The average Chinese will be making an adjusted wage of $150...

The average Chinese will be making an adjusted wage of $150,000 in 20 years based on current projections while you'll be making $50,000 if you live in the U.S. American wages are projected to fall! LOL

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Other urls found in this thread:

>average chinese wage

Literally 3/4's of Chinas population are nigger tier subsistence farmers.

Would you like to provide sauce on that claim, you emu fucker ?

the source doesn't even matter, it's a 'projection'. stupid faggots like to present projection as fact and it is annoying.

Their economy doubled three times in the last 30 years. Bruh, the Asian man doesn't need to play by the white man's standards, any more than you whites need to play by a nog's standards. Welcome to the new age.

>bubbles don't exist
How's the housing market in Australia going, Chang?

>The average Chinese

What do you call an average chinese? Farmers average US$1000 a year, The middle class Make up half the population of china, all the menial manufacturing jobs are starting to go overseas (Amazing how Communists start to Play capitalists)

>their economy is already halting so hard their overseas agents are literally begging Australian media to "stop being so mean to them"

And all just from a couple of little rounds of Trump's tariffs.... I think we'll be alright mate.

I will intervene to mention that while the Australian housing market is technically a "bubble" it's propped up (or filled if you will) by mass immigration which is unlikely to stop or even subside at all in the foreseeable future.
So while the housing market may enter a correction, I doubt it will ever crash.

>I doubt it will ever crash.
G'day boomer.

You're the boomer that doesn't realize the game has changed since your boomer bubbles and recessions in the past.

>the game has changed
Yeah, foreign nationals can buy land. Especially the Chinese who purchase overpopulated cities' apartments as tax havens which artificially raise prices in and around cities which all has a knock on effect to each surrounding area.
The 'game change' is how the government is aiding the bubble in an effort to avoid the bubble bursting.
Weekly rent is comparable to Canada's food prices.

No, our prices are not artificially inflated - they are inflated via the fundamental economic principal of supply and demand.
Second and third world shitskins want to live in Australia, we sell it to them - unless there's somehow a shortage of second and third world shitskins - the prices will stay high.

>Average 150k.
You're fucking stupid

Just wait until the house of cards falls. China is going to implode and break apart like the ussr

>And when America is weak China will crush Australia and New Zealand
And you celebrate this. Log off and stay off

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Go back to China Zhang

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Just post the in store prices leaf

>No, our prices are not artificially inflated - they are inflated via the fundamental economic principal of supply and demand.
It's artificially inflated by people allowed to own land without being Australian or living in Australia (even in the places they own) because it's used as a tax haven.
>shitskins want to live and we sell to them
>sell to them
Guess what, most of that is government paying guaranteed rent agreements. Top price in the housing market. Same issue facing a lot of European renters thanks to government guaranteeing maximum rent to landlords who let to the state for refugees.
This drags up other prices.
This is also tax money propping up the housing market.
This is also foreign tax money (leaving Australia) which props up the housing market.
This is artificial inflating, not standard supply and demand.

Japan in the year 1989-1990.

"GDP will double in 10 years," the economist said.

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China would be a really good place to live in if they have 1/10th of their current population

Worth the difference to not live in the termite mound.

Nah mate that may be how it works in weedland but that's not how our housing market works, I'll give you the QRD in my area:
>pajeets everywhere
>some are shitty doctors
>some are shitty dentists
>some are shitty engineers
>some are shitty programmers
>some come over with money they made turning their fellow pajeets into slaves back in streetshitland
>all are shitty
>they buy houses, they sell houses, they build houses
>they live in houses, they shit in houses, they shit outside houses
>they've got money and they're dumb
>they'll buy any shitty old house for whatever price you ask because it beats living in India

That and gooks: a mob of 5 moved into a shitty overpriced house down the street from me - no white families would buy it, it went to auction and, although plenty of white couples showed up, no one bid because it was overpriced shit.
But Chang and his gang of 5 young males bought it, it wasn't overpriced to them because he'll make them lay tiles all day every day for almost no money and they'll do it because anything is better than living in fucking China.
Same with the Pajeets - they'll pay the exorbitant prices because it beats wallowing around in shit back home!

Unless the world runs out of Poos, Pakis and gooks or we stop taking them in (in the largest numbers per capita in the world btw) our housing prices will stay high.

Provide a source mate.
Adjusted wage 150k lol idk about that.

>that may be how it works in weedland but that's not how our housing market works

Except it is. That's why I've been selling my Australian properties.
Your area might be Pajeets, but it's only part of a larger problem.
t. Expat

I can assure you there are far more pajeets than there are refugees - they are the main driving force behind the increased demand.
Like I said the market may enter a correction when various policies change (people are certainly banging the drum for affordable housing ATM which is why growth has slowed) but as long we keep accepting 200,000+ shitskins every year the prices will remain high.

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I fucking hate how the pajeets buy a piece of land cut it up into 4 parcels. We have these overpriced plywood "town" """""houses"""""""

A lot of them are coming in through our shitty unis. Even some of the more reputables one. Then there are these no name universities that have a few classrooms in the city and an office. Essentially the fucking boomer elites have a list of skills that are in demand, and if you come here wanting to be educated in that field or work in it. Then you can come. This means IT, nursing, engineering. It's a fucking joke.

The no-name universities offer degrees with grade 8 level difficulty course work and after they graduate they get their PR.

well of course
no tax transfers to blacks minority groups women gays muslims. no mass immgration.

muslims put in concentration camps

Hope we'll get at least 1k$ per year then.

It isn't just Pajeets and/or refugees. Its any foreign national which owns land (especially ones who don't live there, using said land as tax havens).
Additionally, look at land size and tell me it's sustainable.
What was one parcel of land in 1986 and bought for $73,000 is now 6 properties, each worth in the range of $500,000.
Tell me with a straight face that that isn't a market which won't collapse.

Compared to gookland our subburbs are still sparsely populated - as we ship more of them in density will increase further and it still has a long way to go!

Except Japan is an occupied nation without the balls to break free.

Not all land is desirable. But you can keep that illusion. Literally the 'too big to fail' argument.
And with such a high percentage dependent on real estate as brokers or similar, it's surprising that so few outside of the industry can't see it.

Not too big to fail - simply the demand is there for the western lifestyle and it's NEVER GOING TO RUN OUT.
As long as we keep selling it the houses won't fall too far - how can I, as a single income earner who wants to start a family, ever hope to compete with a team of young Asian males who will work all day every day - and yet that's the market: one house, two options, single income vs team of gooks - who's going to pay more?
Always the gooks - that's why houses will remain unaffordable.

If it's affordable for you then it's affordable to the 3 billion changs, pajeets and akmals out there who are willing to spend more and will settle for less.

>price is the same as value
>it'll never fall/run out/crash
You enjoy that while it lasts.

That's why I specifically chose the term "affordable/unaffordable" - regardless of the price they will remain unattainable.
Perhaps you approach it from a different perspective because you have the ability to cash out into other currencies/real estate - I'm looking at it from the point of view of an Australian who wants to own a comfortable house on a single income.

So say if Australia were to enter a recession and the value of our dollar drops - the houses may become "cheaper" from your point of view, but as inflation sets in, jobs dry up and wages stagnate they will likely still have the same unattainable value to me.
Perhaps that's where we differ?

Cope more phillipino scum

>Chinese kid is literally/pol/

This time it's different, though!

"In the space of one hundred and seventy-six years the Lower Mississippi has shortened itself two hundred and forty-two miles. That is an average of a trifle over one mile and a third per year. Therefore, any calm person, who is not blind or idiotic, can see that in the Old Oolitic Silurian Period, just a million years ago next November, the Lower Mississippi River was upwards of one million three hundred thousand miles long, and stuck out over the Gulf of Mexico like a fishing-rod. And by the same token any person can see that seven hundred and forty-two years from now the lower Mississippi will be only a mile and three-quarters long. . . . There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact."

> A censored (((communist))) nation of slaves for western consumers are free.
> All of these r/Asianmasculinity posters are chinese Leafs of Aussies who fled the shithole.

Literally everything China exports has been or could be made in the west. How did America ever succeed without a market flooded with cheap Chinese crap?