind defeatism is just going to make it worse for them. There are literal midgets who get attractive girlfriends. Stop blaming your lack of success on physical attributes, most of the guys on this site who can't get girls don't try. They just bitch and moan about how unfair it is, maybe autistically ask out one or two girls and get rejected, then wallow in self pity. It's frustrating. You don't have to live like that. I broke out of it, you can too.
I'm like 5'8, fat and funny looking. I've slept with dozens of women.
I know it's a meme at this point, but it's self-love that matters. I have confidence, interests, hobbies, passions and I can make a woman laugh until she does that snort thing. And because I have confidence I can do several things; I can ask women out because I do not fear rejection. If it goes badly, I thank them for their time and move the fuck on. I can talk confidently about things I'm passionate about, like cooking, writing and fringe politics and this is attractive because it means you don't come across as an NPC. I can be clear with women, that I'm interested in them in a sexual way, and I can tease women in a flirty manner because I'm not too concerned with hurting their feelings. I'm also not a colossal asshole, I have standards, personal morals and limits which I am clear on, but I'm tolerant, patient and not inclined to anger easily.
Of course, this confidence isn't there every day. Some days I feel down, some days bad memories hurt me and I can't keep it up. Sometimes I feel sad. But I remember that this is temporary, because I'm not a good man, but I'm getting better every day.
To act as anecdotal backup, I used to work at a strip club as their resident light and sound technician. There was this dwarf by the nickname of Horse there, who did jelly wrestling and stage shows with the girls, and this motherfucker, stumpy limbs and out of proportion body and face was always bagging the most gorgeous girls. Not even strippers with gnarled stripper feet and injection pocks, but sweet, sexy normie girls.
>shit personality genes
People will meme your post but it's true. I knew several people growing up who had explosive tempers that ran in the family. It's hard being personable when the slightest inconvenience makes you want to strangle something
Also I accidentally said "more guys" instead of "more girls" lmfao.
>Ignoring the fact that those people were raised in an environment where people had explosive tempers.
Let's try to be a little bit scientific here.
Holy shit at the cope. You were literally shown proof that tall men are at a disadvantage in looks. And now you use mental gymnastics to try to deny the truth. You bitter virgin lanklets are always as pathetic.
But what about a short man who is chad? In fact aren't most chads short anyway? Every celebrity famous for his looks is under 6'. Men taller than 6' are always stuck playing the "big bad ugly guy" role.
Then lose weight you fat fuck. And shave.
Are you implying there are no genetic factors that affect temperament?
You need to learn how to stop sorting the world into tiny boxes and making sweeping generalizations. It's an extremely common thing for people to do when they're upset. Letting it inform your worldview and "predict" your future is like chugging poison. You can do all the traveling and volunteering and therapy in the world, but you will make zero progress until you shut that behavior down.
This poster is either a master shitposter or a schizo because he's been attacking tall men on Jow Forums for literally months now
ugly is one thing but being short eliminates 99% of women
just try and find some kind of joy in life that doesn't involve romantic love
>this is a normal way of thinking right
No. Plenty of short and/or ugly people have relationships. The only difference is they haven't developed a complex over it.
They're also typically women