Why do white men age absolute shit?

What’s the biology behind this?

Is the peak of a white man 25 and others 30-35?

First is Indian and second is Korean I believe.

Attached: 7F52A591-DB96-48E0-BC0D-0FF94357DAEF.jpg (625x469, 81K)

Bad men age quicker

why don't you post literally any other white man like Tom Brady

makeup makeup no makeup

>sample size of 3
eat a dick OP

why don't niggers ever grow up?

We are ice people, nature kills you faster where we're from. That's why we ended up smarter than the rest of you.

He’s an athlete idiot. All athletes age slower on average so he’s an exception to the rule.

The first two still look younger than Brady though KEK.

Nice paragraph.

Now explain to me why they age like shit.

Also LOL. We’re actually smarter. Have you seen the IQ stats?

Come on man.

You know it’s true.