Yang wants to give you 1000 dollars a month...

Yang wants to give you 1000 dollars a month. Kamala wants to give Tyrone 1000 dollars a month and Trump wants to give jews 1000 dollars a month. Is it really that hard of a choice?

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Magapedes will choose Israel, for sure.

Good thread BTW

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>wants you to leave your yellow to mellow

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>wants to take away your guns


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America first not Israel first. Yang 2020

Great thread user

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You think this white guy with crushing student loans has time to play with guns. Give me 1000 dollars a month and I'll never touch a gun.

Convert to Yangism
We must secure the uniqueness of white people by acting in our self-interest
Even if it means opposing the emperor

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Climate change is real and not a Chinese hoax. Who benefits from polluting? 70% of the carbon emissions are done by multinational corporations. That means the Jews are killing the planet.

Wtf I love mass disarmament now