Whatever happened to this meme?

He was everywhere for about a week, haven’t seen him since...

Attached: 831A592C-1F1A-4AC0-9409-3182B6ACFFE3.jpg (768x768, 76K)

The shills are all yang gang now.

Aww, newfag's first forced meme. Let's take a picture so we can remember this.

Thats a mascot
It was never a meme

Oh yeah. Let’s make a meme out of a John Oliver kike planned meme. Hahaha, that would be so fucking cool and awesome

He's at discord with the other trannies

All about that Yang Gang now senpai.

They figure if they just keep throwing shit at the wall eventually something will stick.

Gritty is the biggest thing ever over on GAB.
Go check it out.

Attached: FeelGuilty.jpg (727x966, 163K)

That was a meme?

Jesus Christ Almighty.

Beddy shure thats gonna be forgotten. Like tears. In rain.

Attached: like-tears-in-rain-scoob-28870549.png (500x448, 116K)