Trump SLASHES American Wages

Say good bye to your overtime pay.

Attached: 104874317-Trump_Delivers_Remarks_on_Tax_Reform.530x298.jpg (530x298, 25K)

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If this affects truck drivers, enjoy your trashed economy.

Attached: 46fd2532d909221084c06dfe82a4712f.png (420x420, 184K)

It's like he really wants to piss off his white voters.

Attached: 1525988528948.png (1593x1294, 433K)

I think that Trump is backstabbing his initial constituents, sure, but >TYT? come the fuck on. These Qatar shills are responsible for the likes of AOC and other "Justice Democrats". I don't think they're worth even acknowledging, unless you want Qatari plants in the White House.

Why does he hate America Jow Forums?

Only idiots who think this is a bad thing have clearly never worked a full time wagie job (which over half of the American workforce does) in your life. You are capped at 40 hours, you aren't allowed to work more than that almost anywhere because by law they have to pay you more per hour after that 40 hour mark. If you want to work more hours to save more, you can't.

Because it's not Israel or Jewish related.

Attached: 1524717153602.jpg (961x1213, 381K)

This only affects public workers. It is our taxes, our money, that pays them.

TYT is lying by ommision.

True Americans spend their tax payer dollars on filthy shitskins and wars for Israel, Well said!