Is code hard to learn?

skilled, talanted, and educated canadian who is unemployed living in an area where there is a bigger demand for psychiatrists than trade workers. should i flee the madness or just learn to code?

Attached: canada flag.jpg (100x100, 3K)

Depends on how pro you wanna get
Some basic understanding required for some lower tier jobs is really not hard to obtain. But for the real well paid jobs it's a nightmare sometimes honestly

There are (free) web development tutorials online for free. Just go for it if you're interested.

>just learn to code

then what

Yeah but how do you get hired once you've gone through it?

how much could a person potentially make? whats realistic? willing to put in time

get a cert, build a website for yourself, show off your skills, etc

and then apply, apply, apply

thx, i will look into it

what kind of equipment is required? just a standard computer?

Where I live, a really good salary is 1.5k - $2k per month. But this is Eastern Europe. Most probably you can make way more in Canada

A computer and an internet connection, maybe (MAYBE) a server and domain name if you'd like to host your own website.

depends on what you want to do. software engineering at the big n companies like ms/google/apple can easily pay over 100k USD, and usually start somewhere around 50-60k USD for even mid-tier companies. Web development is usually less but you can still make a very livable salary (although that may change since the web is a very fast-growing sector and getting flooded with people that don't actually know anything). If you know your stuff then you're fine.

Is freecodecamp a good place to start?

>getting flooded with people that don't actually know anything
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

You can make 50k or you can make 500k, it all depends on how much you're worth to your company.

You have to realize that it is pretty soulless if you don't have a real interest in it, so you might want to play around with it to see if you actually enjoy it before making any rash decisions.

The douche who started Facebook made a lot. Elon Musk made a lot. Lots of people make a good living. I never earned a dime, but I just code for fun.

In Canada, starting out? Probably like 40-50k USD.

In flyoverstate in US: 50-120k for normal 5-10 year junior -> senior progression. The 120k requires luck and or real study of fundamentals.

Architecht / devops roles: Up to 160

Senior jobs at big coorps in the valley: Up to 350

Honestly, >350k is very talented special snowflake range.

In fact >300 is already pretty special range.

Realistically, in Canada, it's going to be 40-80k.

This sounds like someone who read something somewhere once about how people make money with computer and now he wants to try and get into that gold rush with absolutely no idea of what coding actually is and how competitive the market is

>skilled, talanted, and educated

what does this even mean

means i work with my hands in the trades

very true

300 is crazy awesome money. best ive ever done is 100 and nearly killed myself doing it

I see a lot of people getting 100. A big coorp just moved to the city and bumped all dev salaries though. But for competent people with degrees / equivalent skills (actually pretty rare), it's not uncommon.

I thought Valley 250-350k was a meme, but over time, I realized it's not. You just have to kill it on algorithm problems.

But definitely - once you get to the over 100k range, you are competing with people with degrees who are driven and sharp.

Still, there are a ton of 60k jobs where there isn't that much serious competition.

Just to be clear, 130 is pretty much the absolute line outside of a big city / coorp unless you are an architect or doing in-demand specialized shit like dev ops / architecture / ML / Big Data.

Are you kidding me? It's not *hard* to get a job, but the entry level market is tighter than "Some basic understanding".

don't bother. Do bother with showing your skills off, building websites, etc, though.

I made $60,000 USD out of college, which is probably about average outside of high COL cities. Canada I know pays a fair bit less, but probably more than you make now.

just a computer. Download IntelliJ Community edition, learn java, then learn Spring Boot (not Spring), then get a job pretty easily.

Just for a scale, this won't be a 3-month thing. This won't even be a year thing. I'd expect to throw 1.5-2 years honestly plugging away, building shit, etc.

Here's a shitty syllabus for you:

>Basic java
learn to print shit in the system, data types, how to work your way around the very most basic functions in IntelliJ. Learn what a "class" is.
>Data Structures, Algorithms
Learn what data structures are. Learn what an Array is, how it's defined, how to work around it. Lists, Stacks, whatever.

Learn some basic algorithms. Sorting is the typical place to start. Bubble sort, quick sort, etc. Don't mean anything crazy, but you know
>Object oriented shit
Learn about interfaces, abstract classes, and in-depth about classes. Learn about objects, what they are, how to make them, and all the conventions surrounding them in Java.
>More Java shit
I'm sure after learning about all that object oriented shit you'll need to spend some time actually implementing it in Java. Do that.
>More advanced algorithms
Now that you get Object Oriented programming, you can probably figure out some more advanced algorithms.
>spring boot
learn about spring boot. This in and of itself might take a while. Make REST APIs, and semi-complex projects. No a calculator isn't. Try and use third party libraries and APIs. Maybe make a Twitter application that takes in a username, and returns the most used words in their history

I find everything uninteresting and pointless. Is it easy if you apply yourself?

>Download IntelliJ Community edition, learn java, then learn Spring Boot (not Spring), then get a job pretty easily.

Oh lawdy lawd, plz no. Yes, Java gets you jobs. Yes, they teach you cucks Java in school. No, Java is not a good beginner language. Just to be clear for anyone who reads - your advice is not bad, it's just a very intimidating, difficult way to get into dev.

JavaScript is way easier and is in demand. Of course, you can get away with not knowing what OOP / classes / interfaces / HashMaps vs Lists vs Arrays are, but I would argue it's a decent start before getting into C# or Java (plz no).

>Learn some basic algorithms. Sorting is the typical place to start. Bubble sort, quick sort, etc. Don't mean anything crazy, but you know

Do you really remember how to write each sort? I don't, at all.

>Learn about interfaces, abstract classes, and in-depth about classes. Learn about objects, what they are, how to make them, and all the conventions surrounding them in Java.

Yea, this shit comes up all the time.

Anyway, your post is solid, but he could also go C# / .NET Core and end up with the same results (and less pain).

How much you making bruh? What's your strat?

I think Cloud Transformation is where the $ is at without trying to get into a FAANG. But holy shit is it boring.

im always surprised with this advice board. you all have solid advice and know ur shit. i appreciate everyone's honesty. it would be good to learn and i will work on it. might have to move somewhere more happening with construction in the mean time.. or go be a lab rat for those psychiatrists. i doubt that pays much and im not into trying a buncha drugs.

Oh, and I forgot. I almost hate to give you cucks this advice, but seriously:

Harvard's CS50 is THE best resource for someone learning programming on their own. I wish I knew about it when I started. It will cover ALL the relevant fundamentals.

>Is it easy if you apply yourself?

I mean, there is a need for developers, so you can get some code monkey job, sure.

But your career trajectory is literally going to be strongly determined by your IQ. Your ability to learn quickly and to comprehend highly abstracted logical concepts will determine how useful you are when working on high level concepts (where the real money is - think AI/ML, or optimizing services for something like google or amazon). Luckily brainlets like myself can transfer to management after spending some time in the trenches.

cuck takes note

>is code hard to learn?

I find this to be true. For the first time in my life, I don't really feel mentally superior to everyone around me, and holy shit does it sting.

Management is a non-starter though. The meetings and bullshit literally put me to sleep.

I think part of the problem is that the guys I work with are not only bright but also GIVE A SHIT, whereas I am sorely lacking that last part when it comes to my corporate drone hours.

>I think part of the problem is that the guys I work with are not only bright but also GIVE A SHIT, whereas I am sorely lacking that last part when it comes to my corporate drone hours.

Yea. Basically you have to give up your secret life and just accept that the job is your life now. I don't know if I can do it either.

when you say code do you mean video game code

that would be sweet. but i dont even know what code mean. just hear thats what unemployed people should do...

would it be possible to code your self outta a job?

In short - no, not at any decent company. And if you do, find another job. The stories of people "coding themselves out of a job" come from nonprofits or tiny companies paying bare minimum.

just concerned with getting into something that could be obsolete with evolving technology

>but i dont even know what code mean.

Yikes. I feel bad for all those dudes like that were giving genuine specific advice

Don't, other lurkers who do know take note.