What is going wrong with Gen-X white men...

What is going wrong with Gen-X white men? Why do so many white men born from 1965 to 1982 or so suffer from significant failure in life, ranging from drug addiction to mental illness to homelessness to crime to outright death? What are they doing wrong?

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>from 65
Marxist Influence on the American family and values.

We live in the ruins of a world that was compromised and destroyed by boomers. Gen X watched it happen in real time.


Nothing really just poor lads trying to survive in a system rigged against them, at least they are struggling while you play with your butthole in your mommies house loser.

We are a placeholder generation. Nothing more.
Thank God Jesus saves, because otherwise we'd be eternal losers.

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We generation revenge tho

That may be, but why would BOOMERS fucking things up cause GEN-X to self-destruct? Self-destruction is fundamentally wasteful and selfish.

>Gen X
pick one

Because they were blackpilled from a very young age and felt hopeless, watching what was going on around them. Are you surprised that a largely nihilistic and sarcastic generation engages in self destructive behavior?

That's my fathers generation, or at least the generation before I was born, and like 1/2 the guys from that era raised families but then were dragged through divorce and had their lives utterly ruined, not just financial ruin but they're excluded from family as well, they're not allowed to see their kids.

It's the sons of these men today who are the MGTOWs such as myself.

Born in '74 and I'm good, have a job, own car and own my house.

Will gen Z turn things around or is that just a meme?

They turned their backs on God.

They're a Reactive generation. Check out the work of Strauss & Howe. Their generational archetype theory posits four archetypes recurring cyclically -- Idealistic, Reactive, Heroic, and Adaptive. Reactive gens like Gen X, and the Lost Generation before them, typically get shat on by society and have a lot of burnouts and criminals. They also have incredible entrepreneurs and artists.


capitalism declines through competition and standard of living falls as rate of profit falls.

They physically raped millenials and mindfucked gen Z as the final reproduction of this corrupt hellish world. Who do you think came up with X Y and Z. The boomers or the greatest generation whi fought world wars just to have kennedy space programs and antichrist aids blaspheme the heavens with cinema lunar landings and cgi spacecraft dreamt up by witches

> for now
until we happy few becomes brexit and imported rapefugees eat you alive for breakfast

Shut up nigger!

if you took a lion and put him in a world where he couldn't be a lion anymore what would happen to it

>Why do so many white men born from 1965 to 1982 or so suffer from significant failure in life
the CIA were more active, and jews wee climbing up the power ladder in western countries?

81 here. I thought I was a filthy millennial not a lazy gen x'r

Brexit is even better for me, none of my work is exported, nor are any materials imported. The invading hordes can't do my job as it is not manual labour

Oh I'm struggling all right.

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There is no official consensus, but Gen X is most often used to refer to those born early/mid 60s to the early 80s.

You are either very late Gen X or very early Millenial depending on who is categorizing you

I feel like you should be asking why millennials do this instead

They're turning 37 this year. That's Gen-X, isn't it?

Latch key generation. Women started working and divorcing.

We were raised by single mothers in degenerate circumstances.

t. 38 yo.

you have no idea what it was like being raised by a boomer. They were violent, stupid, and lazy. You know the reason gen-x stayed out all night and smoked pot, fought, and lived the mall rats life?

It's because for most of us all that was waiting at home was a beating. For what? who the fuck knows. Maybe we would come home and mom had her nose broke again for earning all the money in the house.

I wish i wasnt serious. Being raised by boomers was unadulterated chaos. Our family lives were garbage. We hit the streets at a young age generally looking for trouble due to being abused.

there you go. boomers fucked up 2 generations.

That might make sense for having a fucked-up youth and EARLY adulthood, but how do you not sort out your affairs by your 40's? By then, you should have your own wisdom and life experience to surpass your origins.

People don't really change after a certain point. They have core traits which are practically impossible to alter by the time they hit their mid 20's. It's part of why Armies like their recruits to be dumbass 18 year olds. You can break them down and build them up again. It's much, much harder to do that even seven years later.

Well done, single moms. Sisters doing it for theyselves.
t. Raised by a single mom gen-xer

you couldnt understand. Most of our fathers taught us nothing. We started the game with all stats at zero. Also, PTSD... no really. As a man nothing really scares me, but as a child hiding and waiting on a beating for some obscure reason it was very real. It took until my mid 20s to get over that and even when i think about it now i feel anger. We were a very violent generation due to this. Fist fights were a weekly occurance at school for many. It served as a release valve for what was going on at home.

Most Genx parents are very nice to their children because we remember what it was like to get off the school bus and get ready to get beat until out backs bleed. This is why all the child abuse propaganda came out when genx was grown. We didnt want you guys to live like we did.

It wasnt just my life like that either. I would wager that at minimum half the other kids were going through the same thing.

BTW, you are posting on a genx forum.

This. I don’t think people realize how much we were thrown away by society. Not even harmed per se, just neglected. Our parents were degenerate boomers who loved coke, wife swapping and blowing money. What the fuck was supposed to happen to us.

>Miss the boat in 20s
>dotcom bust/recession hits in 30s
>finding employment in gig economy 40s

>blowing money

man... boomers were the best at that. the very best.

Not the genx guy you are talking to, but I'll throw in my 2 cents (38 year old).

Drugs had a lot to do with it. All I remember was playing commodore 64, watching VHS horror and Glam metal...

Then I stepped out of a 2 decade long drug haze and now I'm married with 2 kids.

I don't have it together. At all. Right now I'm phone posting from a dirty mattress in a storage room because my family hates me. Because I'm not a very good person, plain and simple.

This is the life of Gen X.

I don't know what would possess someone to be such a liar online like you, so I'll ask. For what purpose do you lie?

The majority don't! It is in your imagination.

Born 1966 -

I blame society.

I think Gen X was a generation of free-range children. Nobody really gave a crap. No moral guidance or anything.

Similar, I was a nice average lad. Sometime around 16 onward my environment and me was filled with Ecstasy, LSD, Weed, Coke and Alchohol etc. Whole bunch of other kids, pretty much half my whole age group got pwned with it as well, put me on my ass for a long time. Zero fucking guidance or defence against this by parents, cops or teachers. Fuck ex-hippie boomer cunts. Real shame, I have a half decent mind, which never got to be nurtured in college or uni, just chucked on trash heap.

Don't feel bad. College is just commie finishing school unless you go there with purpose to start with.

commies say "racists" are all wrong
gee where did i hear this before???

what you are upset about
is the fact of evolution
of different people at different rates
which fucks up your fantasy of oppression
your oppression script
that you run 24/7
doesn't work on anyone
"racist" that knows
scientific concepts
and data, observations
and experience
not just wishful fantasy illusion

oh and by the way some but not all gen x have issues
you're overgeneralizing to make either yourself or your gen feel better when in fact the numbers are not any worse or better
if anything they had more claim to being
ignored than any millennial ever has

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far left liberal boomers
threw them out
like conscientious objectors
to their globalist hippie dreams

see movie repo man
for further evidence
there were some based boomers too

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Early Gen-X'r here. That is my story and most of the young men I knew as well. Beat almost every day until I fought back at 16. I don't mean a paddling. I mean the way one man fights another man. Knocked the fuck out 10s of times. Dad came home, I was gonna get hit. Everyday for years and years. Dad threw me in a bonfire in boy Scouts and the other dad's yucked it up.
All of us understood Bender in The Breakfast club 100%


I remember laughing at this scene thinking how "light" it was compared to me and my friends lives.

I loved this movie as a kid.

Gen-X here. Raised by the first gen of Marxist Communism not in Ameruca tho. Family core literally destroyed all hate each other no contact. Fucked up the mental state in kids and all who were part of it. Raised with the notion that neither parents gave a fuck since few years old about the child.

Abandoned to raise oneself. To survive one had to disconnect from family tree almost all together. Which brought loneliness confusion etc. This is epitome of Communism Socialism, Marxism for Goyim. Don't think this has truly reached USA yet, but it's coming now. Can see the same stages in US which we had in my country in 70s.-80s.

Same. Bender was the pg-13 version of the reality. Why were so many boomer men so mean to their children? There wasnt even a lesson...that was the worst part.

My father's father was an angel of a man. Never heard him say a bad word about another human being or raise his voice in anger ever.
Don't know how our fathers became such lunatics. Something made that entire generation sociopaths.

>free-range children

I got lucky, my father was never physically violent - with people. He just got irritated by trivial shit really easily and would yell and slam his fist or whatever. Every time there was some new piece of furniture to be assembled, or a new gadget to set up, I knew he would inevitably end up fuming and cursing. In his older age he has calmed down considerably, but boomers do seem to have tempers.

>Don't know how our fathers became such lunatics. Something made that entire generation sociopaths.
Too much secret drug use
coke and pot and speed
and bennies
we as gen x were the last to get a taste of
what the boomers did
and how it fucked with their brains
and caused them to trust and not question
people out to fuck USA over

millenials you only have movies with which to get a glimpse
of the wonder and joy that was America
before it was totally infested and invaded
with 3rd world unsanitized society wreckers

you can't even buy them anymore
annoying orange millenials are "shit out of luck"

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I think the movie that captures best what it was like as an early Gen-X has got to be Over the Edge


That was my life to a tee growing up. Download the film from any torrent place and watch it as an adult

then watch Suburbia.. Whew memories lol

>get out of school
>dot-com collapse
>get shit together, doing pretty, pretty good! i'm gonna make it!
>financial crisis, housing collapse
>ok, i'm still young, i'm gonna make it
>back on my feet, making bucks again
>haha sucker! wife decides to cash out, adios
>parents decide to get old, need help
>corporate culture shifts, working is now a nightmare
>overcrowding, it's 90 minutes to get anywhere because of the mud invasion

yeah i'm to blame. if only i worked harder!

1968 here.

I think there is some truth to this. Successful GenX became boomer light, becoming helicopter parents and driving riding lawn mowers. The childless ones still live in the city and fall prey to idle hands.

Being GenX one does not feel like they are part of society, just surviving within it. You raise kids and not pay attention to news or whatever Twitter outrage is trending at the moment.

Last night I watched on the Roku channel a concert film of The Rolling Stones 2013 Hyde Park concert. I felt very boomerish in a sincere manner.

X'er here
What can I say, we grew up in a world still reeling from two world wars. Everyone over 30 when I was a kid was in the war, there was the decaying remnants of empire all around us and the world was a playground. Our parents generation were Beats or hippies, we rebelled but our counter culture was jewed before we even knew what jewed was.
Things moved fast, Black and white TV
The world we live in now seems like it's a millennia away from the one we were born into, only our parents generation saw more change in their lifetimes but they were too old to fully embrace the modern world.
There was no counterbalance to the propaganda we were fed, multiculturalism seemed ok, we didn't know it was going to lead to demographic replacement and the destruction of civilisation back then
Many friends lost to drugs and nihilism, few of us remain
On the upside those of us that are woke have little left to lose and are quite willing to sacrifice what's left of our lives for the greater cause of native survival and culture and we're resourceful and skilled in ways zoomers will never know
>hail victory

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You know what I find really nerving. How cock sure and faux tough millenials are.
One thing that growing up like that taught me was respect. Remembering getting in a fight with someone and ending up being life long friends ?
I think I bonded with more people in high school from fist fights than any other way lol. Some of those guys are still my friends.
I have to say though that the, how do I put this, lippyness of millenials triggers me hard. It's because they have never gotten a slap.
You know that smug look they all get. Like that Nick Fuentes creature.. Oh sets me off hard lol

they were raised by hippies and punks,

what did you expect?

>Why do so many white men born from 1965
1965 immigration act is a good start.

>Remembering getting in a fight with someone and ending up being life long friends ?
I met my best friend (still is) because we got into a fight after he insulted my girlfriend. He said she looked "like a donkey in a tight shirt"

We still laugh about that to this day

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Kinda nuts that we got the slacker title.
I mean outwardly we may have look that way but inwardly we just didn't give a fuck.
You remember that scene from V for Vendetta when after being totally tortured she just shuts down.
Right after he her the reality of what happened to her and she just becomes stone cold.
That's us

you'll never know what we had
you don't know what you got til its gone

i remember lots of fun parties in 40 room mansions
lots of fun lots of wealth
little debt
just tons of fun

to have all that and lose it
is much harder
than to never have had it

cause you simply don't know
what you are missing
if you never have it
in the first place
to lose it

we lost it
we watched it
fade away
we saw our boomer parents blow it
and succumb to fairy tales
and fictions and guilt trips
and we thought
is wrong with them
they are losing the plot
and here we are a couple decades later
and their big fancy ideas
and moves have driven the nation
into $23 trillion in debt
they are like a giant dinosaur generation
that shit all over the inside the house
and now want to blame it all on gen x their kids
and the newer kids coming up
that don't even know what was fucked up

don't know what you got
til there's only

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All the ones I know are married with kids and work. Doing quite well actually.

Did you write that ? I like it


one drug.
ecstasay. hit when gen x was 16 slso meth. lsd also csme back. no education. all the tv was dumb sports mtv prpoganda

We had baby boomer parents.

>Being GenX one does not feel like they are part of society, just surviving within it. You raise kids and not pay attention to news or whatever Twitter outrage is trending at the moment.
Gen x is the middle child of generations. Just sitting and watching the destruction.

you get it.
for a certain group of us, every time the country got the sniffles, we got pneumonia. and yet we came back, time after time, doing our best to live the boomer dream.
it's not even about slacking. how many times do you watch it all fall down, years of stress and work, before you just stop caring?

i just remember the tv. it was all abought shredding the gnar

funny. all of my uncles becamw methheads. that generation got fucked

I don't know i'm pretty successful - most of my friends are too. It's all BS - i'm not even "white" per standards on /pol - but i managed to get 2 uni degrees and raise a great family. You get more out of life when you set the right goals.

I am 20 (older Gen Z) and as Gen Z as they come culturally. I know I at least will turn things around in my own life and be successful, but it's an individual struggle. If many live out meaningful and happy lives like I will, we will shift the paradigm.

no copy pasta

also most of gen x were aborted
it was the first decade of legal abortion
suddenly there were less people in the generation, gee i wonder why?
the pill, porn, and abortion
so boomers could keep being
boomers...repeat into infinity
an endless credit card
that keeps being supplied by cheap foreign labor and cheap immigrant labor

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Gen Z has some promising traits.

Lol - 1966 here - i was watching a Peter Frampton concert last night. Felt boomerish as well.


FPBP along with .

i remember ton of gen x were influnzed by 9ld boomer hippies too. think greatfull dead. just more lazy hippies csme out. some were raised by hippie boomers

>world still reeling from two world wars
>Everyone over 30 when I was a kid was in the war
Ask me how I know you're full of shit.

>what is vietnam?

Wholeheartedly agree. Obviously bullying can be a negative thing, but I've often contemplated the dystopia that would develop if all forms of "corrective violence" were eliminated. Mouthy little kids on a game server provide a glimpse I guess.

Just excuses we comfort ourselves with.

We do. I personally am incredibly intelligent but likely have at least ADHD and perhaps some form of mood swing disorder. I think Z is off the charts in terms of their attitudes and personalities. I've been raised on such extreme internet humor, such as pol, that I don't think there's anything like me or some from my generation that's existed before.

You know what is scarier. How they programmed the shit out of millennial to the point that they have no experiences, just information gleaned from the net.
I call them generation Wikipedia. At least Zoomers are aware that it's all bullshit.Millennial treat Wikipedia like it's the unadulterated truth and refer to it over anf over. Ad in Dawkins and the Science channel and they are all experts on EVERYTHING.
Look at common core. Have you guys read what they were taught ? This is from the mid 1990s

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Yeah all those Bongs in Nam, fucking retard.

How do you know I'm full of shit then you massive retard?
66, parents boomers, knew more about the 2nd WW by the time I was 10 than most will ever know in their lifetimes
1975 I was 9 everyone over 30 was in the war, now go fuck yourself

Right, that's exactly it. You've grown up with such a rapid feed of information that I find your generation very sharp-witted but also impulsive, for better or worse. Solid memers.

We got TV and music and video games and we got told it was the best thing ever.
Then we got told drugs and music and movies were the best thing ever.
Then we were told it was our fault we have no country, no security, no history, no culture, and no right to exist.

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Oh man you were in England and got to see it all. Mod revival, Punks, New Wave,all the great rock bands. Must have been cool.
What's you favorite years ? Mine are 86 and 87. Something magic about those 2 years in the world. Europe was alight with culture and fun.
Thankfully I was in Germany from 86 until like 2 weeks after the wall fell. Was magic.

You ever seen the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror.
That episode hit me HARD in the feels.

>In 1975 everyone over 30 served in WWII
You're a larper and a fucking idiot.

>had it better than millenials and zoomers
>still are complete failures
how they managed to do that?

This. First generation raised by women brought up on feminism.

>from the mid 1990s
yeah it's too late cause they were so heavily brainwashed
one would hope they would get more red pilled
but the people involved in putting that into their heads knew exactly what they were trying to achieve with kids


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This feels about right.
Was free-range child. Which is a nice way of saying "parents really didn't want you around all that much".
There were definitely benefits - had all kinds of cool adventures and shit as a kid and teenager, but almost zero guidance from parents/adults. Which led me to get into a *pile* of shit time and again.
Have kids now - and they will not have the same experience I did - I'm involved with my children's lives, a give them the guidance I wish I had. I'm sure I'll make mistakes somewhere, but at least I'm involved in their lives, and trying to give them the headstart I never had.

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Did I say
I said
>in the war
civilians and children were in the war
Now fuck off you stupid cunt

You live in a country which literally demonizes white men, especially working class white men, with propaganda designed to make them the targets of scorn and violence.

You are then surprised when they have nothing but downward mobility because they are denied opportunity by armies of ideologically-trained HR drones while their country is being flooded with infinite blacks and browns (and no one questions the connection between these two things), and the OP posts flippant garbage using a cover picture of a beaner with tattoos on his neck.

I think the wwii guys came back with a ton of ptsd that was indiagnosed and I talked about and it caused them to fuck up boomers and that why boomers are/were such faggots and ruined everything.