You trannies know he's getting reelected, right?

Attached: God-Emperor-Trump-Float-Italy-1.png (608x576, 558K)

Attached: 1534968366704.jpg (680x1386, 480K)

you are delusional you boomer faggot

depends how many actual boomers died since the last election tbqh

This and Epstein flight logs that dropped today are going to win him 2020 easy. That and the fact Dems have 0 candidates worth mentioning, and are going to kill themselves off before the election starts.

Attached: 1551025926597636.png (743x579, 157K)

I'm not seeing any credible opposition desu

about 7 million lol

Yeah? No GOP candidate worth noting will challenge him, and the Democrats have an empty bench. You think your Yang faggot will even make it to the locker room? kek

get off my board, boomers.

Attached: chesss.jpg (4000x3964, 2.26M)

If only because the democrats are imploding