>Watch and cry drumpftards. It's Over!

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Samantha is like a goddess.

Stop oppressing the open bisexual tucker carlson. All he wanted to do was love

Oof Tucker mistook Samatha for a dude. Common mistake though

Isn't this the lady that fought the school redistricting because she didn't want her kids going to school with blacks and latinos in NYC?

She plays a good person on TV

Fag and faggot were socially acceptable words in 2006
They were commonly used on edgy comedy shows, both on radio and on tv

Next Post with Samantha Bitch better be about her being kicked out of her bed because her cats decided to us it as a toilet.

Caring what a leafette thinks, the state of you mongrels.

Yessir. SamB hates POC.
Good to see these puppets are all getting their marching orders from the sane place. It's waking a lot of people up.

Congratulations to Samantha for including 9/11 song.

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Building 7 on national TV? This is awesome!
The Democrats are waking up!

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Soros finally decided to do a hit job on tucker, prompting every kike outlet to pile on
getting tucker fired is just another step in the plan to guarantee a dnc win

keeping blacks away from you kids makes you a good person. her tv persona is the wretched person.

What does the Bee stand for? Samantha is beyond annoying: just too many extravagant hand gestures and face pulling. An all round bad circus performance.

she seems drunk and old

>canned laughter
>scripted trash.
people should care about what people said 10+ years ago?


wow, shes a real fucking cunt.

lol hes put that bee to bed and fucked her lol. tuck is no cuck.

Of course not. It doesn't matter though. Women will hear this and start nodding this head and go yeah, Yeah, YEAH!!!!! and start screeching about it, their husband will tell them to shut up, and theyll get even more mad and tell him he is an asshole and never has her back, then hell have her back and before you know it carlson is gone.

Im so glad I got rid of cable so I don't have to see commercials of Bee shrieking like a retarded banshee.

my dads old gf was a diehard hilldawg supporter. only on the basis of, "hes not a nice person, like, he, like, doesn't even care about the peoples whos lives hes affecting with his wall and muslim travel ban". They're RETARDED and can only parrot and say what will keep them in their social standing. protip: the high in social status a woman is, the more she has to pretend to give more of a fuck than the other women. Before you know it its just one big clusterfuck of women all running around trying to find shit to take care of to tell their friends about how much they care and like, what great, like, people they are!!!

Max Bootlicker, known soviet agitator and demoralizing agent gets BLOWN THE FUCK OUT, and now we have the fake outrage pouring in. Remember when this shit used to work?
It doesn't work anymore.

tucker is a literal boomer mutt, the caricature of what people think americans are. do people under 50 watch his show?

The fuck is Samantha Bee still getting a show for, she was less funny than John Oliver! All she ever did was talk about her vagina and do that fucking awful vocal fry voice where she's creaking like a door

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There are so many of these fake Jew shows that are just the epitome of their vile Corporate Cultural Marxists agenda in the West. The Mentally impaired in the US will be laughing their way to the Jews' Gulags in the US soon.


Honestly surpised Bee still has a show. I assumed it died after the first few episodes.

This video is further proof that
>women aren't funny
>Tucker is /our/ guy


It's absolutely mind boggling that Samatha Bee is still on the air... Do actual, real people watch this train wreck? It's fascinating to watch for a 2 minute stretch ...just to experience the intense cringe of it all... but holy shit..the whole show? It's freaky what has become of TV 'entertainment' We must be near the end time.

You do realize the DNC ensured their own defeat already, correct? They tried to and succeeded in screwing Bernie out of a nomination and then had their emails leaked for us all to read. They had the gall to call the American voting public sheep. Only the most loyal of liberals will be voting for a DNC nominee anytime soon.

Why does that old man presenting the show have a feminine haircut?

Those aren’t reruns? Ewww.

Why are all your TV shows of this sort leftist propaganda? The UK are trying to copy the formula with some shit called the Last Leg and another one on the BBC fronted by some Indian posing as a comedian. The worst thing is 'woke' people tend to get all their political views from these shows and they call themselves free thinkers. What a laugh.

>Why are all your TV shows of this sort leftist propaganda?

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>Imagine using such an inferior audience to try and troll the top of the cable news ratings.
She must be dead inside

post that in the comments under the video

>working at MSNBC at the time

He’s GenX, idiot. Hannity is the boomer. They’re like chalk and cheese.

Get both of these subhumans off my television screen

actually, im just impressed this bitch still has a show. i thought it was cancelled.

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How does that BTFO him? You do realize that most people hate faggots, right?

I understand how the advertising dollar works because I used to sell ads. What I don’t understand is how the marketplace can support so many shows with essentially the same content.
In regards to that emotionally stunted lady’s video, I don’t give two shits wether she likes Tucker Carlson or not. I didn’t like her back when I was a disgusting liberal shithead and I like her even less now that I’m fairly conscious. What I find particularly revolting is the way her and the rest of those village idiots try to destroy someone’s career. She’s free to say whatever she likes, none of that really matters. What does matter is this new puritanism that’s constantly on the lookout for a new witch to burn.
All of this shit has just made me like Tucker even more.

Her forced tone and mannerisms.
This is truly NPC TV.

I got 2 minutes in.. enough.

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I noticed that too, the ridiculous over the top delivery. “I have nothing to say so I’m going to chew the scenery”.

I think they have to. Imagine it without the bad jokes and canned laughter. Just some sweaty old woman ranting about someone for wrong think. Slandering them by unfairly calling them a white nationalist.

This is just programming designed to inform the drones who is bad and who needs to be attacked, silenced, and platformed.

>it's over
>thinks any minor happening is the end of anything
Motherfucker, it never ends, it just gets worse. Much worse. Wise the fuck up newfags.

>It's Over!
oh no people who already hate anything remotely right wing are going to hate people who are even remotly right wing

also 2006 everyone said faggot

wait literally who the fuck is this?

Wow this woman is not funny at all. She also called the President's daughter a feckless cunt, and then has the audacity to attack Tucker on his description of women, inadvertently proving his point.

Because no one even watches this stupid shit anymore except the libfags

Fuck of Turk, really nice to watch

Soooo bassically it boils down too this.
Tucker:Some civilisations are better than others
Leftist thot:W...WH...WHITE SUPREMACY!
HA BTFO Tucker, i won!

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damn this bitch got old and ugly fast, fucking white people age like shit

But drumpf

Aussies have a very appropriate word for females like her

>Watch and cry drumpftards. It's Over!
Never learn?
Off topic point
>imagine the smell

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Her tone seems to disagree

>Samantha is like a goddess
I think you spelled nasty skank wrong

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Bumping so the video gets more dislikes

Look at the neck on her

Reminded me to dislike

This bitch just needs to do a BLACKED porn & get it over with.

Yeah she believes everything you do, she just has enough wealth to insulate herself from the problems.

Just to let people know how shows like that are formatted for programming liberals.
>Laugh track
>Applause track
^100% Necessary^
Run short skit out of context
Host = say opinion you want people to have
Play= applause track
Switch to next track before viewers get a chance to process what they have just seen and heard.
Rinse and repeat for 30 minuets to one hour.
I'll make a bet that lots of you people think that "Big bang theory" is/was a good show?
Watch any episode without a laugh track. It follows a similar system. Big Bang Theory is not funny in the least.

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What a feckless cunt.

I got fired today for something I said. I said while it was wrong to cut off the tip of a finger, it was worse to cut off a hand. They said it was the most disgraceful thing they've ever heard. In hindsight, I agree. I deserved to be fired. I don't know what I was thinking. Clearly saying one thing is worse than another while calling them both bad is unacceptable behaviour.

"former" (((Trotskyites)))

I see Media Matters, with their Youtube channel of 12 years and only about 50k subscribers, has managed to play the long game, leaking bit by bit their decade-old shock jock clips and goading the media and now "comedians" to squall about it. Media Matters is literally NOBODY. Seriously. NOBODY CARES ABOUT THEM. This is a NOTHING story. It is very frustrating to see the media and now entertainment industry pile up. It's plain as day they see Tucker as an ideological threat. If Fox pulls the plug on him, I am absolutely fucking done with them. If Fox things for one hot second people like me won't turncoat and start memeing them into the grave, and joining the enemy in a battlecry to kill Fox News, they're dead fucking wrong. If Tucker goes, PEOPLE WILL BURN THE ENTIRE BITCH DOWN.

>female comedian
>tv show
>90k views in a day
Womp womp

It's the same with Hope not Hate in the UK. They can barely manage a few hundred likes on their more prominent tweets and can't even manage to gain a thousand views on their YouTube videos. No one except the tiny progressive hate mob listens to them. The issue is, as with Media Matters, the few people who do listen to them have influence and reach (journalists and politicians).

Companies need to stop being idiots and mistaking twitter mobs as representative of the average consumer. If they simply ignored them, they'd realise they wouldn't lose a single customers and would, in fact, lose more customers by pulling their advertisements from the likes of Tucker Carlson.

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I find it hard to believe that all the people outraged over this have never made a similar joke. TV was full of that stuff 12 years ago

One thing I've noticed with the Southern Poverty Law Center, Media Matters, Now This, and others.... is they have absolutely no Twitter presence. NONE. And yet somehow, every time they stir up some shit, what is the first thing they report on? "Twitter outrage." It's never Facebook outrage, Youtube outrage, reddit outrage... it's always TWITTER outrage. Nobody on Twitter cares, they fucking DO NOT CARE, about these organizations, AT ALL. But I'll tell you what's easy to do on Twitter - make a fake profile. It's also easy to BUY profiles. For our midterm elections last year, "follow back" accounts from India or Asia (cute puppies, world photography, etc.) were bought up by democrat operatives and flipped to "resist." THE SAME THING continues. Most of this outrage is not coming from real people at all. Our media KNOWS this, but they don't care. They report on "Twitter outrage" as "news" and treat it as some sort of valid measurement of public opinion. It's infuriating.

The twitter mobs require people on the inside to magnify their message. They're basically promoting the central advertising pitch of twitter 'every single engagement means 1000X users which means a bunch of discord trannies can make 10 lying men look like 10,000 concerned women.
Look in the HR and marketing department of companies who react to twitter mobs. You WILL find discord trannies.

>Media Matters is literally NOBODY. Seriously.
mm has a big impact because that's where soros puts his money through

They are all fakes

Yep, my friend has a big YouTube channel and he when he first started he bought like 5k Twitter followers from some website. Twitter is all a manipulation, even Jow Forums can manipulate it when they want.

Uh oh. Tucker said NO NO word on a shock jock show.


Is this why every institution from work to school has a credential creep instead of being merit based ? why do I have to do community service and play sports to get into college if my grades are top notch ?

The people that sell twitter followers do so with Jack's explicit approval. Twitter engineers are forbidden from building anything which would provide accurate active user counts. The monthly active numbers are VERY FAKE if you compare traffic and engagement.
This is something JACK will avoid on all earnings calls.

See I was never sure if Twitter was in on it but it was so obvious I found it hard to believe they didnt have a hand in this shit. I would bet money Twitter is doing much worse than they want anyone to know.

guys, I redpill my female partner daily. She is tired of it but it is a MUST. they are not "equal" when it comes to resistance to propaganda. That's how this shit started. Preach to all of them. let them scream and climb walls, but their brain always listens. ;-)

At any point, Trump supporter or not. Still being this ass blasted over what happened in late 2016 is fucking pathetic.
>Stupid leaf,its about Tucker not Trump
Tucker has been one of Trumps bigger supporters and is seen as a good secondary target [Tucker has at least been decent enough to call Trump out for shit he doesn't agree with]
Fucking hate British talk show hosts
This video is a bonus youtube.com/watch?v=PBm5UzdVF8Q
So detracted by the US they ignore what goes on in their own streets

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>jews making a sudden coordinated effort to take down Tucker

Definitely /ourguy/.

Women are house pets. they are not design to venture outside. Limit their exposure time to all media. keep them busy.

Who has higher ratings, Carlson or that feminist cunt? Mkay. BTFO indeed.

Exactly, I live in a left wing hell hole and I dont know a single person who watches her show.

Dog, have you watched SNL or Colbert lately? It's absolutely horrific the effect Trump has had on late night comedy TV. Just establishment shill after establishment shill in lockstep trying to find a new way to make fun of Drumpf.
It's so fucking tiresome.

>Goddess of illogical shit

you should be hung for posting that cunt here

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Caught SNL without sound at a bar a few weeks ago, it was a game of thrones sketch. I kept thinking that might have been topical 5 years ago.

I haven't watched SNL for a while, but I do catch clips from Colbert every once and a while. It's almost fascinating to see how far that guy has fallen. I was a big fan of his in the late 00's/early 10's, the comedy writing for Colbert Report was top tier most of the time.
Now it's so clear he's just a bootlicking establishmentarian and it's so boring.

Reminder that Samantha Bee and her husband actively fought to keep poor brown kids out of their children's exclusive private school.

>do people watch this trainwreck
Boomers do

None of what you said is applicable to tucker.