
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
WH Public Pool/Schedule: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump Briefing on Drug Trafficking 3/13/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/UNSG Guterres 3/13/19
>EnSec Perry @CERA Energy Week 3/13/19
>ActFAAAdm Elwell on CNBC 3/13/19
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/Amb Kozak) 3/13/19
>StateDept Foreign Press Brief (Amb Kozak) 3/13/19
>ActOMBDir Vought @Senate on 2020 Budget 3/13/19
>NASAAdm Bridenstine/Other @Senate on Exploration &Comm 3/13/19
>AFSec Wilson/AFCoS Gen Goldfein @Senate on 2020 Budget 3/13/19
>NSA/CYBERCOM Chief ArmyGen Nakasone/Other @House on Ops 3/13/19
>EUCOM Comdr ArmyGen Scaparrotti/Other @House on Natl Sec Challenges 3/13/19
>Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Confirmation Hearing 3/13/19
>VP Pence @CUNA Governmental Affairs Conf 3/12/19
>SoS Pompeo @CERA Energy Week 3/12/19
>ArmySec Esper on CNBC 3/12/19
>UndArmySec McCarthy on FBN 3/12/19
>PressSec Sarah on FoxNews 3/12/19
>HHSSec Azar @House on 2020 Budget 3/12/19
>ActOMBDir Vought @House on 2020 Budget 3/12/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:




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>NO emergency!
and that faggot is going to vote to try and block anything from getting done about it, fuck this country

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Ever since the SOTU, Trump's approval rating among normies has increased, judging by fb, twitter, ig, snapchat, and reddit posts trending. Simultaneously, there has been a noticeable flood of astroturfing whose origin appears to be offsite. Why is this? I will tell you.

Never Trumpers, Are. Shitting. Bricks.

More importantly Jow Forums, the crucible of Trump's initial surge has come to be an increasingly large target for groups who are, i think, attempting to sow his downfall in the same place it began, in the hopes of memeing the beginnings of his demise similarly to his rise.

late night /ptg/, hear me NOW

BRING THE FIGHT TO THEM!! Man the photoshop, research, and writer's stations, acquire copious amounts of memeable material and create OC if possible (preferably normie-friendly; baby's first redpill-tier like pic related) and TACTICALLY target fence-sitters, boomers, and women.
are all viable targets. Cater towards the targeted crowd
>Gen Y,
>Gen X
Remember the groups within these demographics you are targeting as well; pic related is good to put forth to anime fans in Gen X and younger. Keep this specific strategy in mind.

Spread sentiments such as this across the chans and watch as 2020 becomes yet more assured than ever.

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Can't wait for the liberal tears in 2020.

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Imagine having to shill at 5 AM in a containment thread on a containment board on a containment website.

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what do you do for fun in SA?

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European Council President Donald Tusk says he would be "open to a long extension" of Article 50 "if the UK finds it necessary to rethink its Brexit strategy"

( ... and they will be absolutely strangled by EU if they do that)

alright i've left you faggots alone for too long now but it's time for you to fuck off back to red*dit.

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>ever since Trump sucked BBC, kissed women's asses, talked about how horrible the holohoax was & never once mentioned the demographic that got him elected the normies love him & we WILL become a brown nation & we WILL protect Israel with our money & our son's lives MIGA


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>more stolen memes
hearty kek

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Remember when these two boards were thrown together?

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get some new sad cats fren

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Good morning little ptg babies

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>BP using weapons
give me a fucking break...

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I hope you guys are at least getting paid, otherwise you are seriously wasting a lot of your precious time and I worry about you.

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Get drunk or stoned, go to the beach. Not much else to do here.

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All that horse dick and pussy that was some weird shit.

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> Americans cant trust CBP with a real weapon near VP

Why is the Chinese Australian so angry tonight?

>precious time
lmao where the fuck do you think we are?


Daily reminder that this is literally what Spencerpedes and TRSniggers support

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Because he knows Trump is just the beginning and Western civilization will manage to save it's self and endure.

is Yeb! going to run again?

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how many shekels do I have to throw at hiro to make this fusion happen again?

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China's February industrial production YTD Y/Y 5.3% V 5.6%, which means 17 year low.

Auto output down 5.3% in first two months.
Mobile phone manufacturing down 12.3% YOY YTD.

This cold finna boutta spread

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funny you mention TRS

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per a comment on that tweet (take it for what it's worth):

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The Bush family, like the Clinton family, is fucking dead politically.

>never once mentioned the demographic that got him elected

What about when he said "some where good people on both sides" regarding Charlottesville, and then had the balls to actually go to bat for Confederate statues, despite being a New Yorker, and to actually win the court of public opinion on the issue

>profile pic
checks out

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fun day

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By the way: You might find this useful if you're too autistic to not respond to the yangbang spammers and blatant shills. It's the image MD5 filter. I updated it before last thread. I'll update it after I catch a few more. These early morning shills are proving to be very useful. Until then, just lrn2filter yourself.

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>what about what he said before he let Kushner remove Bannon, the guy who advised him to say that?

sounds pretty normal
Do you have what's called "durban poison"? or is that shitty bush weed?

JAMES NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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From Bloomberg foreign funded companies in China and thei production.
It might mean that foreign companies are relocating out from China. Not necessarily because of tariffs but also because of competition

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If those Chink faggtos would stop playing hardball and just buy our s o y beans they wouldn't be in this mess.

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Competition caused by tariffs.

we practiced movement drills innawoods in knee deep snow with real weapon, blanks first round, live ammo second round lel

Thanks again Jared

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Yeah, how do you know about that strain? It's pretty cheap stuff, so it's mostly niggers that smoke it. Most people I know either grow the stuff indoor with a water system and lights or just buy chronic/hydro (not sure what that stuff is called over in the US).

when you least expect it

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>he thinks the Bushs or the Clintons are in any way dead politically
>he doesn't know about the dynasties they've spent decades building up and all the people they've given favors to so they can increase their influence in all sectors

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highest bidder in china = last man standing

If it's grown properly it's top tier weed & it's in a TON of popular strains as of late.

Have you heard the good word?


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Dynasties that Trump crushed under his heel.

> never-trumps and rinos coming into trump ship when america first has left it

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at least i still have muh constitution

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Bannon resigned August 4th. The Day of the Tiki occurred on August 12th, retard

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What's the worst that could happen?

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Last I checked that website was leftist as shit, maybe go hang out with them and talk about how much you love gun control, reparations, amnesty for illegals and all that other garbage shit Yang promotes.

Bannon's departure was in retrospect a signal of change for the worse.

I see. It's not grown like that here unfortunately. This is where I live.

>maremacht of Germaney
Good times

>how do you know about that strain
years of lurking drug forums and whatnot, it's fun to read about drug fueled escapism from other countries.
>chronic/hydro (not sure what that stuff is called over in the US).
depends where you are, but yes if it's high grade people call it that.
If you're in areas which produces only potent bud then everyone just calls it "weed" or "cannabis".
Do you have any psychedelics in SA?

Scared yet Drumpfies?

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HR6 would give 2.6 million (1 million more than Trump offered) illegal aliens citizenship. At this point, I can't even remember any legislation put forward by Paul Ryan...

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What Trump did was great in defeating both of them in the election. I'd agree that he crushed them as political dynasties publicly, at least for a bit until Hillary's bastard child decides to enter the political scene. But for the most part, both of those dynasties work behind the scenes. Though I'm not sure who is supposed to take up the Bush dynasty. Who is a prominent young Bush? Fuck, I just realized I don't know shit!

yeah i've had durban a few times, I think it was a strong indica, don't recall though....

His handle is still "speakerryan" lol

>Do you have any psychedelics in SA?
Yeah, there's always been access to all the drugs here, especially after Apartheid. I'm not really into that stuff, but there's a huge trance/pscyhdelic culture here. I've noticed that more and more people are doing cocaine nowadays, because you get really good stuff, that's not cut that much, for very cheap ($35 dollars a gram). MDMA is also very popular here. I'm not into that stuff though, makes me feel like absolute shit afterwards.

Any court will extend any amnesty. Courts even extend the de facto amnesties *on top of de jure* amnesties

> see the recent ruling against denial of appeal to denials by illega.s

maybe it's like a philosophical thing


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How do you say "one percent" in Chinese?


I'll give you that, he was the only one who supported his statement. I do like how you deliberately avoided the context that statement was made in & how that was two years ago & he's not once had anything nice to say about whites since then & has spent his time since then sucking up to niggers & jews.
You won't touch that because you're a kike & that stands regardless of me not remembering that he was the only one who supported his statement instead of advising it.

> Yet rather than ending this sham incentive, the Ninth Circuit drove a truck through immigration law by asserting that there is now a constitutional right for even the few who are denied initial credible fear status and are placed in deportation proceedings to appeal their denials, not just to an administrative immigration judge but to a federal Article III judge for any reason.

> In past cases, the courts merely twisted statutes and contorted their plain meaning. In this case, for the first time ever and in direct contrast to a ruling by the Third Circuit in 2016, the Ninth Circuit ruled that the immigration statute that denies the federal courts jurisdiction to hear such appeals is unconstitutional under the constitutional requirement of habeas corpus, thereby giving 7.8 billion people in the world habeas corpus access to our courts. This will allow numerous illegal aliens, including the brand-new ones entering now, to stay indefinitely while they litigate themselves into status. The ACLU, which of course led this lawsuit on behalf of a Sri Lankan migrant denied asylum, wasn’t kidding when it proclaimed, “The historical and practical importance of this ruling cannot be overstated.”

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You're talking about Chelsea? She has no chance whatsoever. Not only is she physically hideous, but she's on par with Megan McCain in terms of relevance.


>paint ball guns

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>Maximum number...
We all know that's a lie. There will be so many holes that anyone will be eligible and courts will fuck it up further.

It's a sativa, actually, all of the variations I've had tasted like licorice & anise. Such a beautiful place, such a shame its becoming planet of the apes.

Wait a second.
Is that a dude?

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Exxon Mobil Corp. plans to reduce the cost of pumping oil in the Permian to about $15 a barrel, a level only seen in the giant oil fields of the Middle East.

The scale of Exxon’s drilling means that it can spread its costs over such a big operation that the basin will become competitive with almost anywhere in the world, Staale Gjervik, president of XTO Energy, the supermajor’s shale division, said in an interview.

They took out DUI exemptions...If HR6 passes, it allows illegals convicted of DUI (!) to earn a pathway to citizenship.

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that's really interesting, man. Have you ever tried DMT?
>makes me feel like absolute shit afterwards
Do you take anti-depressants?
If so, that may be why. The medication reacts negatively when exposed to certain compounds.

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That's a lie and it won't pass, but the Finn is right. The Jewish Courts will extend TPS endlessly and all illegals currently have de facto amnesty because Blumpf doesn't bother to have them deported.

why does the USG hate its citizens?

>You're talking about Chelsea?
Yeah. You probably are right though, she wouldn't do well in public politics. She does well in laundering money through the Clinton Foundation though. Maybe you're right, the Bushs and Clintons might finally be dead as public political dynasties, and it's all thanks to Trump rekking them both in the 2016 election.
It's kinda sad in a way. I miss Yeb! memes...

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Doesn't it drain all of your serotonin over the course of the buzz or was that an old anti drug lie? It definitely drained the life out of me the day after anytime I've done it.

they like money more than they like america

Dailystormer is off the Trumptrain. Truly dark days are upon us. They do make a compelling point that jews only fear the Democrat party. Clearly Republicans will always be cucks and we can't uncuck them, so maybe a hostile co-opting of the Democrat party is in order. I'm Feelin Trump/Yang 2020......

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