pack your bags, Jow Forums

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bump for interest

We can finally set things right

>(((they))) make time travel
>set up team to prevent the holocaust
>team turns out to be a bunch of Jow Forumsacks
>yfw we make the holohoax real and nothing changes.
>yfw time is unchanging

isnt this just on a computer though? how does time traveling in the past happen in rl?

>mfw israel will stop it because then people will know the holohoax never happened
>mfw I will never get to meet me in another universe
>mfw even if we did manage to change history, we'd simply be part of an already made universe designed for our divergence from this timeline
It's all so tiresome

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imagine actually believing that time is linear

The consequences will never be the same.

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Make sure it doesn't wind you up the way those guys on the transporter did in Star Trek The Motion Picture dough

>Source: @tsarcyanide/MIPT
They retrieved Rasputin.

How many timelines are we down from the first? Did huemans even exist in the original timeline?

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About time

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>be me
>at starting point A
>walk 10 ft to point B
>walk back to A
time traveler here ask me anything

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Modern Degeneracy inserted back into the 1950s, come back to 2019, Im married to a Tractor, my daughter has a penis and my son is a mudslime....

Or: Travel back to 1935, Convince the Nazi's to invest in the Heisenberg device, Nuke Moscow ,Tokyo, Washington D.C., Langley and London. (Maybe nuke Jerusalem, Jews wont want it anymore)

Social Degeneracy had been Eradicated, Thousand Year Reich is healthy.

>Boomer scientist discovers "Back" button on Interner Explorer
>I traveled in time!


[this needs to be stopped]

>delete file

Its an advanced simulation of the past, if we can calculate different outcomes and such, we can predict how to contact the past from the present, and thus change timelines.

>Returns something of incredibly small size to a previously held state.
Look guys, it's a time machine. We totally didn't just blow through millions of dollars to create a slightly better computer savestate.

Link has a pretty clumsy explanation of entropy.
It has nothing to do with time travel either, it's a carefully setup experiment which causes some quantum experiment to evolve, and then return to its initial conditions.

And it's just a simulation as far as I can tell, so it's basically useless guesswork

dear brainlet
boomers invented the pc, windows OS and the internets

t. xoomer

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To be 100% honest, we need to improve the super pc.
Hell, it could execute logaritmic alghorithms in normal time.
Do you realize what that means?
It means that we can calculate to the molecular level.

That means cure for cancer.
That means cure for HIV.
That means atomic fusion.
That means Dyson sphere.
That means galatic expansion.

So, yea.
I would be down to trow milions of dollars to improve that bad boy.

Quantum time fuckery isn't new


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>cure aids
Why do you hate God?

If this is possible it means that technically faster than light travel is possible in a conventional sense. Since the issue with ftl travel through normal space is with our prior knowledge we believed it was impossible to travel backwards in time.

>time resets to the earth's formation
>events unfold exactly the same
>you live 10 million lifetimes exactly the same as this timeline

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