Jewess raped and beheaded by Palestinian terrorist

She was raped, stabbed multiple times and beheaded by a Palestinian in a park in Jerusalem.

"It’s important for us that the world know who Ori was,” she said. “Ori was a child of light, adding so much light in the world. She cured broken hearts wherever she went, be it with her girlfriends, the boys and girls she worked with in her national [volunteer] service, even people she did not know.”

“She talked a lot about compassion — that she wanted to be compassionate toward realities that were difficult for her, with people who were hard on her.”

“I ask from those who are listening to us and for whom our words are entering their hearts, to do one small thing to add light to the world — one act of kindness and maybe we will preserve Ori’s [soul] in the world and maybe we will have some comfort by adding light to the world,” said Na’ah Ansbacher, referring to her daughter’s name, which means “my light” in Hebrew.

“We have given them a taste of grief – a bone in the throat of the Zionists,” Jordanian Rami Shafiq sings on official Palestinian Authority TV. After the rape and murder of 19-year-old Israeli Ori Ansbacher, official Palestinian Authority TV broadcast a video with a song celebrating the brutal act of terror.

"Speaking out of rage over the heinous murder of a holy daughter of Israel we call on the government to act in ways that will produce deterrence, a national emergency plan to expel those who seek to murder us, who are thirsty for Jewish blood, is the only way to prevent the next murder," the right wing Otzma Yehudit party said.

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Nice source, faggot

Based sandnigger

look at those horse teeth

Bla bla bla. Death of one person tragic. The death of many is just a statistic. Life sucks and our only guarantee is death.

Based dune coon

I guess its time for war.

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>Jewess raped and beheaded by Palestinian terrorist

There are more Men existencially raped my jewish 'women' in in one year in divorce courts and by false accussation then jews are getting raped by anyone in a century.

so fuck off.

you are all heartless

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>a bone in the throat of the Zionists
kek wonder if that was post mortem ?

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the real story is probably that some Jewish woman sprained her ankle while walking through a park and shot some Palestinian children in anger.

>no one believes Israel after they've lied for the millionth time

we know your true form glow jew begone

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Praise Allah fuck jews

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BD"E Ori Ansbacher a guiding light of Israel, may her memory be a blessing to the Jewish people and to the whole world

Not bad.

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I sacrifice these digits for Kek so that He may banish Israel from Planet Earth.

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They keep using the word Palestinian. There is no such thing or a place called Palestine. They are just Arabs

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It's islamophobic to mention her name. Israel needs to overcome its islamophobia. Many Jews struggle to overcome their deep-seeded racism and bigotry due to their upbringing, but in time I feel they can overcome it.

It's what Ori Ansbacher would have wanted. She was a child of light and she would have wanted ALL the children of light to live together in peace.

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i hope they bomb his family's home. in minecraft, of course

(((They))) have no friends left in the real world. Once mueller exposed Israel the Jewish religion will be persecuted worldwide like never before. If you think the holocaust is bad, just wait. The green light will be lit for jews and it will be like back in the old days. Jews being lynched from trees. And their pet niggers too

They keep using the word Israeli. There is no such thing or a place called Israel. They are just Jews.

Fucking based, Every time a Jew dies god laughs.

Was 100% done by Mossad though

I just don't understand why IDF don't just send death squads out to every arab home and cleanse those fuckers out!
I hate arabs and all Muslim in general, thanks Zionist America for making Europe overran by these stone age apes

Burn the Gaza, get the chupazza

I wish I could have raped her too.

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>happened a month ago
Guy’s home has probably been bulldozed already, no happening.

Because 6 million only enough to get them some land. If you want genocide you’ll need to put down a bigger deposit

>and what’s the joke god?
That Jews are sent to hell

Palestinian War Hero*


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Based palinigger

Based and Jihadpilled. Kikess shouldn't have been on rightful Palestinian clay.

why so many heartless people here?

she was literally just an innocent girl sketching in park in jerusalem, and she got raped and murdered in a horrific way simply because she was a jew

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Good, hope she suffered.


Israel is a country. Palestine isn’t.

I'll bet my last shekel that the perp is a kike. Nearly 50% of all known serial killers/rapists are kikes.

Based sandnigger savages, we need to import even more of them, borders are racist.

One less Jew in the world

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Well Trump just gave them 35 billions right? Hope they spend every penny on napalm
Er du mohammed elsker eller? Få opp oya gutt å se de jævla kebab apene gjor med landet vårt!

one down, millions more to go

You know this is true because Jews have never lied about being killed.

>me whenever someone harms a Jewish girl

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We'll get there!

Also Palestine is a country it existed for millions of years. Israel is some dirt heap that jews want to eat foreskins on

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You're doing these threads again? No one gives a shit about her. The real problem is that her parents felt it necessary to birth and raise her in a piece of land that doesn't belong to them. Death in such a way was unfortunately inevitable for her because Jewish politics is a suicidal game. That land is Palestinian from the Jordan to the Mediterranean and it saddens me that Jews will probably go through a million more lives until they figure that out.

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Neither one of these places has any claim to a country. One is a group of sand niggers, the other is a group of sand merchants. Fuck them both. All of the Middle East needs to be scorched clean, along with Africa. They're the source of the world's problems.

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Rather have the jews over there with there natural enemy the Muslim, because then they would keep fighting each other, also Jerusalem belongs to jews and christians, if you disagree you are cucked by Mohammed and should convert!

Did...did you just say a country has existed for "millions of years," leaf?

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The only holy city Christians should fight to reclaim is Constantinople. Jerusalem should be razed to fucking ground and a new Christian city built upon the ruins. Crucify the kikes and mudslimes along the road leading to the gates.

I always feel sad when young people are killed. She wasn't personally responsible for the Synagogue of Satan which has taken over the US.

breathe the gas turn to grass - toll paid

an evil womb that will never spawn another demon jew

Yeah, Palestine you stupid fucking Yid

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Cucked by wahhabisme much?
Constantinople betrayed the West when we needed them to be friends with mudslims and act all surprised when ottomans made them convert over to sand nigger religion, but I don't suspect Americans to know any thing about European history.

>Well first of all, you gave no fuckin source, and when talking about a nation who's entire existence is built on false flags, you're going to run into some pretty callus skepticism.

If the story is true, it's absolutely horrible. The scum that did it deserves a slow painful death, and I hope she gets justice. It doesn't change the fact that Israel is a terrorist state that ultimately wants me enslaved or dead. So if it's okay with you I'm gonna pass on next years AIPAC conference.

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Just because Britain says London is safe does not mean you won't get acid thrown on your face or a knife in your back. Og du er jode elsker? Du vil vel inn i EU også jævla judas.

Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinian people who worked, tilled and farmed that land and lived in the city for countless generations. No one can deny the eternal Christian presence in that city, but the Jewish Jerusalem isn't a thing. Jerusalem is Palestine.

The Jews for the majority are Khazars who belong in Europe.

How has a country existed longer than humans have been around in this planet, you retarded faggot? Or are you just trolling?

fucking based, do it again

Why the fuck would we want Constantinople to cuck to roaches?

I fahgot why?

Israel is the light among the nations, the oasis in a sea of stupidity and barbarism that characterizes Arabian society. It is protected like precious land and society it is by the Jews

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Ah. Trolling. You guys suck.

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Based Palestinian Terrorist. Honorary Aryan.

What? Those aren't Jews. They are a race sent by satan to punish the earth, and so that God has a representitive on Earth to punish Satan for.

Jews disappeared a LONG time ago shitbrains

Du referee til en jode når du prover å si at jeg er en jode elsker, flere av oss bryr oss ikke så mye om skygge joden lengre, han har ikke så veldig mye kontroll over Norge, eller er du av den dumme schizo paranoid typen som faktisk ikke ser det? Det finnes kun 2 synagoger i Norges, men det finnes opp til 300 moskéer i Norge å staten gir de rundt 200 million i året,men du er vel av den typen som blir kåt av å se Abdi pule dama di? Cucked av wahhabisme ass!

Got to poke the yids, I was suprised you werent one.

REMINDER that Israel is ISIS

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Cucked by wahhabisme

ISIS: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

Go light up eastern Siberia and leave the middle east alone. The Levant would be literal heaven on earth if it wasn't for western intelligence meddling, mossad assassinating people, IDF blowing up other countries or the refugee crisis created by jews.

Come home, Jewish man. Pic related.

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Lol Saudi's is fucking ISIS!

False flag

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I'm a Palestinian convert to Christianity and god willing one day soon i'll join the one true Catholic church. I'm still very firm in my belief of nationalism and having the Palestinian people of all faiths return home and growing the Christian communities throughout the whole middle east.

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Imagine hiding your agenda behind the face of an anime girl
Who the fuck would do that

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I can agree there.

I'm sorry to say this but you should denounce the Christian / Jewish God aswell and start praying to YOUR people's pegan gods, whatever that is.


Christ was from Palestine, as am I. Jesus Christ is my lord and savior and the one true God who rules in heaven above over all.

Why does she have a service rifle with no mag? She doesnt appear to be wearing an lbv either. Seems like they want her to raped. Any jews wanna clue me in?

Eh was not Jesus parents from Syria when it was a Jewish state?

digits and all the nazi larper incel faggots in this thread have their sisters and mothers raped and murdered.

Here she is when she was younger sending a message to the Palestinian children.

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We're going to owe Muslims big time for implementing the final solution.

The jews cheer and opened the borders to have white people raped and killed, why should we care what a sandnigger did to one?

Hehe dead Muslims makes me smile
When the Muslims learn to walk on water and after the burn down Europe they will come for you guys to, Muslim ainot our friends! Just look what they are doing to Europe !

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Meme flags and post that type of shit is always paki or mudslim propaganda, go away Mohammed, I don't want your fucking kebab

good kike women are worse then the men and the only one that can have kike kids


How can these fucking bigots call for expulsion when they already have a wall? Fucking Jews did this by constantly persecuting and opressing the Palestinians in their country. Who by the way have a HUMAN RIGHT to be there as anyone else does. Israel should tear down its wall if it really wants this to stop and cease preaching the hateful, ignorant ideology of Jewish supremacy within the nation. Besides those immigrants bring rich culture and desperately needed numbers and laborers to Israel. Think about the kebabs. My fellow Jews we must open our hearts and our motherland to these people.

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I mean seriously, she seems like one of those "Live laugh love" basic bitches who probably respects refugees.
If she were alive, Israel would be slamming her as a race traitor.
But since she dies, hey it's free victimhood.

I told you Mohammed, your kind ainot welcomed here

That's mostly true. If you look at a history of the area known as Palestine, it's just a place where invading hordes move into occasionally. The people who happen to be there currently have no history or legitimate claim to the land.

Palestine can't have existed for any length of time because it still doesn't exist. If I go into your house and declare it to be my new kingdom, that doesn't give my children legitimate land rights.


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Who gives a fuck. How many Palestinians have been killed by Israelis? People are raped everyday. Get a grip.