Using a car as cover in a gun fight... well

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Is that a Chinese car?

thats why you hide behind the engine block!!

I put phone books in my car doors for this very reason.
25lb of weight, stops small arms.

Surprised about the 12 gauge, would have thought it would go through.

They still make phone books?

Concealment is not cover.
>watching to much hollywood shit
>people getting blown back by pistols/shotguns
>infinity mags
>fuel drum "grenade explosions"
There's a real world out there mate, you should try it.
>engine block
>All of < 2 feet high a foot off the ground
Say goodbye to everything below the knee, and if you're crouching, probably your balls too.

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Someone watched burn notice

you are pathetic

Better than nothing when you're getting shot at. From all the cop shootouts on youtube it seems to work fairly well.

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>defensive measures are pathetic
Sure shlomo

Ive welded gun parts to my car. Its the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun

>"works great!"
>"can't wind down my windows anymore for some reason...."

I have a bunch of old IOTVs, I should use the kevlar to replace the liners inside my sedan car doors.

Um the dems Created the KKK, You're fucking retarded zoomer!!

Paul is based. Rip Barry

Colin is right Dems are the real racist retard!!!

huh huh huh hickok 45 ere


My dad had an old police Crown Vic that had these in the doors. Cop cars are fun it's a shame my brother totaled it in his teenage years.

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Also why are you watching that video? Weird JEW TUBE suggested that a few days ago.

Is there an army of faggots shilling that loser? no one cares maaan.

paul once said "blacks get stopped by the police more because they're black"
not very (((based)))

>There's a real world out there mate, you should try it.
You obviously haven't.

Actually it kinda is.


>replaced barry with a literal chad


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no kidding.
It angers me when some guy takes cover behind drywall on TV and movies.

Do you actually expect paul to lick boots?


>all shots fired square on to sheet metal sections

You'd likely get a lot more deflections if you fired at angles and hit places that weren't just flat sheet metal (like the pillars and what not).

I do the same with cinderblocks in my trunk. Its great for gas mileage and I get to use the rear as well as the engine block for cover when I go malibu most wanted and spray uzis

On a real note. Those shotgun slugs were brutal and not a military caliber fps. Too bad he didnt have a .50

First off excellent show. Bruce Campbell is still the fucking man. Second, me and some buddies tried the improvised microwave explosive from the show and it worked very well. Have a microwave with the regular removed in my house for this very reason should I ever need it

I bet they make those for a Ford taurus...

Yeah I was a die hard fan of the show back in the day. A lot of the mcgyver shit he pulled was grounded in reality. Turning over an air spray can on a lock then smacking it can cause it to shatter, amping up laser pens can blind cameras etc. As for the phonebook thing, seems plausible. Fuck now I want to marathon burn notice..

Checked and it's well worth a rewatch. At least till the last season

He has the only firearms YouTube channel I know actually hosted my someone who has shot somebody in self defense.

my favorite youtube channel

>No demolition ranch

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Very political but at least its not another yang thread.

>Thinks dems are real racists
Well, they are

I've always wondered if you could make a car bulletproof in a way that's similar to this.

At least he doesnt talk about his political opinion.

Depends on the projectiles.
A 5.56 would have made it through there for sure.

Yeah I stopped shortly after they brought on that mutt, still though there's like 4 seasons of pure kino.


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Based Paul harrel

If your Jow Forums you MUST be Jow Forums, and vice versa

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Most police car doors have ballistic panels in them so for officers it’s actually not a bad choice

Are you kidding? K is mostly furries and trannies.

As your driving away use the suicide doors on your car to scoop up all the hot chicks using the fatties for cover

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>toyota cArolla

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For how corny he is. He has what we all strive for. White family, ranch, business, and it goes on. for that, at least, is why I respect demolition ranch.

Hell yea brother

What the fuck is wrong with you op!

I like this guys aesthetics. Very comfy 70's white man vibe. In the upcoming race war I now know to hide behind the engine when being fired on by hostile nogs and beans.Thanks OP

You can add that he went to Sweden to train ANTIFA how to use guns.
He thinks he's a hardcore communist.