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So what are you saying we should do, big guy?

Oligarchic wealth

stop living in denial and realize that cuckservatives are more dangerous than communists



>cuckservatives are more dangerous than communists

this isn't Jow Forumspolitics you fucking kike

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Their money.

>and school shootings

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Jewish nepotism


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Our love of the Constitution, and what it stands for.

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how are they not you beta brainlet?
it isn't fucking communists taking away your rights, it's "conservatives"
communists aren't winning elections (nationally at least)
cuckservatives are

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>Our love of the Constitution, and what it stands for.
Then why don't Conservatives protect it anymore?

>cuckservatives are more dangerous than communists

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>stop living in denial and realize that cuckservatives are more dangerous than communists
They're the same thing.

Both are anti-White.

And their pretty soft white women.

We're more concerned with self preservation at this point.
This country has been rotted out from the inside, and will collapse under its own weight in short order. Once that happens, we'll be there to start again, the way it was intended - all the scumbag liberals and foreign invaders.


Constant streams on immigrants

There’s two, bet you didn’t expect to get owned that hard did you OP?


Make no mistake: Rich people are rich because they are conservative. People are not conservative because they are rich.

>We're more concerned with self preservation at this point.
Preservation of what exactly? No Conservative program or belief will actually preserve anything important.

>This country has been rotted out from the inside, and will collapse under its own weight in short order. Once that happens, we'll be there to start again, the way it was intended - all the scumbag liberals and foreign invaders.
But Conservatives love non-Whites residing (legally) in the USA and they have no problem with Liberals holding office (again, legally).

Mate this is pol I wouldnt recommend u posting this here or ur gonna get shitted on with facts. This image was made by a member of the Yang Gang

>Preservation of what exactly? No Conservative program or belief will actually preserve anything important.
Who cares if ANY of it survives? It's time for it to all be torn down to the foundation, and rebuilt.
It happens to every nation, and we are due.

tell me which political party wants to ban guns and implement a carbon tax that will cripple movement and energy consumption.

>Who cares if ANY of it survives?
Does that include the White race?

>It's time for it to all be torn down to the foundation, and rebuilt.
That's not very Conservative now, is it?

>It happens to every nation, and we are due.
I think you're mistaking "revolutionary" with "conservative".


>tell me which political party wants to ban guns and implement a carbon tax that will cripple movement and energy consumption.
Do you honestly think when those things happen you'll be allowed to have a say in it?

>Does that include the White race?
Why do you feel the need to make this a racial issue?
>I think you're mistaking "revolutionary" with "conservative".
At this point in our country, they are one in the same.

The Neo Conservative branch of the Republican party can trace its origins to Leon Trotsky.
It's communism through and through.

every gun owner will have a fucking say in it when they attempt it.

>Why do you feel the need to make this a racial issue?
Because race is the basis for civilization. Or to put it another way, society is a racial construct.

That's one of the things that Conservatives absolutely has to notice. Because mentioning it gets them called "racists" and they hate that more than almost anything.

>At this point in our country, they are one in the same.
Even though that Conservatives only want to "change" things via voting?

low taxes

>The Neo Conservative branch of the Republican party can trace its origins to Leon Trotsky.
>It's communism through and through.
And as we all know here, Communism is Jewish.

>every gun owner will have a fucking say in it when they attempt it.
The gungrabbers know that any attempt at mass confiscation will result in a civil war.

They're perfectly fine with stripping gun owners of their rights while those firearm rust away under their beds.

Eventually, your homosexual, communist children or grandchildren will turn them into the police when you're too old and living in the nursing home. The liberals are fine with waiting because they know Conservatives will never actually use their firearms.

>Constant streams on immigrants
they sunk both Bush and Obamas planned amnesty

it's a misnomer. They are now liberals and the liberals are conservatives.


How do you know when you've beat a liberal?
They call you a racist.
If you think that bothers any true conservative, no matter what race, then you missed the whole point.


>If you think that bothers any true conservative,
It really does. Because Conservatives won't enact any policy that Liberals call "racist".

It's why the wall won't be allowed to be built and why the 30 million illegals won't be deported. Conservatives are scared of the R word into inaction and actually defending those two policies.

dank memes

They aren't remotely dangerous is the problem.

Trump 2020 faggots, 3 years of Tears from you cunts and Muellers got nothin.
haha kys any day now to stop the suffering.

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Freedom. The second the Democrats take away the 1st and 2nd amendment, is the second my guns are going off.

The Bill of Rights, you fucking commie faggot.

racist has come back to it's soviet meaning. It essentially meant anyone pursuing politics that were beneficial to them. At this point everyone is just talking past one another.

>republicans are communists

imagine being this retarded

this guy gets it

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Did I say Republicans were commies?
Or that Neo Cons were commies?
I realize your shitty government provided education was probably terrible, but at least try to comprehend basic concepts would you please?

Baby Boomers are a bio-virus; we already know that.

I'm fine with summoning another constitutional convention and doing this in the light of day, perhaps some break-up of the country or whatnot, but the left is content with advancing its agenda through unelected judges engaging in bad faith, finding ways to read into the Constitution and precedent instead of from it.

The Founding Fathers wanted the judiciary to be the weakest branch for this reason, but the left likes it this way. Everything they have to sell you is built on lies, so they need to advance it in the dead of night with no public oversight or debate.


>right to life
>abortion on demand. muh "privacy"

try again.

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the "gun grabbing" is actually not such, that's propaganda. The whole POINT of these policies is to CAUSE a civil war, that's how Freemasons operate

seems like a real simple babby's first redpill but wow this site is really full of boomers now isn't it

Thank you for directing the conversation to the real culprit masonry and all this illuminati CERN shit taking over the world

sad but true

Israel, the industrial military complex and corporate greed. Those are linked for some (((reason))).
