How do we stop islam?

How do we stop islam?

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The reason jews are flooding Europe with military aged muslim men is to piss them off enough to be their new golem after America failed to create Greater Israel. Ship them all back to their desert shithole and let them fight it out.

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>christians : 2-3 kids
>atheists : 0-1 kid
>buddhists : 1-2 kids
>muslims : 6-8 kids

TL;DR : You don't...

It's not "survival of the fittest" but "survival of the largest genetic spreading"

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we dont. we let them come annihilate all our liberals and then push back and reclaim our nations.

Believe it or not, Atheist/Agnostic Arabs are your only hope
I try to show how retarded Islam is to others (Anonymously) but rarely get listened to.
I will help you save your civilization Norwaybro

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>implying the numbers are correct
>implying such numbers can be maintained for long

destroy the kabba in saudia arabia

funny because in a sense this is what is happening right now...

>liberal agenda bring more and more muslims to civilized countries
>people hate it
>people are more and more xenophobic
>right wing rising all around

Blacks fucking muslim women

There is no stopping Islam. Soon Europe submit to Allah.

now youre catching on... we need to accelerate the process so there are still whites to fight back. if it happens over the next few generations like the jews want we will be replaced

Probably by sucking Israel's cock

Vote in nationalist leaders

Stop supporting Jews and Christians.

having good posture won't stop the hordes of men from the east, but sure couldn't hurt

It's to late now the box has been opened
also checked

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read Even if you kill 50% of them, they will be back in 1 or 2 generations.

You won't be able to build walls tall enough to stop them when they'll be 10 billions...

Civilized world as we know it is doomed, the barbarians always win in the end

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that is survival of the fittest.
The most fit to procreate and out compete others in the current environment.
It never meant survival of the strongest, smartest or anything similar.

You don't. It's a way of life for people, it gives people reason like all the other religions. Humans will always be afraid or brain dead, you just accept it. Like the gays, they've been around long enough to prove they aren't going anywhere. Even if they are the hate for them is just, it's an idea and you can't always kill an idea or ever.

Thanks user

Sterilize them, the only reason why they're the "fastest growing religion" is because they have rabbit fertility, they're the new Catholics and all of Europe are the underbreeding protestants so to speak

There is a simpler solution. Stop subsidizing their stay here. End all welfare benefits to everyone. That will hurt all lazy bums including muslims. Without government money they will not be able to afford 6 to 8 children.

Turn off the welfare for them and beef up your self defense laws.
Also become religious again Islam is trying to fill a power vacuum

Only works when said muslims are supported financially and have access to the inside of our countries. So there's at least 2 more variables you can play with, besides birthrates.

Teaching children how to read and write is the first step. Reinforce a daily bathing habit.

Shouldn't the middle of the screen be on the same levels as you eyes?

>How do we stop islam?

You fuck muslim girls.

Gonna have 12 kids.

This right here. The story of the Golem is a metaphorical story written by them to teach their young in the arts of deception and manipulation. While remaining in the shadows, they cling on to power and then use said power to defeat their enemies.

They did it with the Roman Empire under Nero, who subesquently killed christens. They did it with Russia with communism, that subsequently killed Christians. And they are doing it with America with cultural marxism and multiculturalism as we speak. It's the modern Golem. When all aristotelian Philia is destroyed, the west will crumble.

The paper that's put in the mouth of the golem symbolises the art of influencing powerful people, i.e. putting words in their mouths.

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With honor and justice

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Atheist here easy fall for the secular-humanists ideeas, and you can see in West Europe what secularism did to human nature.

>>muslims : 6-8 kids


>How do we stop Judaism, or do you like pedos?

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>It's not "survival of the fittest" but "survival of the largest genetic spreading"
That is the same thing

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