Hey you yang gang folks, want to look into a future of UBI?

Hey you yang gang folks, want to look into a future of UBI?



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Other urls found in this thread:


>Roastie shits on NEETs for not wanting to be a slave cuckold to

>Roastie shits on NEETs for not wanting to be enslaved by welfare dependency


Why is this supposed to make me hate Yang?

After working for 20 years in Social Security/Centrelink it's good to see that the current generation is just as fucking hopeless as the last one.
Bludgers one and all.
Get a fucking job cunts.

43 years old, looks 65 and has four grandkids already.
To think we could have been undergoing eugenics for a hundred years at this point, this type of person could just not exist whatsoever.

could have* rather.

It's about welfare dependency.

kek the pic behind her would make a pretty decent album cover

Getting a job is what the jews want you to do so they can tax the shit out of you and keep you docile. Go innawoods, build a cabin, and live off the land. That or just live of welfare since niggers do it anyways.

australia BUILT the Nanny state
australia BUILT the Welfare state

40+ years of this shit, and now its a problem?

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It's been a problem since welfare started.
It must have been a slow news day on A Current Affair for them to trot out the Centrelink bash story again.
If you really want to know how shows like A Current Affair works, watch "Front Line". It is EXACTLY what it is like.

Australia also built the meth state.

NEETS rise up

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just hand over the bags

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Does your brain work? Welfare is completely different from this UBI. You get the UBI whether you are unemployed or not, why complain that the person who gets his $1000 a month which is barely enough for his rent and bills, when you could work part-time for a little extra cash or full-time for significantly more luxuries. If they want to live on 50cent noodles and rice then let them. You can enjoy your steak dinner every night knowing you work and get luxuries for doing so. UBI is the future for all developed countries. Ever seen a movie, book or tv depiction of a utopian society that is unhappy?

Where the fuck do you think the money will come from when every country is already drowning in debt?
Do you even understand basic economics?

>its another antiyang shill thread

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fuck you pay me kangaroo jack

This. They never complain about niggers, abos and single mothers leeching welfare but are quick to stigmatize white men when they refuse to fund those gibs.

>44% actively looking for work
without UBI those people would be living on the streets.

Yfw ACA actually brosw r9k all day and now our memes on their stories.

Also Im proud to admit Im one of those 600k.

>Do you even understand basic economics?

Well, do you Milton Friedman!?


>already drowning in debt
This is why inflation will happens regardless of UBI, with UBI white americans get a cut, without UBI same inflation but your yangbucks is now in Israel or military.

A current affair is shit. They mix up all kinds of welfare in this story and hey dont seem to know what neet means culturally. We should look after our poor not create hate against them

The yang threads are shills

Natural immune response to all the shilling discord trannies

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>oh no think of the paper (((money)))
Mother fucker they can just keep printing it.

I'm a NEET and I'm even too lazy too go in the dole lol

>my useless gubbmint make work job is a real job
We could save a lot of tax payers money by putting that guy on $1000 a month m8

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>Go to work
>Get taxed on your pay
>Get taxed when you buy something with what cash you have left
>They use that tax to give 3rd worlders free housing
>Meanwhile, the average wage slave can barely afford fucking rent on their own

what a great idea

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>we found 7 shops looking for casual work in this whole mall!
as stupid as that is already, they leave out that only 15 year old girls get hired for those positions so they can be paid less, and that each job has like 200 applications to it


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Fucking oath!
Fucking oath!

Fucking oath!
I'll fucking oath this as well!

notice they have affirmative action for women, abos, trannies and faggots, but not long term unemployed.

Keking hard at that.

Taxing kikes, mate. Isn't that hard to understand.

Imagine thinking kikes aren't hiding their money from the taxman.....

People like you who don't understand inflation are the biggest threat to western economies

Isn't hard to find. All you need is an financial transaction tax and kikes will start kvetching

It's bioleninism m8

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Enjoy paying rent, fags. You won't have enough to make this dish on your own, let alone order it at a restaurant. Get fucked.

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Aussie gun cuck posting trying to benefit who??

Jow Forums is American and I advise you make way for such people, fag.

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shut up boomet

reee i gotta go to some "random" review next week at centerlink so they can check whether i am getting paid properly

the havent contacted me in 1.5 years

im autistic but they refuse to give me disability, so im just on perpetual new-start allowance, but without any job searching obligations

>niggers, abbos and arabs dont work yet they still get tons of FREE money

Honestly, any white Australian that doesn't gets on the dole train is dumb. You can shitpost on Jow Forums while eating tendies and the wagies will pay for it.

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>(((basic economics)))

Who the duck watches TV?

>works hard
>government takes your guns
>floods australia with lebs and chinese
>get cucked every day
>can't even afford to smoke

If constant work is so great, why is everything so shit? Riddle me that, wagies!

>shut up
Is that the best you can do. I have watched entire families (including extended families) with not a single member of the family ever having a job, living in some squalid housing commission hell hole enjoy the dole and its all encompassing glory. When every single member of a family from great grand parents all the way down to brothers and sisters, cousins et al are on the dole, what chance to any of the kids have when every role model is a fucking dole bludger.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip cunt, you can't.

>without any job searching obligations
That's called being on the dole but not contributing to the unemployment figures. How do you think they keep them so low.....

That's one of the points of UBI. You get it whether you're working or not.
Existing welfare discourages working because you'll lose the welfare if you earn too much.

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Let's see. They watch a Harry Potter movie and see that smart kids go to boarding school and study books. So they head to the public library and start educating themselves. There's your fucking role model: Hermi-one Granger.

Be NEET or work 12h a day for 600€ a month?
Thats a very difficult choice to make..

>t. NEET since 1998

>Existing welfare discourages working because you'll lose the welfare if you earn too much.
>if you earn too much
In my shithole you lose it all if you make just 1€
If an old lady drops her cane and you bent over to pic it up and she gives you 1€ as a thank you, you lose your full welfare because you made money.

fuck i hate australians they're the most retarded people on the planet

Yes Austrarian boomers that is rear probrem, not me and friend Chang buy up arr your housing and aparmens, force you pay $2000 rent if you want stay in my investment to hide money from government I am stirr urtimatrey royar to

rook at economy numbers, they go up see, you shourd be gratefur!

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says the anarchist


Things that never happen part three.

At least we have the guts to not use a meme flag.
Now fuck off back to the shithole you live in.

When I was working for Centrelink/Social Security in Australia this show was on the ABC. It was a fucking scream. This is EXACTLY how we wanted to talk to the cunts but never could.

It is (((communism))) as it (((meant))) to be. It will make every equally poor and making it impossible to gain wealth,power and challenge (((their))) power in any level.

They're a symptom of a dysfunctional political system and a media which makes no effort to inform the people. Rich assholes love bringing in Chinese people with huge amounts of capital because they can shear off a portion for themselves.

Rich assholes are your problem here, time and time again.

Australian neets are pure trash dont fall for the bs anons.

There are so many opportunities in that nation. The blackpill is a ruse for being weak and pathetic applied to ausfags.

> t. Ex underground driller. 6 years underground, 3 houses.