Has anyone fallen for the yang stuff? I literally fell for it for a few days...

Has anyone fallen for the yang stuff? I literally fell for it for a few days. I would never vote for a non-white but I did fall for the anti-trump anti-white stuff. It's really annoying. Jow Forums needs to get their morale back up and stop letting people with literal israeli flags on Jow Forums tell you to vote against trump.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This isn't reddit nor your blog, fuck off faggot

Yes. I fell in love with Yang when he said 1000. Then when he said white stuff. Then when he spoke out against baby dick sucking.

And more and more this post here is becoming true.

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>Jow Forums needs to get their morale back up

You don't understand where you are.

Imagine being so stupid you shill a chink on a white nationalist board. Only a lefty could be so retarded.

The shilling has convinced no-one no matter how much you try. It has the opposite effect.

You know, the chicks have a near ethnostate and the lives of the people keep improving.
I don't know much about yang but im pretty sure he would be better than most white candidates since most of them are for inclusion of different races and even the conservative of them sound like liberals. A chink naturally gravitates towards ethno-nationalism.

Thats a lot of words for a poo

>The shilling has convinced no-one

That's why there are thirty Yang threads a day on this board and all you faggots do all day is cry to make it stop.

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When does the funding run out? How much money did they waste on AOC? Just a coincidence they stopped as soon as yangs started?

We aren't even into the debates and it's posts of rehashed memes and literally announcing your vote is bought for $1000/mo UBI. Trump slowly built momentum when the media shit on him for stating the truth whereas this Yang shit is worse than a forced meme. It couldn't be more obvious people are shilling as opposed to being a true believer and supporter.

>import millions of immigrants a year cuz your country can't breed and educate its own
Fuck you, I want my $1000 per month.

The anti trump shilling that’s occurred in the last 2 weeks has been the most retarded, disengenuous mental gymnastics I have ever seen on this board. And worse, actual people have fallen for it. Jow Forums went years resisting shill invasions and it fell for some low hanging bait and collapsed in a few days


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The left comes to subvert pol and leaves hating jews. Greatest Jow Forums psyop ever. It worked too.

Ah yes, because Yang is going to fix that. Because giving people 1000 a month isn’t going to drive even more immigration as the entire world rushes to get their gibs
Trump is doing what he can for Christ sakes, people have no idea how the government works and thinks he can just do whatever he wants
>inb4 he said he wanted more legal immigrants
And do his policies reflect that? Literally not at all.

He mad

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>Jow Forums went years resisting shill invasions
No this place got taken over by the_donald pretty quickly

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Only Israeli flags I see are telling me how awesome trump is. Fuck off boomer faggot this isn't Facebook

anyone that falls for the yang shit is a retard.

Imagine scrubbing and scrubbing and never looking less like your covered in shit. Idians arw litterally the most unattractive race. Below niggers and abos

Sucking Jew cock is what he's doing.

I have yet to see anyone address this point. If America is so fucking great why are we importing millions if people a year? We should be breeding and educating our own. We should have so many babies we have to export them.

Fuck these lies already and give me my money.

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Maybe, but trump actually had policies/ideas that could appeal to a stereotypical Jow Forums user. Yang is a literal who who wants gun control, mass migration, and all sorts of other total leftist bullshit and Jow Forums fell for it in two weeks. It just makes no sense to me, it doesn’t help that the arguments made by said people make no sense whatsoever


>? I literally fell for it for a few days. I w
Don't be a weak minded fag

RIP Jow Forums ... :(

>trump actually had policies/ideas that could appeal to a stereotypical Jow Forums user
Yes and he has gone back on pretty much all of them. This is why you see so many black pilled people on Jow Forums lately. The Yang shit is just memeing for the lulz because people are realizing that it doesn't matter who you vote for. Might as well have some fun for once.

Here it is again. Trump is not a dictator. Trump not being able to pass his ideal immigration policies by himself is not an example of him sucking Jew cock. It’s an example of how the government functions in the real world

What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to be upset with trump for how immigration is going (something he can’t even control directly) yet simultaneously shill an Asian who wants amnesty and open borders?

>Welcome to the Yang Gang shillstorm debrief thread where shills fish for information that can help improve their next attempt
gfys no one was fooled by that garbage

>he’s gone back on all of them
That’s literally not true, and that’s why this all makes me so confused. People went from being happy about the SOTU and the emergency declaration (aka, exactly what most of us wanted because fuck congress) to totally blackpilled in like a week. Nothing major happened in that space of time except for the Omar comments, and for some reason Jow Forums thinks trump not going 1488 on twitter means he’s gone back on all his promises. Ever since then it’s been a nonstop shill/disinformation campaign that Jow Forums unironically fell for. Nothing has changed.
The black pilling is intentional and it’s done a rather good job of derailing the entire board

>and for some reason Jow Forums thinks trump not going 1488 on twitter means he’s gone back on all his promises.
Fuck I've been saying this for months

None of that is organic

>What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to be upset with trump for how immigration is going (something he can’t even control directly) yet simultaneously shill an Asian who wants amnesty and open borders?

i really hope it isnt. leftists need to leave

Oh yeah, he's trying real hard alright. Chilling in Mar-a-Largo every weekend talking shit about the only people challenging Jews. Notice how no one on the shills against him anymore. They don't have to. He's another Neocon piece of shit now.


>said he wants more immigrants than ever before to increase business profits
>constantly talks about how well blacks and other non-whites are doing under him but refuses to even acknowledge whites
>shills for Israel far more than what is normal
>refuses to arrest Hillary Clinton or drain the swamp at all
>called himself a nationalist and a globalist
>whines on twitter instead of doing something about our demographic decline
I don't see how anyone on Jow Forums could still support him.

He's ready to storm Venezuela so we can have millions more of immigrants from another failed narco state that will be set up by the CIA.

I didn’t fall for Yang, but I’ve realized Trump was never /ourguy/ to begin with. He was merely a controlled opposition.

>whines on twitter instead of doing something about our demographic decline
>reeeing about not going full 1488 again

>not wanting to be a minority in my own country is going full 1488
We really are in clown world

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Wow so Trump isn’t a dictator? I guess that means he should reverse all of his immigration promises and become a full blown open borders cuck. Yeah screw fighting the swamp, I’m just going to join them instead. You’re fucking stupid, Trump could rape your entire family and you’d still support him.

>my own country
Wow u natzee

You must be one of the based niggers I here so much about

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This is exactly what I’m talking about.
That’s. Not. How. The. Government. Works.
Trump can’t just arrest whoever he wants, he can’t sign a paper and reverse demographic decline, he can’t drive out the swamp with a signature. There’s no reason to get mad at the president when he literally cannot do the things you are asking of him.
>wants more legal immigrants
Except all of his executive policies reflect the opposite, as well as the legislative works hes supported in the past. He even clarified this last Monday that he wouldn’t want anyone on welfare coming in- which excludes like 90% of 3rd world immigrants
>calls himself a nationalist not a globalist
Old statement given to a quick gotcha question, pic related is more recent and given from trumps natural habitat

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Based leaf
Anti-Trump is not anti-white dude. But the Yang shit is garbage for sure.

Clown world is being mad at trump because he’s not a dictator that can do whatever he wants

>Trump can’t just arrest whoever he wants, he can’t sign a paper and reverse demographic decline, he can’t drive out the swamp with a signature
Well if he's not willing to get his hands dirty and take the risks necessary then we are screwed because the kikes will never willingly release their death grip on us.

Except if you did 10 seconds of research you’d find loads of evidence that he hasn’t reversed his immigration promises. Stop pretending you have the high ground here when you can’t be bothered to find the most basic of information about a topic before you get mad about it

Fuck off Faggot, trump is literally a jewish shill surrounded by, and funded by Jews.
Yang on the other hand wants to give every white person in America 1000$ a month.

Anyone with twatter knows paygook is pro-israel

>getting his hands dirty
That’s not the issue, the issue is that he’s the president of a republic that was designed to limit government power especially executive power. There’s no reason to get mad at him because checks and balances exist

No I'm just shit posting from the gym

>he’s the president of a republic that was designed to limit government power especially executive power
Either that needs to change or we are already dead.

>being this blue pilled

>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless youve been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban supressors
>Ban high-capacity magazines
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to the FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license.
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
PAID perental leave
>requiring employers to offer at least 9 months of paid family leave
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn’t rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
>Fuck the home owners & "start taking the needs of renters & those who would be interested in moving into areas e.g. cheap getto nigger housing.
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>Automation will soon take 10's of MILLIONS of jobs. Yangs solution is UBI $1000pm for everyone will not only get wiped out via inflation, its already a barely livable wage. NEETS on it will barely afford to live, & turn to crime to get all the shit they cant afford, drug use to numb their meaningless boring existance. You will be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist.
>Appoint judges who support a woman’s right to choose to kill their child. Access to birth control should be provided to all Americans (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentivize the break down the of the nuclear family.
POLICE "Fake News"
>Introduce penalties for speech

Maybe Trump should kiss our asses instead of Jews.

Maybe his base wouldn't be crumbling, you know.

He wouldn't have to be a dictator to do that.

>i would never vote for a non-white
>t-trump isnt racist!!!
>maga isnt racist!!!
kys yang2020

Glad you're staying healthy, user

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Gov has outgrown its boundaries, consolidated itself as a tribal entity (deepstate). This is the nature of power; only another more powerful and close-knit tribal entity can challenge their now deeply-ingrained rule.

actions speak louder than words

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OP is right, this is a targeted attack meme, Jow Forums has been dying for a long time, and people always say it, but recently I've gotten bored with it, Jow Forums especially. Sucks a bit, but also i guess its good news for my life, cuz I'm doing better stuff than going on Jow Forums for 14 hours a day. But keep fighting Jow Forums we need to be here, remember how powerful we are, remember who we are fighting.

>trump actually had policies/ideas that could appeal to a stereotypical Jow Forums user
key word is had. he doesnt believe in those things anymore and has no plan to fix america's biggest problems seriously

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>rehashed memes
You trump fags haven’t even done research on the candidate and only make strawmen about him. Even normies are liking him get fucked boomer

Idk if I'm "healthy" right now. Currently bulking and was 308 last time I got on scale

>repeats shill script

Ah yes, because the President of the most important nation on earth didn’t go full 1488 on Twitter, that means he’s a literal foreign agent and we should all turn on him.
>crumbling base
On Jow Forums it might have crumbled due to a retarded dis info campaign, I’m pretty sure most normal people in his base are pretty fine with him

You got to start somewhere

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>Wanting to enforce immigration laws strictly and deport all illegals while cutting down on visas makes you a nazi
guess 84% of the trump base is goosestepping

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It’s just forced opinion. I doubt anyone that was here before 2016 has fallen for such obvious Astro turfing.

You post this like trump wants this- there’s not one piece of evidence that shows he wants anything but the opposite of this. Pic related is happening because the border is still underfunded, something trump is currently trying to fix with an emergency declaration. Congress will not do shit. This isn’t something you can blame trump for in good faith

>anti trump shilling
your telling me all trump supporters and the right are supposed to support pic related?

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Twice as many get across the border than are apprehended. Also notice he never talks about record deportations or deportations at all. Because he isn’t doing shit, it’s all smoke and mirrors fag

>You post this like trump wants this
yea because he does

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This is true.

>I’m pretty sure most normal people in his base are pretty fine with him
Uh-huh. That's why you're wasting your time here shilling. That's why Trump is lashing out at his base. Cuz you and he are so sure you've got enough 'normal' people (whoever the fuck that is in your civnatcuck world) behind him.

this. its like when obama said he caught the most illegals at the border but pretty much always had ICE opt to release them nearly most of the time

When did I ever say that? Pic related is a literal non-issue and a stupid thing to get upset over. Disagree with it if you want, that’s fine, but don’t equate it as some deal breaking issue. $100 million is pocket change for the government anyways. The same budget also includes a request for another 8 billion dollars for wall construction, but people here will pretend hes forgotten the wall regardless

>guess 84% of the trump base is goosestepping
I wish

>that edgy phase

As long as the status-quo stays unchanged, Jow Forums will stay unchanged as well. Trump did not change it, he only pushed it further left.

>wants something
>carries out policies that do the exact opposite of what he claims to want
Me thinks he doesn’t actually want it and that actions are more important than words, especially in politics

This is true. Thanks Sanity poster.

Don't give up my American brethren. Remember how great it was watching the leftists cry, and don't think for a second Yang isn't cucked when it comes to illegal immigration. He believes deporting illegals is immoral.

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Yang-Gang is a Jewish disinformation campaign.

lol he fell for the yangneet meme

Ah yes, challenging a disinformation campaign that emerged from nowhere in the last 2 weeks makes me a shill. Not the guys making 30 Yang threads a day. Me. Got it.
And yes, The average voting American does not get worked up about trump not going 1488 on Twitter- Jow Forums apparently does.


>The average voting American
Do you even know who that is in this fractured nation? Does Trump?

I'm sure importing a million more people a year will clear it up though.

Honestly I have a feeling that once trump starts campaigning again then Jow Forums will start to like him again. It brings out the best in him
The SCOTUS approving the national emergency should also be a good day- it will prove 90% of these “trump has cucked on immigration” posts as objectively incorrect

He's gonna need some meat for his reelection campaign and I don't see much.

>mom, mom, I'm doing my first false flag!!

I'm not going to vote for some douchebag trying to buy votes, everybody over 12 knows things don't get good until the second term. The people directing the shills know this it's their job.

Well I’d hope whoever it is has better comprehension skills than what this thread has been showing.
I’ve explained like 20 times that trump has no intention of making legal immigration easier. Stop pretending his executive policies don’t exist, that he hasn’t cut H1b visa approvals in massive %s, that he hasn’t declared a national emergency to secure wall funding, I could go on

If/when SCOTUS approves his wall funds that’s literally all he will need. Won’t hurt if the economy stays the way it is


because the yang threads are from a discord that bump their own threads

>everybody over 12 knows things don't get good until the second term.
Yeah, like Reagan's amnesty, that was an amazing thing he did in his second term. Maybe if Trump is re-elected. He'll get rid of immigration waiting lists entirely and allow anybody that isn't white to come in.

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you sound exactly like a nigger. you realize white people will take that 1000 and put it in a savings account while niggers and mexicans use it to pump out more welfare babies?

Only a child would think people who share similar political beliefs should be shunned based on their website choices.

>everyone i don't like is a boomer
there have been no jew flags saying anything good about trump. the jew flags support yang.
