can anyone convince me that the "yang gang" meme isn't astroturfing?
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It is 100%
Astroturfing combined with ironic support combined with attempted co-opting by the 'Zion Don' shills, all implicitly approved by tranny jannies.
No one's *actually* falling for it.
It's astroturfed in the beginning but it worked. People are actually memeing this dumbass. They took a playbook from 2015 and migatards and the establishment is kvetching.
Yang hates white people. Look into his bio, he was bullied by white kids growing up.
“They called me chink, gook. I knew when someone bullied you, you had to take it if you didn’t fight back. So I always fought, and I always lost,” said Yang. “This didn’t make me sad. It made me angry. I told myself I have to prove to the bullies that I can make it.”
He openly states that we need UBI to pacify whites as they become a shrinking minority and disarm them cause they're dangerous.
[YouTube] American Traitor Andrew Yang (embed)
He is as anti-white as you could possibly get. He wants power for revenge.
It's true though. He's paying me $1k/mo
>It's astroturfed in the beginning but it worked. People are actually memeing this dumbass
Lol no they fucking aren't. All the threads are created by the same few people constantly spamming Jow Forums all day, and the threads have most of the replies by a few shills pushing this retarded chink.
It's pure astroturfing.
Do ctrl-f and search for "Jow Forums", they advertise the threads they make to eachother so they can comment and make it look like Yang has a lot of supporters.
Archive can be found here:
It’s a coordinated demoralization effort by Discord trannies.
All these yang memes that you keep seeing are all forced. The discord fags just spam them so hard that they want it to seem like they're authentic.
>sounds like the scum gang meme
>it's funny
thus I repeat it. it's a meme for sure
suck it drumpies
$1000. It really is that simple.
It is astroturfing. They are trying to normalize communism on the board but they made it too obvious.
No, because that's exactly what it is, shills trying to funnel potentially useful votes for the opposition into a candidate that has 0% chance of winning.
Of course it's coordinated astro-turfing, with maybe a few low IQ useful idiots bolted on. Just wish there was a way to know for sure who is behind it.
God damn, this is embarrassing
It's highly likely you are the shill if you keep on posting premade responses that I keep on seeing.
>getting paid is low IQ
anybody who unironically thinks the $1000 UBI is going to happen in a country ruled by Jews needs to shoot themselves
How is the promise of $1000 a month demoralizing?
Do you really think stuff like this wasn't happening for Trump in 2016?
Oy Vey
Jwoke anime fans see Trump as the Jew he is. You’re telling me this isn’t organic?
anybody who unironically thinks that Trump give a shit about White People is going to happen in a country ruled by Jews needs to shoot themselves
niggas....we bouta finna be rich! YEET *skeet*
it’s real. Trump failed us this is our best choice. $1,000 / month
Go check twitter. All of the people who supported Trump in 2016 are supporting Yang now. And all of the people who were Never-Trump are now supporting him.
Patrick little is by far the superior candidate
Probably not.
Still a year away from Iowa
Already 5.4% and above Warren and Booker
His plan costs 3.5 trillion per year. 12k per year to every American. Not saying it can't be done, but I was wondering if any Yang heads know what his plan is to raise that much cash?
It's on his website.
But you guys are writing off the people who don't care about "astro-turfing" or meme squads. In fact, I would be almost skeptical of a candidate who didn't try to infiltrate online cults and manipulate their viral nature.
I fuck with no questions asked, $1000 bucks a month. That's just enough for most people to worry considerably less about rising housing costs and groceries.
Don't negate the potential positive effects from that---talking decrease in crime, mental illness, domestic disputes, class conflict, less complaining from liberals, helps the inevitability of workforce displacement, and in general, would likely boost our economy overall.
It takes poorer people who would have to devote all their energy to short-term bills and gives them a bit of room to breath----and with that peace of mind, the potential for success, for creativity, for hope simply MUST increase
>inb4 poor people will never spend money right
>inb4 how are we gonna pay for this
good points, but let's talk about the potential positives for a second----and as far as i understand it, it wouldnt be an increase in taxes for the general public, but finding ways to tax corporations that have previously not had to pay any taxes
Maybe those costs will come back to the consumer eventually, but I doubt it would be a nullfiying effect---no one would propose 1,000 dollars a month to everyone if it was going to increase costs of living so much to make the initial 1,000 negligible.
>maybe I'm too optimistic, but I don't think they'd be so cycnical to know that it would make every part of life more expensive and then still implement UBI just for the sake of sounding helpful
Not but I've read it three times and I ddon't believe it. Every single person I ask says "People will take better care of themselves." Great, so how does that give us $225B on month 1? But they'll spend money and boost the economy. Yeah I'm sure those corporations will pump it right back into America. I'm not buying any of it.
Not gonna lie, former Yang Banger here. This is fucking hilarious watching Yang crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on the neetbux.
it's around 3 trillion for all citizens
we already spend 1.5 trillion on welfare, most of that will overlap with UBI so you would be down to 1.8 trillion (you can't receive welfare if you get UBI)
the 10% VAT would generate around 1 trillion, so down to 800 billion
around 400 billion would be gotten back in income taxes from businesses, would go up from more people buying things
and the remaining 400 billion is in savings on prisons, homeless services,
Will VAT be levied on top of existing sales tax? Wouldnt manufacturers just product goods in other countries to avoid it?
they are following the money. it's the message and people dont even mention this, it's the most important part. a lot of Jow Forums don't have two nickels to rub together, you think they are going to fake it after being offered a grand a month when their lives are at risk? you think these guys are going to live in mothers basement forever? of course not, they are now starting to think ahead. just playing devils advocate here.
imports have VAT too. anything sold in the US would get taxed
>vote for me and get $1000
i failed high school economics and even i know this shit is fucking retarded
It's not as simple as better care for themselves, it's a bit more far-reaching in its effects, if possible and implemented safely.
>1,000 dollars is negligible to upper class people, thus not really making class-stratification worse. >it's nice money for middle class people--will either be used towards savings almost exclusively, or as a bonus for non-essentials thaat wouldn't be as easy to justify without UBI.
>For virtually all young people, whether they go to college or not, it gives a sense of stability and wiggle room when they aare first setting out to the world. That could positively effect innovation in entrepreneurial fields, science, the arts, etc. LESS TIME DEALING WITH SURVIVAL=MORE TIME TO PLAN AND CULTIVATE THRIVING
>most importantly, it is LIFE CHANGING money for the poor and the desperate. taking some of the immediate financial alienation away from people who are really doing miserably has the potential to improve mental health, will-to-live, which effects productivity, long-term thinking, it gives time to cultivate other skills that can get you out of the wage-cuck life.
and sure, people would take advantage of it, get lazy because of it, just put it right in the bank for savings, and whatever other slightly-exploitative, not-economy-enhancing behavior. But I doubt that would be the norm, or even a substantial minority. a lot of people who dont do anything and who give up have done so out of feeling trapped and overwhelmed with mundane, low-paid, low-pride responsibilities
The "Yang Gang" shit sounds fucking retarded. The shills could have come up with a better sounding phrase to promote Yang but chose to go with the theme of braindead soundcloud "rappers" spouting ebonics.
I'm not against the idea at all, but I just get a sinking feeling that paying for it wont be as easy as it sounds and all sorts of new taxes will need to be levied to pay for it. I already pay $30,000 a year in federal, state, and social security and would get physically ill if they had to start taking more just to pay for this.
Certainly less than Trumpenkike astroturfing burger. In the end the base decides.
>A fuckin FED 1% GLOWER
nice thread Zogbots
is it something we should be suspicious of? yes.
but does our government mismanage our federal budget to an insane degree? should the largest corporations not pay any taxes at all (despite whatever good they do us in terms of goods/services/employment)? In what way would that extra money actually DECREASE the need for government spending due to a presumably healthier, less criminal, more encouraged and therefore involved population?
Do you really not see a massive shortage of jobs/opportunities moving towards us?
We're literally all gonna be so disillusioned with the idea of a job as we know it today. My bet is the entire world retreats into VR where they feel like they are competing//leaading meaningful lives, while the government and private corps. keep everything going
100% agreement. I just think the potenial benefits make it necessary to explore, especially because I'm certain we could find the money in irrelevant/fraudulent/ineffectual government institutions, and while I'm not anti-corporation at all, there is certainly more money we could tax them while remaining ethical. maybe it would even weaken some of the monopolies, which only seems positive.
a corporate monopoly that stifles, chokes out, and absorbs innovation is unamerican---it's essentially aa tyrraannical power that harms the general freedom of consumers (no options) and competitors (eternally to small to win, despite whatever ideals some capitalists have about the free market)
while it could be arguable that a UBI would actually uphold the modern american's ability to pursue life, liberty, and the get the ideaa.
our government is more buddy buddy with corporations than its people---for monetary gain. the UBI---if it bleaches out some government stupid spending and corporate exemptions---it seems that would empower the individual.
think about this. if this was the answer in the past. we wouldn't afford basic stuff like food, water and lights. Crime would skyrocket, corruption would be everywhere and maybe a civil war
their discord has been pissed off ever since this got deleted. they were talking about it today even kek 4fZkUbr
>if this was the answer in the past
>we wouldn't afford basic stuff
you're talking about inflation? can't quite tell. if yes---I agree, crime and corruption would likely lead to civil war or unchecked executive powers to clean the country up again.
if you're not talking inflation, then i am misunderstanding you.
I think the 1,000 bucks only works if the individuals who get it don't also feel the pain of it---but everything has consequences, obviously. so it's a matter of incentivizing corporations and government bodies to give up more. obviously they cant just incentivize money, bbecause that would go to UBI, but some other method.
Or by proving that the overall positive effects on the mental/social/economic lives of citizens ends up being good for everyone, even the corpos eventually.
I don't know who is trannying who anymore.
Either way, I don't got a dog in this fight with either of them anyway.
Big corporations need to be nerfed regardless---not out of anti-capitalist sentiments---but pro-capitalist sentiments.
I honestly can't think of a single corporation who doesn't end up dropping off in service/good quality once they reach what is modern monopoly status.
>Big media
literally a contemptuous joke, a dying industry that isn't good for politics or cultural unity
>Big entertainment
constant franchising, bad movies are literally bad for people, it turns what can be Art into strictly business
>Big tech
any social media giant, google, etc---clearly been bad, no explanation needed
>Big business
amazons, wal-marts, etc. etc.-----kills small businesses, bad employers, overall just lack of dignity, etc.
im running out of articulate points cus i'm tired, but I wanted to rant.